Chapter 1 -3rd person-

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"Go and remove the holding chain!" Alpha barked out harshly at the entourage beside him.
The group of rogues with him though wanted to wait for the errand mutt to return with the cell pup. None of them wanted to even come in this room let alone go near the Alpha's pet.
All their eyes flicker to the wolf behind the bars, she may not be looking at them but their instincts tell them to run. Only one set didn't carry fear.
No, the Pit Alpha looked at her with greed and pride. He is all too pleased that everyone else fears his beloved pet. The she-wolf remains motionless and silent in her cage.
She only laughs internally, taking some pleasure in the fear many have when stepping into her territory.
Doesn't matter how many restrictions they add, there is no guarantee that they will survive getting close. For the creature locked in the cell, killing is a natural instinct. A way of life so ingrained that no chain can truly contain her primal responses anymore.
She is leashed to the far side wall of the cell, barely visible in the dim shadows. Even behind the thick blessed sliver bars can't dilute her suffocating power. Her bloodlust is not even hindered with a sliver muzzle nor leg cuffs.
No other werewolf has survived this much contact with silver, not even the Alphas the Hunters capture. Ordinary rogues succumb to an agonizing death as their blood slowly turns to poison. The Alphas just go mad with insanity, driven beyond the void.
"I said move it!" He grabs the nearest rogue and shoves him forward.
A maniacal grin ripples over his expression as the rogue finally enters her cell. The Pit Alpha stares proudly at his pet, a perfect killing machine her instincts like none other. Meticulously trained and well experienced, he named her Ryo. For she is the source of his success and the ultimate beast.
The pitiful rogue turned his back for a mere split second to make sure the door didn't close behind him. Her massive front paws lunge from the darkness instantly tearing into his leg. His howls piercing the musty air as her claws sink deeper into his thigh.
Dragging him slowly further in to the dark recesses of the cell. The other rogues watch on, sick amusement lacing their expressions as their fellow comrade thrashed about.
His guttural cries soon fill with gurgles but it's barely audible against her feral snarls. The one who claims to be her Master has no idea about what his pet truly is and at times he fears her too. All he knows for certain is that no part of her humanity remains, no emotions aside from primal ones.
He personally beat and bled her the moment she appeared. What the Alpha Rogue has raised is nothing but a beast found in the woods over 20 years ago.
She stands 6 feet at her shoulders, each one of her paws the size of two hands together. Her massive mouth could fit a whole arm if one dared to reach in.
Thick black fur, dark as a starless night and crimson red eyes burning like wildfire. Everything about her sends chills to the core if anyone dares to stare long enough. The sounds of twisting bones ring out as the beast rips the corspe apart with nothing but claws.
Blood splatters out from the bars, covering the floor in fowl smelling liquid. The Alpha Rogue laughs, wishing she didn't have her muzzle on. It would've been much more entertaining if she used her fangs.
He has to wait for her ridge line to drop before he tries to appaoch her. It is a rare sign that her fighting instinct is lower. The Pit Master had to learn the best way to control her. Using the moment to instill that he is stronger then her.
Since a she was a pup the Alpha had to dominate and force her into submission on a daily but inturn Ryo became extremely unpredictable.
Her instincts insanely dominate now. He watches as she kicks away the remains, her fur slowly relaxing downwards at last. The kill quieting her .
"It is time Ryo." He steps sideways, looking her over.
The caged wolf tilts her head towards him, slowly prowling closer as he speaks. Blood still dripping from her claws. The Alpha Rogue raised his head higher as he looks towards her. His lips curling up as he extends his fangs, reminding her that he is the Master.
She showed no signs of backing down yet so the Pit Alpha snarls and steps forward, challenging her. She finally looks away pointedly and steps back. It's her nature to fight and he knows it but it's also in her nature to live.
He raises his hand suddenly and smiles smugly as she flinches a bit. He personally made sure to keep fear in Ryo, little does she know how strong she is.
"Put on a good show for me, my pet." Alpha smiles and another rogue walks into the room with a small shakey child.
The she-wolf watches closely as he shoves the young one into the cell, "Go unhook the chain from it's collar!"
The little wolf squealed and stepped forward, urine already running down her leg. All eyes were on the black wolf as small steady hands reach up. But the she-wolf has no interest in children, and definitely not this one.
No, the child is terrified of the rogues watching more. Everyone knows slaughtering young ones isn't something black beast bothers with. They are too weak for Ryo to acknowledge as a threat.
The she-wolf lays perfectly still waiting for this pup to hurry up. She growls lowly to speed it along. The heavy chain hit the floor hard, and the she-wolf stands up shaking out her fur.
Stepping forward not even acknowledging the small creature standing firm as she passes by. The Beast walks steadily out of door and straight through the gate located next to her cell. It leads into the second stall attached to the fighting pit.
This holding cage is the exact size to her body, once Ryo is in, the door drops in behind her. Completely locking her in place, allowing a poor soul to release her muzzle.
The grand stands are overly full tonight, wolves howling loudly excited for the slaughter to come. All of energy for tonight's fight is amping up Ryo even more.
Her eyes burning bright and saliva begins to drip from her muzzle.
"Where is the handler?" A random voice shouted out over the crowd.
"No idea." Another responded. The crowd all hushed instantly, none wanting to be picked to appoarch the monster.
Ryo held in all her excitement and kept her eyes forward. She even slightly lowers herself down, hoping to appear more appoarchable. She wants to get into her territory quickly, the waiting is driving her mad.
A smell of a new rogue who came tonight drifted into her nostrils, breathing in deeply she can already tell that he is a stupid wolf.
"I'll go do it then.. You all acting pathetic over some mutt." He stands tall and appoarches arrogantly, merely feet away.
The Alpha Rogue looks on impatiently from his spot, laughing sickly as he stares down at the unfolding scene. Watching the fire fully consume Ryo's red irises, her thrist for blood taking root.
Everyone is holding in their piss, fully aware that he is just as terrified as they are. Many people have removed her restraints and even more died. Only the pups have any luck of getting away unscathed most the time.
The rogue came to a stop aside the cage, hesitantly grabbing the removal gear from the hanging peg. He watches closely as her eyes remain forward, like she doesn't even notice him.
Chuckling nervously he reaches in and pushes the latch, the shackles fall heavy from her 4 massive legs. He jumps back at the sound, expecting the massive beast to respond as well.
When her ears didn't even so much as twitch, he steps forward again. This time reaching for the collar clip to remove the silver muzzle.
He cringes lightly as he feels the clip give way finally. When the black wolf remains still, he grins proudly.
The rogue looks around smugly when nothing happened, like he won a victorious battle. A big mistake, turning his back. The moment the she felt the muzzle lossen more, she whips her head over and snaps down on the arm he didn't pull out quick enough.
He looks down in horror seeing half his arm missing, a resounding thud echos as she drops it from her massive jaw. Her now pitch black eyes daring him to come closer. A wave of laughs erupt as the man scrambles away, taking a hard lesson.
The door to the pit lifts up finally and black wolf steps in. Fresh blood stains the sandy ground of the ring. Remnants from the early matches still etched deeply in the arena. Here though, in the shifted matches, she reigns undefeated.
The ring is her's alone, Ryo is the hidden source of wealth for the rogues of this territory. She was found on the edge of the lands, a pathetic rogue brought her here and the Alpha saw something in the mysterious pup.
Since then she has never known a day without fighting. Her sense of pain dulled and only fear of the Alpha keeps her mildly compliant. Today though something was off and she didn't have time to focus on what.
Four feral rogues were tossed in from the other entrance, their humanity also stripped but their instincts dull. Stravings and beatings are enough for most regular wolves to go insane, let alone rogues forced to live without the warmth of a pack.
The chime of the bronze gong rings out, signaling the start of the slaughter. Ryo doesn't even allow the hum to end before she lets out a vicious snarl.
Running full speed at the rogues now, forcing them out of their trance. They jolt forward, one out pacing the others and gains a few feet.
He is the first to reach her and quickly wishes he wasnt. She didn't hesitate to face him and by the time he realizes his mistake it's too late. It is always too late. She tucks her head low and turns her body slightly.
Ramming her shoulder into his chest, his own momentum becoming his downfall. Her massive size only adding to the damage as his body folds around her's awkwardly. He howls in pain as his bones snap from the soild contact.
Leaving no chance for the rogue to recover, Ryo whips her head back and snaps down on his exposed neck. Her sharp fangs easily breaking skin.
The bite force kills him instantly, and she slings his limp corpse at two smaller appaoching rogues. The force of the impact slams into red rogue and knocks him into the black one. They are sent flying to the left side of the arena.
Both the rogues are trapped beneath the dead weight so Ryo turns her attention to the remaining loose rogue. Her eyes locking on the target, her feral snarls echoing over the crowd.
They began to howl in excitement as she prepares for the next attack. The black beast moves with such lightning speed and vicious accuracy, that the rogue stood no chance. He was left lying dead on the floor in a matter of seconds.
She pauses and slowly turns, her gaze locking onto the last targets. The smallest rogue still struggling beneath the first dead one. Though the other runt is making a run for an escape.
Ryo darts forward and catches the fleeing rogue, she naps his kneck and tosses the body aside. She looks over at the last rogue, he finally managed to free himself. Ryo laughs with satisfaction that once free, the rogue charges straight towards her blindly.
"So much anger now." The she-wolf laughs darkly, "Your rage makes you predictable.. Stop struggling, let your rage carry you into death."
Her words barely audible but she definitely heard someone laugh. She shakes her head trying to refocus but in that split second the rogue gets a bite in.
The crowd erupts even greater, jeers and cheers all blending together as her blood gushes. She doesn't feel anything as the rogue clamps down harder, shaking his head trying to take a piece of her flesh from her shoulder.
Light pressure and a bit of a sting, her muscular body providing some protection from bites. The thickness of her fur adding yet another layer of resistance.
Her body has adapted over the years to the feeling of pain and she has become more tolerant. Enduring it until it was nothing more then minor pressures and slight aches.
Twisting her head round, having enough of the rogue, she snaps her jaws into his shoulder. The rogue releasing his own bite as he howls out in pain, her fangs crunching against his bones.
Swinging her head back, she launches the rogue across the arena with ease. The crowd going wild knowing the kill is next. She circles closer to him, his flesh and blood dripping from her mouth. Helpless, he watches as she lunges for him.
Defenseless as she rips him apart. Making sure to prolong his worthless life, ensuring he feels all of it till the last of his breathe leaves his lungs.
She looks to the Alpha once satisfied, he sits in the crowd seemingly annoyed with the fight. Ryo knows he wants more blood and suspense. This is her life, her sister wolf couldn't escape it and neither can she.
With the first round done, she steps back to the center of the arena. Waiting silently, with her vision focused straight ahead at the challenger entrance.
She never bothers to look at the weaklings hiding in the stands. Those who come to watch her fight yet never step foot into her territory.
She flicks her tail out, impatience growing as she feels the need glance at the mutts. The urge to look at the crowd tonight is frustrating her.
Ryo grows angry at such a weak distraction, something desperately pulling at her insides. Something is out of place in the stands.
Not understanding why she feels like this, she forces her eyes closed and breathes in to calm herself.
"*Weak*" That thought spiking her desire to kill.
Abruptly a new smell catches her attention, very alluring. As soon as she snaps her eyes open to look for the source, she finds herself automatically staring into a striking pair of ice blue eyes at the far back wall in the grand stands.
The entire arena faded from her vison instantly, her eyes locked in on the dark figure, hidden in a black cloak. She couldn't tell for sure but he had an overwhelming presence of strength and it excited her. She feels the need to get closer, to sink her fangs into him.
Her body becoming hotter the longer she stares and it most certainly is not due to the adrenaline of fighting. Ryo's confusion growing ever more, she shakes her head trying to regain her senses.
"*Such weakness!*" She thinks, rage filling her to the top.
Focusing back on the fight, she notices a rogue biting her flank once reality returns. She growls loudly at the thought of him managing to slip into the pit without her noticing. Let alone biting her!
No one gets near her without her knowing and this rogue did because of that hooded stranger. Because he distracted her, weakened her.
She starts to breath heavier, annoyed that she let her self get distracted in the middle of the fight. Determined to vex all her frustration on this unfortunate rogue.
Ryo snaps her jaw at the black rogue and is furious when he doesn't even flinch. Instead, he narrowed his own yellow eyes, and pushed his fangs in deeper.
Her muzzle opened wide, the rogue doesn't even a get a chance to blink before his throat is already caught.
She bites down exceptionally hard, severing his head as she jerks him upwards. His body still standing as she drops his head and it rolls back. Knocking into the corpse, it slumps over and the crowd's cheers boom loudly.
Casting a glance backwards breifly, she looks for the stranger but he is already gone. A twinge of something new ripples over her seeing he isn't there. Not sure why she even bothered, she shakes out her fur and steps back towards her prep cage.
With no other challengers tonight, she returns to her cell and waits in silence as the girl attaches the collar. Ryo leaning down to make it easier to clip the chain on.
Only the chain is used after a good fight, the Master orders it so, like a reward for when he is pleased with the show. The better she fights, the better the rewards. Thus is the daily cycle in the rogue lands best fighting arena.

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