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CASE #4353
ARREST RECORD 4573935834

3:45 A.M.

Hank, I'm going to read you your rights.  You have the right to remain sil….

I know my fucken rights asshole.

You know I still gotta read th….

And you know I’m not going to say shit until you bring me a damn cheeseburger from the Chicken Shack truck
(pounds fist on table)
I’m fucken hungry! 

Hank I would love to, but we arrested Gary for health violations, and his truck was impounded.  Your android reported him.

Fuck that android!  AND FUCK YOU! I’m going home!

Hank I would love to send you home, but we have some questions that need answered.  Do you want a cigarette?

(Hanks takes cigarette and lights it)

Where did ya get that suit? The 90-percent-off rack at Savers? (chuckles and coughs).

Hank, I am Martin Adams Jr and I am with Internal Affairs.  I know you have heard of me. 


Next to me here is Wilfred Stern he is….

...The Chief of Staff and Design at Cyberlife… I am a fucken detective you know. Why is he looking at me like that.

Like what

Like the way I look at expired grated-cheese in my fridge before deciding to put it on my spaghetti. 

Hank, he’s here for the same reason I am.  We need some questions answered so we can adjust our data accordingly. How long have you known Conner?

That damn android was assigned to me two years ago during the Defiant Rebellion of 2038.  I call him “Herpes” behind his back.


Yea because as soon as you think he’s gone for good, he shows back up uninvited, and I gotta take medication just to deal with him (Chuckles and snorts)


Alcohol, Jackass 

Are you feeling okay Hank?

Just peachy

Mr. Anderson, how would you describe your relationship with Conner?

He’s an assole who thinks he knows more than I do!  Always pushing my buttons, do this… do that… sober up…. Fuck him! 

Based on your records you have shot him 27 times, and stabbed him 14 times, all in the past 2 years.

Well maybe he should have answered my questions differently. 

What happened last night? 

I don’t want to talk about it. 

Well then you’re not going home Mr. Anderson. 

Well you can go fuck yourself. 

Wilfred Stern: 
Mr. Anderson. I don’t mean to interrupt, but this was a serious incident.  If you are uncooperative then I have no choice but to charge you criminally.

We can let the courts decide if the android was deviant enough to charge you with murder, deviants do have rights now you know.  Worst case is you’ll be charged with Property Damage and lose your job.  Cooperate and you won’t get fired. 

GO TO HELL Stern.  Conner got what he deserved.  I want my attorney 

**********END OF INTERVIEW************

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