Fighting A Gargoyle

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"Oh, that hurt like a mother fucker." Stiles said after he was judo flipped by Hope onto the ground, "You know when I said, I would like some training I didn't mean getting beat senseless for no reason."

"Aren't you a Kitsune?" Hope asked,"I
thought they had fighting wired into their brains." Stiles pursed his lips remembering, "Oh, yeah." He said. But before Hope could even react, Stiles kicked out his leg causing Hope trip and fall.

Hope swung her legs around Stiles'
arm putting it in an arm lock. Stiles being more flexible than he looks, swung his own legs up over his head and wrapped them around Hope's waist and pulled her up and they rolled so Stiles was on top of Hope, with her arms pinned above her head.

"I win." Stiles gloated looking down at
Hope's face only inches from his. Hope loved the warmth of his body against
hers, and she was completely unembarrassed by it.

It had been so long since she's let anyone this close, she wouldn't even let her family hug her.

Stiles' hands went to her sides and he
lifted himself partially so he wouldn't put to much weight on her. Stiles inhaled deeply through his nose memorizing her scent.

They just stayed like that looking into each others eyes, like it was the one thing they had to do to complete there lives.

Someone cleared their throat and the two Tribrids scrambled off each other, standing up straight to see Jed holding a medicine ball in one arm with the rest of his pack behind him.

"If you both are done groping each other." Jed sneered, "Can we please play our game now." Stiles chuckled approaching Jed, "You know I'm really starting to not like you."

Stiles stood about three inches over Jed.
staring down at the smaller wolf, "Doesn't matter, I'm the Alpha and what I say goes."

"You're not my Alpha." Stiles growled,
clenching his fist as his claws started to
come out.

"Every wolf needs an Alpha." Jed said, eyes flashing yellow in warning, "And I happen to be one of the only options." Stiles smirked, "Well if I must have an Alpha." he said walking back to Hope's side, "Then Hope will be my Alpha." Hope gaped at him, completely surprised by the turn of events.

Hope grabbed Stiles by the arm painfully, and dragged him into the hall, "What the hell was that?" She asked angrily. "Me losing control of my mouth." Stiles answered,"It has been happening a lot recently.

"You know I can't be an Alpha, to someone who's already an Alpha." Hope reminded him angrily. "Yeah, but I'm a coyote not a wolf. Coyotes have co-Alpha's." Stiles informed her, "The male and female, the female usually being the dominant one though."

Hope opened her mouth to reply, but was suddenly distracted by the flaming piece of paper flying their way. Stiles caught it and read it, "Oooooh, you are in trouble. Probably because of that death spell fiasco."

"How do you know about that?" Hope
asked. "Powers of a demonic fox remember." Stiles reminded her,"I can sense dark magic
being used."

"Why do you always seem so intent on
annoying me?" Hope asked starting to
make her way to the Headmasters office.

"It's a gift." Stiles said sarcastically, as he
followed. Hope sighed annoyed as she walked through the door of Alaric's office.

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