Chapter 1

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"Why the heck are you following me?" Haru asked

"I'm not following you, we just happened to be going in the same direction," Daisuke said, nonchalantly

"Yeah, right," Haru scoffed. *All I literally want to do is get away from you and somehow, you don't get it do you, airhead!*

"You seem angry, what seems to be the problem, Haru?" Daisuke smirked

"One, I told you to call me Kato, not Haru. Two, yeah, I'm a little pissed, and I think you know why," Haru said, not once looking Daisuke's way as he pushed the button for the elevator.

During the mission they had that day, Daisuke ended up bribing the culprit who was armed robbing a big store, and then let him go after a short interrogation session that Haru was not allowed to attend, even though HE was the one who apprehended the guy. Just the thought of Daisuke's face as he was ushering him away from the interrogation room, pissed off Haru even more.

Haru audibly huffed and kept his eyes focused on the elevator door, trying not to let Daisuke's attitude get to him.

The elevator door didn't waste any time opening and the two adults walked in.

"I'm sorry, Haru, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Daisuke teased

"Shut up, idiot, and, again, stop calling me Haru!" Haru shouted, still not turning back towards his comrade.

"Oh, come on, Haru. At least look at me," Daisuke said, softly grabbing Haru's chin with one hand and turning Haru's face towards his.

"Hmph!" Haru pouted and turned away, yanking his face away from Daisuke and crossing his arms. They both stood on either side of the elevator, waiting for the 'ding' that would tell them they were on their floor. The elevator was silent except for the sound of wires squealing. At one point, though, the elevator completely stopped between floors.

"Huh, that's weird?" Haru said, tilting his head like a puppy, making Daisuke smile.

For two more minutes, the elevator didn't move or make a sound, causing Haru to start worrying.

"Why is this taking so freaking long?" Haru asked no one in particular.

"Have you not learned the skill of patience yet, Haru?" Daisuke questioned, a mischievous look in his eyes

"Shut it, rich brat. It shouldn't be taking so long to go down two floors!" Haru said, starting to get worried.

"It'll be fine, Haru, the elevator is probably just broken or something," Daisuke shrugged

"JUST BROKEN! Yeah, so we JUST might be stuck in here until we starve to death! Or until the oxygen in this space runs out and we die from inhaling too much carbon dioxide" Haru shouted as he started pacing back and forth in the confines of the 6 by 6-foot space.

"Are you claustrophobic by any chance?" Daisuke questioned, genuinely curious.

"No, I'm not, I just don't want to be stuck with you in a small space for a long period of time!" He said as he started panting. "I don't have my phone on me, I left it in the office. Don't you have HEUSC? Can't we use him to get out of here?" Haru's voice started going up octaves. Daisuke touched his left earlobe, where HEUSC was supposed to be and checked his pockets for his phone. And when he couldn't find either one, he awkwardly smiled and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Ugh! What is this? It's like I'm getting completely screwed over today! Hah, the universe just really doesn't want me to be happy, does it?" Haru said. He went and sat in one of the corners of the elevator, pulling his knees up to his face, still panting.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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