Why I'm pro- choice

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T.W- talks of abort!on and r@pe
Let me start by introducing these terms to you incase you are a bit confused.

Pro choice means you think woman should have complete rights over their own body, hence can get an abortion if they want to. Being pro choice, you aren't opposed to abortions.

Pro life, on the other hand, Pro life means you think women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions, hence don't have the rights to decide what to do with their own body.
Being pro life, you are against abortions.

But.. At the same time you can be pro life for yourself but pro choice for others, now, what does that mean?
It means while you yourself would never choose to get an abortion for yourself, you aren't against other women getting them cause, their body, their choice.

 At the same time you can be pro life for yourself but pro choice for others, now, what does that mean?It means while you yourself would never choose to get an abortion for yourself, you aren't against other women getting them cause, their body, t...

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Now, many pro lifers use the argument that abortion is murder and even if you don't want to have the baby, you can later put them up for adoption or foster care.
Many also say that abortion should only be allowed in cases of r@pe, incest etc.

Well...let me counter those arguments right now, right here.
The clump of cells or festus within the time limit clinics (where ab0rtion is actually allowed in the first place) allow women ab0rtion, don't have feelings. They don't have emotions. They don't feel pain. They are part of the WOMAN'S body, and are striving or growing only because of THEM. If you are considering that murder, you're technically cutting so many trees every time you eat a seed from a fruit cause "they could grow to become a tree you know".

 If you are considering that murder, you're technically cutting so many trees every time you eat a seed from a fruit cause "they could grow to become a tree you know"

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As far as adoption and foster care goes....Do you realize there are already so many homeless children and kids in orphanages who are available for adoption for parents who can't have a child? Do you realize the kind of circumstances these kids have to live in? And if you care so much about these children who might go to orphanages and such, are you actually doing anything to make their life better? You say you care so much about the lives of the children, but apart from saying no to women's choice for their own body are you doing anything to save those kids dying from hunger? Those kids who are dying from abuse in their foster homes? Those kids who are neglected and left to fend off on their own?

• According to data from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), 51 States2 reported a total of 1,809 fatalities. 3 Based on these data, a nationally estimated 1,840 children died from abuse or neglect in FFY 2019, a slight increase from the FFY 2018 number of 1,780.
• In one study, children in foster care were almost four times more likely to have considered suicide and almost four times more likely to have attempted suicide than those who had never been in foster care.

Now, for those saying, abortions should only be allowed in cases of incest, r@pe etc are stating that a woman only gets to choose what she does with her body if her right has been violated first. Her right to choose what she wants for her body must be violated in order for her to actually have that choice. If her body wasn't violated, she will not be given the choice to choose, hence again, snatching that right away from her.
See how that's self contradicting in so many ways?

I'd like you guys to think about it. That festus is a PART of that woman, and you can force her to have a child without knowing the circumstances of why she might want the abortion. Maybe she's not financially stable, maybe it could be a health hazard for both of them, maybe she's just not ready to have the responsibility of a child yet, maybe she doesn't want a reminder of her r@pist inside her, maybe she could die in the process of giving birth, maybe she could have family issues. There are so many reasons she might want an abortion, and circumstances that you might not consider.
Banning abortions, or being against them won't do anything but stop the SAFE abortions. People will just turn to dangerous methods.
So what's the point?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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