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My name is Sorcha. Well, not really. My name isn't really Sorcha. So that is great, I'm starting my story with a lie.

Let's try again. My name isn't Sorcha, but it is as good a name as any, so that's what I'll go by for now.

I am a special agent working for a secret organisation. How cool is that, right? And because of that my true identity has to stay a secret. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Okay, that last part isn't true either. I wouldn't kill you, but some serious-looking lawyers in very expensive suits would show up on your doorstep and you would be forced to sign an NDA that would make Marvel's lawyers jealous. Oh, and it would be written in Enochian and a few other languages most of us can't begin to comprehend. And I'd be called into the office and be in a lot of trouble. Again.

So for now, let's agree that my name is Sorcha, and I'm a special agent working for a top-secret ancient organisation.

My life has been turned upside down, I have seen things and done things I never even could have dreamt of. I know that eventually my story will be told, that there will be books, movies, video games or a TV show. And just like most stories, it won't be accurate because most people don't know the truth. The real truth, my truth.

So I am writing my story down now, to set the record straight. To tell what really happened.

This document might never see the light of day, but this is my story. My name is Sorcha, I am a secret agent and one of the most powerful magic users on Midgard.

Oh, yes, and I'm married to the Norse god of Mischief. I probably should have led with that.

Sorcha's Secret World, Part one.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora