Chapter 5 -Zaru pov-

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We make it back to my pack lands, my Beta already having the prison cleared out. Taking the advice of Kana, we set up my Mate in the largest cell we have.
The prison isn't ment for comfort and it feels wrong to lock her in there. But for the safety of my pack it must be done, my mate is just too animalistic be trusted right now.
Thankfully it's still the dead of night and we are able to sneak Ryo in without raising awareness. I tried to have one of my warriors escort her in, but she killed him without hesitation as he got closer. Kana tried to tell me not to do it, but I wasn't paying attention.
Grateful that at least he was an unmated omega. Kana pointed out her ridge line, stating that if it's risen Ryo is in an aggressive mood and will not hesitate to snap at anyone who even moves wrong.
Reluctantly I have the 9 year old child walk my leashed mate into another cell. I stand trying to hide my essence as Kana releases the chain and walks out the cell. Closing the door, locking Ryo in.
"Kana." The sound my my Mate's voice is angelic and laced with power.
"Yes Ryo?"
"Why are we here? Where is the Master?" I grit my teeth, the way she calls that rogue master lights a fire in my soul.
"He is dead Ryo. The Alpha here killed him."
"So we have a new Master? When does the fighting start?" The slight eagerness in her tone breaks me, does she want to fight?
"There is an Alpha yes but this is different then the arena Ryo, it's a real Pac-"
"No, all packs are the same child." Ryo snaps angerly. "The weak die, the strong live. You're weak, so don't stray far.."
I can hear Ryo flick out her tail as she walks. My heart breaking for my Mate yet again. The hate and pain is prominent as she speaks, truly she doesn't trust anyone.
"Then why didn't you kill me that night?" Kana asks honestly, "I am weak right?"
"I dont know." I listen as Ryo snarls at her friend, frustration evidently growing.
"Yes, you do Ryo." Kana's tone holds nothing but tenderness.
"I said I don't!" Ryo snaps and the sound of her body slamming into the bars ring out.
I don't have to see them to know they definitely bent outwards under her force. Our prison cells aren't made for wolves of her power.
"Leave now." Ryo growls warningly.
"Good night Ryo."
She gruffs at Kana but doesn't say anything else. I wait for the girl as she walks around the corner to leave the prison.
"What can you tell me about Ryo?" I ask guiding Kana towards the pack house.
"I don't know much Alpha. I was there for 5 years before I even was able to move around freely...." She fumbles her fingers, she also must have had experienced terrible things too.
"Come eat and tell me what you do know of my Mate." I place a hand on her shoulder, a loud warning growl echos up from behind us.
Unbothered, I laugh and start walking with little Kana up the narrow path. The pack house lights shining uptop the hill ahead.
"So she was caught as a child just like you?" I ask curiously.
"No, I was taken from my pack when rogues attacked. They hunt and kidnap strong fighters."
"Do you remember anything about your pack?" I ask hopeful.
"No Alpha..." I watch a tremble flick across her body, "We ...lived in the shadows mostly...A large mountain blocks the sun."
"Was Ryo made fight your pack?"
"The Hunters killed my mother but my father was made to fight..." My heart twists watching the painful memories warp her little face.
Tears trail down her cheeks as I can see the conflict flicker across her eyes but she is quick to rub the tears away, changing the subject back to my Mate.
"Rumor is that the Master beat Ryo so severely that her human side perished very early." Kana looks up, "I can feel my wolf, sleeping deep inside.." She takes a deep breathe, "I can't imagine the pain if I lost her."
My rage feels like it's gonna explode as I listen to the story of Kana, to the past of Ryo, my poor abused mate.
"It is also rumored that she was forced to fight as early as the age of 1 in another territory arena." Kana speaks up pulling me from my thoughts.
Shock planting on my expression, "There are multiple rogue fighting pits?? And MY MATE was essentially born into bloodshed before she could even speak!?"
"Many arenas Alpha, sir... The one we were at is the best from what Watchers would say." Kana takes a deep breath, clearly wanting to finish this conversation quickly.
"We have never known kindness Alpha. Nor does Ryo understand emotions well." Kana shuffles nervously in her chair.
"What else can you share?" I'm trying to force myself to keep calm.. Kana is just a child after all.. This conversation is taking a toll on us both.
"I lived breifly in a happy pack like yours here. A Dad to protect me and a Mom to love me. A Sister to play with.. Ryo had nothing from the very beginning."
"Is that why you tried to be friends? Didn't she scare you?" I hesitated but continue, "She even killed your Pack members."
"It's not her fault Alpha Zaru." Kana lifted her gaze, her assertiveness showing once more. "She is lonely. I can see it in her eyes. She is alone and scared just like I was." Kana stands from the chair and walks right up to me, "Ryo isn't a monster, Alpha."
I fight to hold back my laughter at this 9 year old little girl. She stands with the utmost seriousness, with crossed arms and a tapping foot. Yet she is the complete opposite of intimidating, especially in the rags she is wearing.
"Well you aren't alone anymore, I have a family that would like to adopt you. Give you a home and be apart of my pack." I turn and walk to the front door, my pack members already there waiting.
"And Ryo?" She reaffirms herself, "You said she was your Mate. I know what that means." Kana looks at me all to knowingly.
"Yes Ryo will stay here too..." I have no idea what todo though. My Mate is proving to be extremely complicated.
"Then I would like to stay too." Kana's smile is so warm, her presence instantly softening.
"You better be nice to Ryo. Go slow and listen." The sudden nervousness in Kana pulls my attention back.
"Any other tips?" I chuckle as the couple I picked walk in the door silently.
"New things excite her but she waits till she's alone to investigate. Ryo definitely has a strong curious side but it's seen as a weakness so she struggles.." Kana chuckles remembering when she left a pile of leaves and sticks for the Beast.
"What else?" I encourage, walking the couple to sit in the living room, joining Kana.
"If she tells you to leave and you don't..."
"She snaps and lashes out unexpectedly.." I seen that first hand. I know how unpredictable my Mate truly is already.
"Yes, and Alpha.. don't...let her out..."
Kana says nervously walking over to greet the couple.
"Why Kana?" I regret asking instantly.
"She will kill everyone. She isn't a monster but all she knows is blood and fangs. She wouldn't even be able to handle this." Kana motions to the house, the people moving around in the back rooms.
"I think I understand." I say taking it all in.
Kana turns her back to me and walks up excitedly to meet her new family.
"Kana this is Hunter, his mate Lilly and their son, Jeremy. He is the same age as you." I intrudce them and then leave to let them get to know each other.
Nearly three weeks have passed since Ryo arrived and she still hasn't spoken since nor has eaten anything. Just growls and snapping of her jaw for the first few days or so.
I eventually had to pull the guards stationed there away as she kept trying to attack them at the slightest movement. Her agitation growing and becoming increasingly present as the days rolled into weeks.
Today her ridge lowers slightly and she twitches her ears, finally taking in my voice. I keep talking hoping she listens to me as I try to convince her to at least eat.
With no response I get frustrated, "It's been like 17 days already. You haven't eaten, drank or even growled!"
I throw my hands up, still sitting on the chair facing her cell. Her back ever facing me, only the slight twitch of ears and the occasional tail flick, shows that she is alive.
Growing ever more frustrated at the unmoving wolf, I storm out of the cells slamming the door behind me. Her laughs faintly echoing out the window of her cell. Clearly pleased with the torture she is putting me through.
I am slowly losing my mind cause of my stubborn ass mate. She won't even look at me! Not once since she bit me in the ring.
"*Hunter!*" I shout through the mindlink
"*Yes Alpha?*" The submissive voice responds instantly.
"*Bring Kana to the main house.*"
"*Right away Alpha.*"
I sprint back to the pack house and wait. Hunter and his new daughter walk in shortly after me. His face holding a look of fear mixed with anxiety.

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