Chapter 4 - Cruelty of hope

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Brooklyn, July 5th, 1945

"You're doing so good, sweetheart. Just keep panting like I taught you; pant, pant, pant. Let your body take over from here."

Evelyn positioned herself better between young Marion Jones' legs. Even though it was the nineteen-year-old's first baby, labor was surprisingly quick. Her waters broke at 2 am, and it was still well before noon. Marion's husband Robbie brought her to the maternity clinic in all haste and kept on pacing outside in the waiting room, smoking one cigarette after the other to keep his nerves under control.

"Baby's head is out, Marion. All we need is a final push."

"No, no, I can't! I can't be a mother yet!"

"You're already a mother, Marion. You've been one for the past nine months. This is just the next step."

"Evelyn... I-I'm scared."

Evelyn reached up and put her hand on Marion's belly. If she could have taken the girl's hand in her own, she would have, but Marion was holding on to the side of the bed so tightly that her knuckles were white.

"I know you're scared," said Evelyn soothingly. "Every mother is - even those who already have half a baseball team at home. But I promise, you can do this, Marion. Your body and mind have been preparing you for this moment. And I swear, the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you'll forget your pain and fear. You'll only feel love. Now come on, one last big push. Just one more."

Marion grunted and screamed and pushed, and finally, her baby was born into the world. Evelyn put it gently on the bed and clipped the chord so she could cut it. She frowned in concern when the baby stayed perfectly silent. She signaled Rebecca to take her place on the chair to take care of the afterbirth so that she could focus entirely on the baby.
Evelyn wrapped the baby up in the towels Rebecca gave her before and carried it to the nearby examination table. She rubbed the tiny body carefully but fervently to get the circulation going. She flicked the baby's foot a few times, but still, there was no reaction.

Dammit, no!

Her hand went for the mucus extractor. She put one end into the baby's mouth and the other between her own lips. She sucked, feeling a bit of resistance at first. Eventually, a thick fluid landed in the container attached to the two tubes. Evelyn hastily put the device away again and rolled the baby on its side.

"Come on, sweetie." She rubbed the little one's back. "Your mommy and daddy have been waiting for you. Don't let them down now."

Her finger flicked the baby's foot again, and then... A piercing cry. It was the most beautiful sound Evelyn could have heard at that moment. She sighed in relief and nodded to Rebecca over her shoulder, who beamed at her. Evelyn picked the baby up, all snug and warm, and carried it back to its mother. Marion, absolutely exhausted, turned her head and smiled weakly. She reached for her baby.

"You have a perfect little boy, Marion," said Evelyn.

"A boy? Oh, thank you, God. Robbie wanted a boy. He'll be so happy."

"A baby isn't something we can control, sweetheart. It'll come out the way it was made."

"I know. I just meant we were really hoping for a boy. And... we were gonna ask you something. Evelyn. Would... Would you mind if we..."

"Euhm, Evelyn? Can you come here for a sec, please?"

Evelyn looked down at Rebecca. She didn't like the way the teenager was looking up at her. She went to stand behind her young assistant and immediately saw the problem. Marion was bleeding - a lot.

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