Author's Note

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©2022 Lorraine Tramain. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic methods, without the author's prior written permission.

This book can only be found on Wattpad and AO3 until further notice.

Rated Mature - this book deals with several heavy themes, and is therefore only advised for mature audiences. Please see the list for further info. If you are not comfortable with any of the below mentioned, do not continue.

Violence and gore - there will be several fights scenes throughout the book, where people will get seriously wounded, and possibly even die.
Psychological torture, imprisonment, and manipulation - if an opponent cannot be brought down physically, expect trickery and lies to ensue.
Medical afflictions and/or procedures - there will be several scenes that include medical jargon, as the story deals with issues such as illness, accidents, births, miscarriages, etc. The main characters involved in these scenes have medical training.
Physical and emotional trauma, self-harm - I do not go easy on my characters. They will experience things like the loss of a loved-one, moral crossroads, jealousy, desire for revenge, reliving and facing actions from the past, etc. There are a few instances where self-harm is discussed, and an attempt will be made, but the character is halted before anything major happens.
Explicit sexual content - though not until much later in the story, there will be some sex scenes. Actions and feelings are described in detail. Note that all characters in these scenes are consenting adults. There will be a chapter where there is a fine line between consent/non-consent, but I will add an additional warning to further explain the scene.

To help those who aren't familiar with the MCU yet still wish to read, I recommend watching the following three five-minute-summaries of Captain America; The First Avenger, Captain America; Civil War and Black Widow. Events and characters from these three movies will be mentioned throughout this book, so the brief videos will help you know who is who and what happened right before the start of the story.
If you don't want to watch, that's fine, too. I'll happily answer questions, but may refer to the videos in this author's note.


I have a very mild form of autism, and I need to have everything in a certain order or placement. This being said, I will not accept any comments on the spacing between paragraphs. There is no spacing in actual books/novels, so stop commenting on this or using it as an excuse not to read a story. This should not matter in the first place. You read a story because you want to learn the tale and get immersed in the author's world, not because of spacing.

Keep this in mind. Please be respectful, and thank you for understanding.

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