Chapter - 9

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Waking up i walked towards kiseo's room to get ready for school but when i did nanny was already doing that.

I smiled at her and went towards my sweet daughter

"You are looking beautiful love!" I kissed her cheeks

"Thank you mumma!" Kiseo kissed me back

"Are you ready for school?" I asked gentle

"Yes i am! But mumma i forgot to tell you something! Yesterday when we were at park in playtime a man was having a panick attack...i went towards him and hugged him suprisingly he became alright.. he was so handsome.. mumma he was this tall and had a beautiful face..i think you should meet him.." kiseo said so curiously.

"Wow.. I'm so proud of you but why should I meet him?" I was curious why she wants me to meet him

"Thats how people fall in love...they meet they talk they understand and they fell in love and Marry live happily.." kiseo said

"Omg! Who taught you this?" I  asked

"Mom!"  Kiseo replied

"I'm gonna kill her!!" I yelled how can she taught her like this!!

"No Mumma! I was watching a movie and a boy was proposing to a girl so i asked mom and she explained it!" Kiseo replied.

"But it doesn't applies to me baby.. i can't fall in love with anyone else..i still love your appa! And we don't know that uncle is married or single maybe he has a girlfriend so don't talk about it again!" I Said and left I don't want her ask me anymore questions.


Mumma is lying! Yesterday when i went to washroom i heard mom and Mumma's talks... What mom said is true.. mumma deserves to loved again...and that ajusshii is just what I imagined my father...i want him and my mumma to be together... I'll make it happen.. and I'll befriend him

Hehehe mumma I'll make you meet him.


It's been a while since i last saw him...


When i was telling staff about the design.

"Hello Ms paddu.... Wanna have a coffee together?" He winked at me

"No i don't like coffee thank you!" I Said and left

Next day

"Ms paddu see i have milked tea wanna drink together?" He said showing his boxy smile

"I'm not thirsty go away!" I Said

Another day.

"Ms paddu i brought a cake! This is the best cake in this City..i waited in a line for two hours to get for you!" He Said showing the box he brought... He really look adorable when he smiles like that.

"Why you bother me so much? Do anything useful for god's sake! Stop bothering me if you do I'll quit!" I yelled

"I just want a answer! Let me be straight! I love you!" He Said

"What the nonsense are you spouting!!" I yelled at him

"That's true! I can't pretend to be a fool i love you..i don't want to lose you!! Seeing you sad and quite makes me depressed..i want to keep you happy and safe..will you be my girlfriend?" He said in serious tone

"How did you thought I'll accept someone's proposal who tries to run away from taking responsibilities of his father and jokes around? I don't want to see you Don't bother!" I yelled and left

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