A Living Nightmare

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Hope looked down at her plate of breakfast, a small smile seemed to become permanent on her lips.

Her mind kept going to the memories of last night. How Stiles laid both of them on his bed, not caring if they were both drenched from the water of the shower.

The whole night it felt like his lips never left her skin. "Holy shit!" Lizzie suddenly shouted out when she walked into the kitchen. "What?" Hope said, confused.

"Are you smiling?" Lizzie asked "Yeah, so?" Hope said nervously. "Flushed cheeks, crazy bed head, constant smile." Lizzie said, listing off what Hope looked like, "Holy crap! You had SEX!" She shouted.

"If you could not shout it out to the world that'd be great." Hope said, through gritted teeth. "It was Stiles wasn't it. OMG, you had sex with my brother." Lizzie realized with disgust. "Shut up!" Hope said,"It's not any of your business!"

"How long did it even last?" Lizzie asked.

Hope opened her mouth then closed it, the truth was that they may have actually done it the whole night, but they were cut off.

The baby monitor went off, Eve's small cry's could be heard coming from the small speaker. At first they ignored it, and they continued to kiss. Then Stiles rolled off of Hope to grab the monitor and turn it off.

"Sorry," Stiles said as he pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt, "I'm on crying duty tonight."

"It's fine." Hope sincerely said. "I'll go with you." Hope said standing up with him and she shrugged on one of Stiles' flannel shirts, and a pair of his boxers.

Both of them quietly crept through the halls making their way to Evelyn's room. The sounds of Eve's shrill cries came from the closed door at the end of the hall.

Both of them stepped into the small room where they could see Evelyn squirming underneath a pink blanket.

Stiles laughed as he tugged the blanket down so he could see Eve's brown eyes.

When Stiles' face came into view she immediately stopped crying, and he lifted her into his arms giving her a kiss on her head.Then Evelyn did something unexpected, she reached toward Hope.

Both of them stared at the baby in shock.

"Do you... Do you want to hold her?" Stiles asked Hope. Hope had never held Eve before, she played an occasional game of peek-a-boo and tickled her all the time but she had never held her before.

"O-Okay." Hope stuttered as she positioned her arms in a similar way Stiles did.

Very gently Stiles placed Eve in Hope's arms. And immediately the baby started cooing and patting Hope's face to get her attention.

Both Tribrids laughed, Hope started to rock Evelyn back and forth and soon her cooing turned into soft breathing, as the baby's eyes shut and she fell back asleep.

Hope gave the baby a small kiss on the head and handed her off to Stiles, who then placed her back in her crib.

They waited a few moments to make sure she was really asleep then they slowly crept out the door closing the door as quietly as possible.

They walked hand in hand back through the halls, but they both stopped when they heard whimpers coming from the younger students bunk room.

Concerned they stepped into the room to see Pedro squirming around holding an alligator stuffy.

Stiles crouched and placed a hand on the small boy's shoulder and he jerked awake.

"Hey, hey," Stiles whispered, holding his hands up,"It's okay. It was just a dream."

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