Landon's Mom

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Hope and Stiles were putting their clothes in bags as they prepared for their trip to help the mop head known as Landon Kirby.

"Who's Landon?" Malia asked her mates while she held Evelyn in her arms. "Some annoying human who doesn't know how to stay out of trouble." Stiles told her.

"Reminds me of someone I used to know." Hope remarked as she glanced at Stiles, the Stilinski boy only shook his head while smiling at the Mikaelson.

"Are you sure I shouldn't go with?" Malia asked. It had been months that she hadn't seen Stiles and now that they were reunited she wanted him to spend time with both her and Evelyn.

Stiles looked at her with a soft expression, "I promise we'll spend as much as time as we can when I get back. But right now, I need to make sure this kid hasn't unleashed any more monsters out into the world."

Malia turned to Hope, "Take care of him." Hope nodded just as she finished packing her things. "Ready?" Hope asked Stiles.

"Ready." Stiles replied as he walked towards Malia and Evelyn kissing them both on the cheek before leaving the room with Hope.

"You okay?" Stiles asked Hope as the two walked down the steps of the school. He had noticed that her attitude and body language changed when she met Malia.

"I've just never been in a three-way relationship before." She admitted.

Stiles raised a brow at the confession before realizing what she meant, "Look, I know that the situation is weird but who knows maybe this is for the best."

Hope then gave him a look, "Are you saying that to make me feel better or because if I accept you'll have two hot girlfriends?" She asked him.

Stiles then smiled at her, "Guilty as charged." Hope shook her head at him as the two left the school meeting Alaric at his SUV. They piled in with Hope in the front seat with Stiles in the back.

At first it was silent, then Alaric tried putting on some music but the only thing that would come on was fifties jazz, which was quickly turned off by Hope.

"So, what trouble do you think Landon got into?" Stiles asked, wanting to escape the uncomfortable silence, "Probably has something to do with another monster, but he also could have just pressed the button because he's lonely."

"The bracelet was meant for emergencies." Alaric said,"Life threatening emergencies."

"Yes, and loneliness is the best way to kill a social life." Stiles said while shrugging, "And let me just say, that I really don't like Landon. Like if he started bleeding while struggling to stay afloat in a shark tank, I'd throw fish chum in the water."

"That's graphic." Hope said.

"Mmhmm." Stiles agreed.

"Why don't you guys like him?" Alaric asked.

"He slut shamed me multiple times after he found out Stiles and I were sleeping together. Only sleeping." Hope added the last part quickly when she saw Alaric's face pale and his mouth open to say something.

"And when I read his mind I saw he wanted power." Stiles said, "So, I did an experiment and offered Landon the bite, and immediately his first thought was taking Raf's place as Alpha. And trying to steal Hope."

"Oh." Was all Alaric could say.

Another few hours of silence, and they finally crossed the border into Indiana.

"Indiana." Alaric said in a singing voice, "The crossroads of America." He said looking at Hope and Stiles, "What's the capital?"

"We learned that in like eighth grade," Hope said. "Fifth grade for me." Stiles pointed out, "We had a song about it too."

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