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Miyoung: Hello. I just came to Copenhagen today. It's night time! I'll be here tonight, perform tomorrow and leave the next day so I don't know if I can film much but I'll do my absolute best

(Vlog mode on!)

Miyoung: When I arrived, there was a Christmas market in front of the hotel all shining and everything. But as soon as it turned 7pm, they all closed and it turned dark. Apparently everything closes quite early here

(Wish I could look around)
(Thinking hard)

Miyoung: I'll try filming if somewhere is open after the concert tomorrow. If not... Maybe I should do Copenhagen together with Berlin. This is my Pajama Hyeyi unnie. She said she couldn't walk pass this out of guilt. So she bought it for me saying she couldn't just walk pass it but I'm wearing it as my PJ because it's so big

(Thank you Jihye)

Miyoung: It's cute, right? I wanted to show off my cute toe nails too

(Suddenly showing her toe nails)
(Aren't they so cute?)

Miyoung: Cute, right? They're so cute but it's not summer so there aren't that many days where I can reveal these. Kitty point! It's raining on one side and Kitty has a huge love heart on this side. Is this too much of my feet?

(Suddenly worried)

Miyoung: Anyway, bye!
Miyoung: There's this in front of our hotel. Huh? This wasn't a drawing?

(So pretty, I thought it was a painting)
(Christmas market I couldn't go yesterday)

Miyoung: I really want to go there but I soon have to go for the concert so I'll take a slight peek from here. I'll now go for the concert. Bye!

(On the way to the venue)

Miyoung: Wow, so nice. I'm on my way to the concert venue. I just started my day today

(How poetic)

Miyoung: But Copenhagen is already saying bye to its day. I just finished by Copenhagen concert and I'm in the car going back to my hotel


Miyoung: I'm so hungry so I'm going to eat this lasagna

(Tomorrow's schedule)

Miyoung: I'm going to eat with mom and dad tomorrow and hopefully I can enjoy Copenhagen a bit more. I hope I can find  somewhere nice to look around. I had so much fun today too CRYSTALs. Wow, I can see so many stars

(But it doesn't show on camera)
(I want to show you guys!)

Miyoung: Can you guys not see it...? That big star over there is mine!

(My star. So upsetting)

Miyoung: Can't believe I can't show you this

(Arrived at the hotel)

Miyoung: It looks like a MV. I'm here underneath my hotel where they sell Christmas products. I'm surprised they're still open! It's 12AM at night. I was actually collecting snow balls. I honestly have like 40 snow balls at home

Hayoon: Have you seen this?

Miyoung: So cute. What is it?

Hayoon: It's like a fanfare! It's like a surprise thing but there's a doll kitten inside

Miyoung: Oh my god

Hayoon: I chose a puppy one

Miyoung: Oh, you like pop it?

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