Chapter 4 -3rd person-

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Zaru jumps into the ring, crashing in from above. Landing in front of a shocked Ryo. Alpha Zaru's royal white wolf just a smidgen smaller then hers. He can't help but continue to admire his mate even in this state.
His ice blue eyes is the first thing she notices, the striking white of his fur next. The source of her distraction the past few days is now standing in front of her.
The chaos of the fighting outside the pit fades from her mind. Howls and snarls, pain and blood. The atmosphere perfect, fueling her innate desire to fight. To get stronger, to win.
Confusion builds as strange feelings get stronger the longer she stares at the male. Pushing her over the edge, she lunges at the white wolf, just wanting to to stop the frustration that's growing.
He braces for impact as her fangs sink deeply into his shoulder. Without hesitation he whips his head around and sinks his own fangs into her nape, and rips her off of him.
Tossing her sideways with a shocking amount of force. Ryo lands hard and shakes it off like nothing, she stares at him before flattening her ears and then lurches forward. Mouth agape as she charges at the male full speed.
Suddenly to the shock of both her and him, a little girl comes running from nowhere. Stopping out in front of the white wolf. Her arms fully stretched out, the child stands firm even as Ryo snaps and continues her charge.
The male wolf darts forward heading for the little girl, his motion triggering a strength Ryo didn't notice she had.
"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Ryo let's a thunderous roar out and pounces over the girl, instantly clearing the distance.
Landing defensively behind the child, creating a barrier between the white wolf.. Pulling the young one close to her body using her tail.
Staring deadly at the blue eyes infront of her. Her desire to fight instantly quelled, as the urge to protect the girl overpowers the need to fight.
She backs up slowly, the child moving with Ryo without hesitation. Together they back out of the pit, Ryo never taking her eyes off the white wolf. Ready to attack if he dares to take one step forward.
Once into the preparation cell, Ryo turns and picks the child up by the scruff of the shirt and walks towards her cell room. The doors all open, and dead rogues lay about the floors outside.
Ryo goes into the corner of her cell and sets the pup down, ignoring the carnage going on outside her room, she looks at the small girl with anger.
"Stupid! I have decided you are stupid! You are too young to be in my fights!" Ryo rages snapping her jaw at empty air, foam collecting along her lips.
Ryo begins to pace the cell anxiously, there is so much going on right now and she doesn't know what todo. The sounds, the smell of intruders, the urge to go and join..
The girl comes up and runs her fingers through Ryo's black fur, freezing the wolf mid thought. This is the first time anyone aside from the Master touched her. But this pup's touch didn't bring discomfort.
"Stay here.. Just this once... Let the wolves fight amongst themselves. They all are worthless anyway."
Ryo walks to her corner and growls lowly as she lays down. The little girl goes over and lays a mere few feet away from Ryo. Noticing the child shivering, the she-wolf slides her tail out and wraps it around the small frame. A rare moment of tenderness from the Beast.
Ryo listens carefully as the the fighting sounds die down after many hours. Still cradling the only thing she actually likes a bit. Soon all that she can hear is muffled shouts of excitement and the soft snores coming up from her tail.
When the sound of appoarching foot steps are heard, Ryo stands up readying for what may come. She can feel the odd tingles growing, telling her the blue eyes is coming.. She shakes the intrusive weakness away.
Determined to protect this young one at least, not really even understanding why she feels the urge too. She stands over the child, hiding her sleeping body under her belly fur. An instinct pushing her to defend in this moment, all that matters is her standing firm.
A group of strange smelling wolves appoarch her cell and some in human forms. She growls warningly as they get closer to the bars. Her overwhelming presence, sending shivers through the new comers. Many eyes stare in slience but the blue ones stand out.
It's him, even in human form she knows it's him. He stands tall with dark hair that sits messy around his face. Ryo gazes transfixed for a moment, his appearance too appealing.
Ryo growls more fearsome realizing she is drawn to this male, the little body stirs under her now. Ryo glances down briefly but it was still noticed by the on lookers.
"There is a child in there!" One of the men shout.
"Quick we need to get them out before the beast kills them!" Another adds in hastily.
Ryo flick's out her tail, fur rising along her back. "*No one will touch her*," the she-wolf thinks. Growling darkly, challenging them to try.
"Don't do anything yet." The blue eyes orders.
Watching how the others respond tell Ryo that he is their Alpha, their Master.
"We should just kill the Rogue Beast. There is no helping her." A new voice chimes in.
Ryo growls louder and raises her heckles, exposing large fangs. Ryo turns towards the cell door as the Alpha opens it and slowly appaoches.
Ryo stomps the ground and readies herself. She can't move though and expose the girl. As long as the pup stays under Ryo, she can keep the invaders from comin close.
"Listen, I am here to help you." The Alpha raises his hands up, displaying nothing but caution.
"Lies." Ryo snarls, snapping the air but remains firmly planted.
The Alpha looks around then back at the she-wolf as she stands ready, her eyes daring him to get closer.
"*Compassion is just a ruse. Something sought by the weak. They use it to plead from their weaken knees. The strong stand tall with compassion beneath their claws. Heavy does the fang sink, for mercy is death.*"
Ryo remembers the words her Master spoke and snaps at male in front of her again. Her jaw clamping down inches away from him.
"Ryo," the young pup crawls out from under her, "you can't hurt these wolves."
She stands in front of Ryo, raising her hands to embrace the wolf's neck. "Please Ryo.." the girl hugs the Beast for the first time.
Ryo picks up on the sudden intake of breathes as the pup gently lets go and steps away. Ryo glances into the silver eyes of this weak pup before her and growls lowly.
Then whipping her head to look at the blue eye man with detest in her tone, "Touch her and I WILL kill you."
Ryo rolls her eyes and backs up, going to lay in the corner. She curls up and lays with her back facing them.
Grumbling to herself, "Fine if she wants to deal with them she can."
"It's not her fault. Ryo just doesn't like anyone period." Ryo listens to the small pup as she speaks to the new comers.
"What is your name little one?" Ryo's ears twitch as he crouches, his knees scraping against loose gravel.
"I don't have a name, Alpha." The girl looks over at the she-wolf, "Ryo has a name. The Master gives names to worthy ones and I've forgotten my birth one."
Ryo growls low, irate with all this fuss so close to her space. Her ridge line slowly rising as she flicks her tail knocking it into the girl's leg.
"She wants us to leave." The child speaks urgently, turning to walk out of the cell.
"How can you tell?" The Alpha asked looking over his Mate, not noticing the slight changes that are happening.
Ryo's growl darkens and the child hurriedly grabs the hand of the male, yanking him forcefully towards the door.
Ryo snaps her head up, her glare carrying a deadly warning. "We will stay in the room." He states completely calm under her powerful gaze.
Ryo doesnt respond to him, but she does keep her eyes on the girl as they walk through the open gate.
"We need to close this too." The young one states bluntly.
The Alpha nods his head unsure but the other men were quick to lock up the cell. Secretly hoping they never have to open it again. Their Alpha may not realize it but the Beast's presence is suffocating them.
"Why does it need to be locked?" He addresses the girl wanting to learn more about his Mate.
"Ryo has an unpredictable nature... She normally has to be chained, muzzled plus leg restrictions, and even then she could still kill you for no known reason." Little girl shrugs like it is no big deal, after all it is what she is use to.
"Even we are normally chained too, not like Ryo but still." The child turns to look at Ryo's curled form, sighing as she went and sat down with her back facing the bars.
"That is disgusting." The Alpha's disposition darkens quickly as he growls the words.
Ryo never moves but her attention is solely focused on him now. The sudden spike in his aggression puts Ryo on edge, she readies for a fight. The Alpha's quick display was enough to light the Rogue Killer's instincts.
The Alpha simply wishing to comfort the child, stretches out a hand to touch the girl and Ryo lunges into the bars without hesitation.
Snapping her jaw at the blue eyes intently, had the bars not been there she would've taken his head. Everyone jumps back in shock except Zaru and the child. Ryo steps back and slams the side of her body into the bars again.
The smell of the Beast's fur burning as it presses hard against the bars cause the people in the room to cringe. The smell stings their noses. The girl remains sitting completely unbothered by Ryo's display.
She looks up at the Alpha's still out stretched hand, "You probably shouldn't touch me."
"Why does she protect you?" Zaru asks intrigued.
"She wasn't protecting me Alpha." The child brings her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around herself.
"But how you can say that when she just..." His eyes trail over the massive black wolf.
"Ryo was responding to your aggression and the fact she /ordered/ you not to touch me.." The girl doesn't look up and keeps holding herself tightly.
Ryo paces back and fourth now, from one end of the cell to the other. Saliva dripping from her exposed fangs, her eyes swirling red and black. Everyone is on edge feeling Ryo's desire to fight.
The girl lets go of herself and stands. Taking a deep breath she lifts her tattered shirt, revealing a nasty scar of a bite spanning across her abdomen. Turning to show that it wraps around her back as well.
"This happened the 5th time I snuck into see her....." The girl shivers and hurriedly sits back down.
Ryo sighs remembering that night and lays back down deflated. She rest her back nearly up against the bars behind the little girl. Ryo can't help it when her instincts kick in, part of her actually enjoys the fighting.
"She did that to you? And you still trust her?" Zaru's tone carrying skepticism.
"She didn't kill me. It was my fault.. She warned me but I didn't listen." The young girl looks up finally, her fingers fidgeting.
"You know she has killed then." The Alpha asserts.
"Yes, many wolves, humans, shifters..."
"Yes I heard the rumors.." the Alpha growls, his rage building the more he hears.
"What is gonna happen to us now?" The child looks over her shoulder at Ryo.
"You and the rest of the children will be adopted out neighbo-."
"What about Ryo?" The girl looks up, flicker of red rising in her eyes.
Ryo's ears perked up as well waiting to hear the answer.
"We should kil-" another man goes to speak finally.
"NO!" The little girl stands up, a look of determination filling her eyes, blazing like flames.
"Listen pup, she is a MONSTER!" The new speaker eyes Ryo with fear.
Ryo's sudden laughter echos in the room darkly. A new frightening air taking root, chilling the bones of everyone including the Alpha this time.
She stands at full height instantly, her burning eyes look down at the men. Unable to hold her tongue this time, she speaks with a seething attitude.
"Me? The monster?" She spits through the bars. "Just because you are weak doesn't mean I am a monster."
"So you really can speak even in this form." Zaru smiles and looks at his Mate with a glint in his eyes not fitting the moment.
Ryo rolls her eyes at him, his giddiness unnerving and she walks away slightly perplexed. Uninterested in the strangers again, annoyed that the blue eyes keeps effecting her.
"I've decided you both will come with me back my lands." The blue eye Alpha states.
"My name is Alpha Zaru, eldest son of King Alpha Marcus, I lead the Blue Moon Pack."
"I know who you are. The Master talked of the white wolves once. I over heard a bit while doing chores." She shrugs still sitting.
"You need a name. Is there one you lik-"
"Kana." everyone looks over to Ryo surprised, even Ryo is taken aback.
"I like it Ryo. My name is Kana." Kana smiles brightly for the first time in a long time.
"Sir how are we gonna move the
/rogue/?" A another man asks nervously.
As if reading his mind Kana speaks up, "She doesn't shift. It's said she was found as a wolf when still a child."
"She never has shifted to human? Not even once?" Zaru asked, completely blown away. He thought he heard it all but this is beyond even his understanding.
"Not that I ever heard of Alpha." Kana thinks deeply, "Maybe the Master-"
An aggressive growl vibrated the walls this time, bloodlust spiking, Ryo voicing her thoughts. Clearly telling them to drop the topic, her ridge starting to rise again.
"We should go now." Kana states watching as Ryo begins to snap.
They walk out of the cell room and head outside quickly. "Kana how old are you?"
"I am 9, Alpha."
"Really?" Zaru looks stunned, she is so small. "Do you know how old Ryo is?"
"My best guess is mid 20s." The little girl shrugs as the pack warriors come to greet the alpha.
"Alpha Prince, congratulations!"
"We did!"
"All the rogues are dead and some captured."
"Where is my younger bother?" Zaru states looking around the group of excited people.
"He left already to report back to the King, Alpha Zaru."
"Alright then. We need a loading truck here." He orders openly.
"You are seriously not gonna ki..."
Their words trail off as they look down at the little child holding her arms crossed, standing next to pissed off Zaru..
"Yes the she-wolf is coming with us and so she, this is Kana. A friend to my... Ryo." He wanted to say Mate but it's too soon to announce it so publicly.
He doesn't even know if Ryo is capable of being a mate, let alone joining a pack as a Luna. This is gonna be a challenge but Zaru is determined to have his mate.

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