The threshold

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"Let us begin"


As soon as those words left my mouth, I had accelerated at full speed towards Note. I couldn't feel his core, so I knew he was most likely more powerful than me. Not a reason not to try my best

I started off with a flurry of slashes to determine my opponent's strength. He blocked my attacks effortlessly, slashing back with inhuman precision. After the swift trade of slashes, I prepared numerous wind spheres that would annoy my opponent and put him off balance by regulating the currents of wind around him to my favor. This seemed to partly work because his slashes got a little slower.

Note suddenly backed off.

Cracking his knuckles, he exclaimed, "Good warmup, hope you're ready." 

Warmup? Heh, what he called a warmup was the equivalent of a very tough fight for me.

Black lightning suddenly enveloped him, and various ice spears appeared next to him. He stomped on the ground created a dome of water around us, flooding the dome with water until about 25 centimeters. Vortexes appeared all around this surface, strong enough to easily put me off balance.

Two elemental affinities, and deviant in both. What a monster.

It was checkmate. But I want to see what else he's got. 

I made a dome of wind around myself that would hopefully be powerful enough to push all the water away from my feet. Being able to walk on solid ground without water obstructing my movement is vital, even if it takes a lot of mana. Note had done something similar, only difference was that he was using water magic to do so.

I swiftly approached, using wind updrafts to keep my movements nimble while trading sword blows. I had quickly learned that I was better off dodging, because his sword swings had too much sheer power behind them.

The only reason why I was able to keep dodging was because Note wasn't even close to actually trying. He had set just the right amount of speed for me to be able to dodge.

Various thoughts raced in my head, strategies I could use to at least mildly annoy him. 

I started expending all my mana firing wind blades at his legs and into the path of his blade. This seemed to annoy him a little, but he just sped up.

"I give up. I'm all out of mana. I will gran-"

"A rank will be enough."

"Alright" I nodded

I turned to the crowd "Note - rank A adventurer"


That was a fun fight.

Just before disappearing into the passageway he had come from, Kaspian turned his head and looked me in the eye, one of the lenses on his glasses cracked. "This was informative. Thank you for the fight."
I merely nodded my head, watching him walk out of sight down the dark corridor.

"That was the last examination for today! Please go to the front desk to receive your adventurer's card. Everyone is dismissed!" the augmenter examiner shouted out as he and the other examiner both rushed after their boss.

I returned back to Jasmine, and together we left the guild hall.

a few hours later

After me and Jasmine had gotten to the camp, it was very late at night, so she went to sleep. By this point, I had grown about 150 centimeters tall, my skin still very pale, almost white and hair very slightly wheat colored. I also rarely needed sleep, only every few days for a couple hours was enough now.

TBATE: Born as a god (BEING REWRITTEN, CLICK PROFILE FOR NEW VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now