Chapter One-Newbie

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N/A Just wanted to say, before you read this, that I got this idea from another fanfic, and I had few things I wanted to add. But you guys should all go check her's out. It's called, "Who is He Really?" by PJoHoOFan

Also, I dedicate chapters to my favorite comment on the previous chapter, so comment!

Annabeth's POV

"Ready for that history test today, Piper?" I asked.

Piper groaned in response, slamming her locker closed as the bell rang.

I smiled, "Come on, don't tell me that after all of my pestering, you still didn't study."

Piper laughed sheepishly, "Nope. I suppose I could've used like, ten bajillion more reminders."

I bit my lip smugly as we entered our world history class, "Maybe I wouldn't send so many if you would actually study once in a while!"

"Hey! Annabeth, Piper, come over here for a sec." It was our friend Rachel with her normal frizzy red hair and perky attitude.

"What's up, Rachel?" Piper asked upon walking over.

"Luke wanted me to tell you that we're all hanging out after school today, at my place."

I quirked a brow, "He invited us over to your house?"

Rachel shrugged, "You know how he is about us meeting his parents."

Just then the bell rang, and we all took our seats. I sat next to Rachel and Piper near the back of the room. The teacher, Mr. Jordan got up and began passing out the tests.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a boy with unkempt black hair hurried into the room. I stared at him, feeling Piper and Rachel sniggering next to me.

"You're late, Mr. Jackson," Mr. Jordan said, pausing from his task, "That's really not the best way to start off the year."

The class was trying to hold back their laughter. I just shook my head, he was just another one of those rebellious kids that would do anything to tick off the teacher.

"Sorry," the boy muttered before sliding into an empty desk and hunching up his shoulders.

I stared at him some more. He didn't seem to like the attention, I'll give him that, but he didn't seem to care for what the teacher was saying either.

"You may begin."

I jumped, noticing the test paper in front me. I cursed under my breath and grabbed my pencil, furiously reading through the first question.

During lunch, I sat at a table with my friends Luke, and Silena, who were both seniors. Luke was complaining about his brothers who were constantly swiping his stuff. Silena and I were smirking, because we knew that Luke missed them when they went off to that camp.

Just as Piper, Frank, Rachel, and Clarisse were sitting down, I saw him again. The new kid. He didn't get in line, he didn't sit at a table, he just walked past us and out the back doors of the cafeteria.

I shared glances with Piper and Rachel.

"Now where does he think he's going?" Piper asked.

Selena turned to look, "I noticed that kid this morning. He ran past Mrs. Goochman's room after the bell rang. The teacher went out and told him to go to class. All he said was, 'that's where I'm going!' before he turned the corner. I didn't think much of it though."

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