Chapter 3 -Zaru pov-

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    Tonight I visit the ring to get an idea of the layout, I planned on getting more intel but instead I see her. My Mate! My Mate is in the center of this arena! She is massive black wolf and towers over the charging rogues.
    Her build is muscular and her fur littered with faded scars. I watch her crimson eyes swirl black as she locks in on the first rogue. This pack of rogues have my Mate fighting! I feel the fury building. I watch transfixed as she mercilessly slaughters the rogue, like she was being fed a meal.
   I bring my hand up to my mouth, trying to keep from puking. A surge of emotions rush through, none of them compatible to eachother. This is sick. Rogues truly are disgusting, heartless wolves.
   I feel her eyes on me suddenly, I stare deeply into the dark crimson irises. I can see the conflict dancing in her gaze. I recognize my Mate instantly but she doesn't recognize me. No, her gaze carries nothing but anger.
   I watch, restraining myself, as another filthy rogue charges and bites my Mate. I dig my claws into my arms, wanting to rush in now. Unable to keep containing my self I flee.
   I leave the building and shift, I hit the tree line and dart for the council meeting. My little brother, Zet and his pack from southern territory arrived a few minutes ago. My father, Marcus keeping the allaince updated as I make my way to his castle.
    "Brother Zaru, you are here finally!" My brother greets me first, bringing me in for a hug. "Come, Father is waiting in great hall with Alphas, William, Nate, and Tula of neighboring lands."
    Zet is definitely excited for his first raid on the rogues. "With all our forces combined, we are at 300 warriors."
    "Good news for us, the count tonight was around 200 rogues, not counting the fighters in cages." I push open the doors to the grand hall.
   All the alphas kneeling before our dad, "King Alpha." I step forward and kneel with Zet next to me.
  "What news do you bring Prince Alpha Zaru?"
   "It is as the report states King Alpha. There were 200 rogues attending and around 30 more in cages." I look up, "Father, my Mate is there.."
    "Truly?!" He stands abruptly, "Is she well?" He looks at me with pure concern.
   "She is the rumored Beast of the Pit." I begin to shake with fury, "They fight her Dad."
    Father shakes his head, "It is our territory that boarders the rogue lands and we have been unable todo anything all this time." He lifts his head and looks at the 5 Alpha Generals kneeling before him, "We shall put an end to this hive. No more will our brethren be hunted by these rogues!"
    I listen to the others cheer, my mood is anything but happy though. She is still there right now.. Goddess only knows what she is enduring.
I feel King Marcus gaze fall upon me, "Rise Zaru, speak what's is on your mind?"
    "Majority of the rogues will be there tomorrow night. With my infiltration tonight complete, I feel tomorrow we should launch the ambush." I look over at the other alphas, "As the rogues caught an alpha of a Southern pack, we should strike when my Mate enters the ring during his match."
    "Why wait?" Father's firm tone laced with his authority.
    "King Alpha, it will be the best time. The rogues will be completely distracted then..." I have to grit my teeth, "They all watch her blindly entertained."
    "So be it. It has taken along time to get this allaince formed. We must succeed no matter what. Dismissed, go join tonight's revelry." King Alpha Marcus stands and turns, leaving for his private chambers.
    I stand and walk out to the courtyard, leaving the others to mingle. I can hear the feast the warriors are having, pushing it from my thoughts. Instead I think back to my Mate.
    The fericousness in her eyes was beautiful and terrifying. The way her ears twitch, the black fur flowing with her motion like silk. I can't get the sight of her biting into that rogue's kneck out of my mind though.
    I rub my own nape instinctually, how many have died at the fangs of my Mate. How much violence has she known? I feel a sharp pain in my heart the more I think about it.
   Taking that pain, I turn it into rage. I will slaughter all the rogues there and save her. I will save my Mate, I'll be her hero. I grit my teeth and sit beneath the moon, tonight I fuel my determination. I let my thoughts run rampant, my emotions to swirl.
    My Mate, what joy! For years I've traveled hoping to find her. To find her now in all places however.... Thinking back to some of the bedtime stories my mom would read makes me laugh a bit.
    Her words echoing, "A Prince must save his Princess before they live happily ever after." I'm not sure I'm saving a Princess like she imagined though.
    I don't why I sat here for so long lost in thoughts but before I realize it Zet is walking up to me cautiously.
    "Alpha Zaru?"
    "Am I really that unapproachable right now?" I laugh darkly, ready for tonight.
    "Well you definitely been building yourself up for the fight..." He steps to my side nervously, "You been in this position since the meeting ended.."
    "I'm sorry Brother." I stand and place my hand on his shoulder.
    "Let's go save your Mate together then." He smiles up at me and together we shift.
    We mask our sent using dead animals and the fur stripped off some rogues near by. With our scent fully hidden we brace ourselves and move into the rogue den killing, everyone along the way to the arena.
    It is not long before only the rogues at the pit are left alive. I can hear the cheers suddenly erupt, knowing my Mate will be entering the ring soon. I already gave the orders, my brother can handle the rest.
    I slip into the stadium, standing as close to the edge of the chained in pit. There I see her, she stands with locked jaws with ex Alpha Cain. Even if he wasn't injured, I'm sure my Mate would've still won.
   I stare in awe as I watch her take the lead and thrash Cain. My brother gives the signal and the ambush explodes. I am still frozen though, watching as she tosses Cain aside like a ragdoll.
His body giving out and her bloodlust spikes rapidly. The look in her eyes darkening, she is going in for the kill!
   I shift and leap into the ring blindly. Landing in front of my beautiful, fericous Mate. Determined to free her of this life, I stand unwavering. She lunges forward and snaps at me. Her fangs sinking deep into my shoulder.
    I respond reflexively and bite down on her. Yanking her off me and tossing her across the pit. Planting my feet, readying to push her back again. I can't have the others approach her, not in this state.
    She locks her eyes on me again and charges me intently. Suddenly a child comes rushing in between me and my attacking Mate. Panicked, I dart forward going to knock the child out of the way.
    To my shock I hear the most elegant but horrifying voice boom over everything. I couldn't focus on what she said, all I can focus on is how powerful she is.
    Before I realize it she is in front of me, defensively pulling the child closer to her body. "*I bet my mates fur is... Oh, I wanna curl into her tail....*" 
    Snapping back to reality I watch intrigued as she slowly backs away, her eyes never leaving mine. Soon she is out of sight and I turn my attention back to the remaining rogues.
   Joining in the fight, I lose track of how long we spent fighting the in the grand stands. With the majority of our forces outside, there were no survivors by the end.
    "Alpha Prince, what about the wolves in cages?" My Brother's Beta comes to speak with me.
   "Save the ones you can.." I groan knowing the majority of the captives can't be saved. "What of the children?" I ask hopeful.
    "Many can be saved Alpha Prince, a few are in extreme condition though. The sooner they see pack doctors the better."
    "Understood. This operation is successful." I smile pleased as I hear the cheers of the warriors, glad we didn't suffer any casualties.
    "Alpha Prince, what of the Rogue Kille.... your Mate?" The Beta nodes his head towards where she went.
    I sigh deeply, knowing that I need to handle this carefully. If the rogues would rather face us then even try and escape through her path says alot.
   My Mate is feared and known far, no creature dares step into her territory. No, the Pit belonged to her alone.

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