Chapter 6 -3rd person-

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   "Are you really gonna have her go there Alpha?" Hunter doesn't wanna challenge Zaru but he wants to protect his daughter.
  "Don't be nervous, Ryo is a good at heart. I'm not scared of her." The girl comforts her fearful dad.
  "*Kana has adjusted nicely at least,*" Zaru thinks as he looks her over. Proud that the children rescued all have settled into a pack life. Over 15 pups under the age of 10. It's still sickening when Zaru thinks about it.
  Shaking the thoughts, he looks back at Kana. She is loved by many members already, her soft nature making her one of the most popular kids at school. Yet she has a fierce attitude at times too, she will be one hell of a wolf one day.
   Her body clean and healthy now, Kana has a beautiful glow and wears a bright pink sundress that flows down to her knees. Her curly brown hair has grown in beautiful.
   It curls around her rosey cheeks, adding to the charm of her silver eyes. Her adorablness can weaken anyone especially when she dazzles them with that dimpled smile.
   "She isn't eating is she?" Kana asks with certainty.
   "Indeed she hasn't eaten or even growled recently." Zaru rubs his temple in frustration. "And the last time she even moved was when trying to attack the maid that was leaving a tray of food and a bowl of water."
  "She is use to fighting every day Alpha. She is used to beatings, not feedings." Kana sighs heavy, worry filling her little face.
  "She really doesn't know how to respond to any of it does she..." Alpha Zaru states, finally understanding what Kana ment, "Fangs and blood."
  "She doesn't eat food like us either. She was only ever fed raw meat to keep her blood hungry in fights. Sometimes I could sneak a treat but it was rarely."
  "What treats have you snuck her? I can start with those." He asks eagerly, excited to try something to get his Mate to open up.
  "Slices of bread, whole eggs a few times..." Kana pauses thinking harder, "An orange but that didn't go well... Raw bacon once. Ryo was so excited for it, she actually ate it in front of me.. but then again Master was starving her for days cause she snapped at him.."
   "*How many times was his Mate starved growing up? How many times did that man beat her down..*" Zaru balls his fist, his fury at that false alpha burning hot even knowing he is dead isn't enough.
  "Why children!" Zaru slams his fist into the wall, leaving a massive hole behind.
  Kana not even flinching at the Alpha's sudden outburst as she answers him in a solemn tone, "Weak."
  That one word carrying everything buried in her ownself. Hunter and Zaru both watch as Kana hugs herself tightly, silent tears starting to fall.
  She may be nearly 10 but in this moment she looks like a scared toddler. Hunter starts to reach for his child when with out any warning Ryo burst through the front doors. Growls booming like thunder in their ears.
  Her ears folded back, saliva dripping, fur all on edge, she rushes forward and snarls at men. They retreat backwards reflexively towards the kitchen. Had she wanted to attack them she would've already.
  Ryo stalks the men with her crimson eyes as she walks over to Kana. She lowers her head to the child but doesn't look away from Zaru.
    "Ryo, you aren't supposed to be here." Kana steps towards her steadily reaching out.
   Ryo growls nudging the girl harder with her head, Kana squirms as Ryo pins her against the wall now. With no choice Kana climbs up onto the massive head, sliding down Ryo's kneck. The she-wolf satisfied with Kana's position, turns and walks out of the pack house like nothing happened.
   Zaru and Hunter run to the door frantically but sigh in relief to see them heading towards the prison. Part of Zaru grateful and another part of him dies in agony. That she chooses to return to a cell and not even attempt to run. Freedom not even a concept to her anymore, it is just as foreign as kindness.
   Ryo walks into another open cell, it's smaller then the first one but she busted the bars out on the old one. Part of her cringes thinking of what the punishment will be for that. It's not like when she growls or snaps.
   "*No, I escaped and barged into the Alpha's territory.*" Shaking the thoughts from her head she looks down. Little Kana gracefully sliding off her massive body.
  "I'm ok Ryo. You shouldn't have done that." She scolds the wolf gently.
   "Your heart beat spiked erratically and I felt that Alpha's rage surge. I thought you were in danger." Ryo shrugs and paces a bit before settling down in the left side corner.
  "You been listening to me all this time?" Kana asks nervously.
   "Better then the sounds of all those other weaklings." Ryo growls and flicks up her tail as she lays down fully.
   The floor hard and uncomfortable, slightly regretting breaking her old cell.
  "Still Ryo you shou-" Kana steps forward alittle more boldly.
  "Well then next time I'll let them kill you and then I will slaughter all of them!" Ryo snarls snapping her jaw angerly. Annoyed the Kana still argues.
   "You can't do that here!" Kana shouts at Ryo for the first time, surprising them both as she slaps her hand over her mouth.
  Ryo lunges, pinning Kana under one massive paw. The wolf's muzzle so close to Kana's face, she can smell the lingering blood that oozes in Ryo's breathe.
  "Why not!?" Ryo snaps her jaw dangerously close, demanding an answer.
  "Because they are my family now! My Pack! I even have a brother!" Kana shouts up, her little hands trying to pull the paw off her chest.
  Shocked at the words Ryo steps backwards. Kana getting to her feet and walking right up to Ryo with fire in her eyes now.
  "You can't kill good wolves! Only bad ones!" Kana crosses her arms and stares down the fuming black wolf.
  Ryo snarls and paces back and fourth, confusing thoughts and feelings surging. Further adding to her pent up rage. With the constant tingles caused of the mate bond with the Alpha, Ryo hasn't had a moments peace since arriving.
  "What makes them so worth it?! You dare stand here and defend them again!" Ryo remembers when Kana jumped in front of her last time.
  "I defended you too!" She huffs in frustration, "I defend all good people!"
  "I've killed good people!" Ryo lunges, her anger lashing out fully.
  She launches at Kana who doesn't move an inch, just as Ryo nearly had Kana in her fangs, Zaru jumped in out of nowhere. His wolf form slamming Kana out of the way, Ryo's fangs crunching down forcefully.
  Zaru is lucky she merely grabbed his shoulder. How he managed to get into the cell in time is a miracle as well. He was listening quietly as Ryo and Kana were talking.
  His Mate, so explosive, she was definitely going to kill Kana. She wouldn't have been able to stop herself. No. Her tone made it evident she was going in for the kill.
  Still in Ryo's mouth, Zaru runs into her bite. Pushing her backwards suddenly, slamming her into the side wall. Unaffected she clamps down harder and tries to push Zaru back.
   "*Blood and fangs huh,*" Zaru turns and bites into her exposed kneck and yanks her off of him.
   She growls and charges back blindly, Zaru dodges and she crashes into the bars, they bow out easily as her heavy body hits hard.
   They stand facing each other now, Ryo's eyes swirling with darkness and Zaru's gaze filled with set determination.
  "Ryo you must stop this!" Kana runs around from behind Zaru, blood running down her face this time.
  Ryo freezes and sniffs the air, realizing Kana is hurt. Ryo releases a howl of remorse and slinks into an adjacent cell. Her bloodlust completely disappearing. Curling up into the corner, her faint growls fill the room.
  Kana runs out of the building, crying hard, overwhelemed with her own emotions. Hunter, her step dad, greets her urgently and rushes off to the pack doctors. While Zaru just sits in the prison, listening to the silent cries of his Mate.
  His body aches in pain, being reminded of what his Mate has endured. She can't control herself.. Emotions are a powerful thing for werewolves.. Anger and pain are the only emotions she truly knows.
   His heart burns in agony, for all he craves is her affection and he knows all she craves is his blood. The throbbing in his shoulder proving to be too much, he leaves reluctantly. His Beta already outside waiting for him.
   "Alpha, how long are you gonna keep that mon-" seeing the glare from his Alpha he chooses a different word, "rogue.. in the cells. She attacks even you."
    He watches as Zaru shifts, walking to the pack house. "She will come around. And I won't hear anything else on the matter of my MATE."
   Dismissing the Beta angerly, Zaru retires to his room and treats the deep puncture wound she left. He can't help but be impressed with the power of his Mate. Had he been an omega werewolf, his life would surely been lost.
  Her bite covers half his chest and runs down half his back. Kana's words of her only hating people ever re-enforced into his brain. The pain that his Mate barely tolerates him sends shockwaves through his core, even his wolf whimpers.
   "*Don't worry Jin, our Mate will come around*"
   "*I haven't even been able to meet her, only ever seeing her through your eyes.*"
   "*She would try to fight instantly if she sensed you. Ryo goes after our pack members the most when their wolves are dominate.*" I sigh exhausted, the strain of not being able to finish the mate bond is starting to get to me.
   "*The moment she sees your purple eyes it'll be a true fight. From everything we learned, she has an unquenchable thrist to fight strong oppents. Any aggressive signal and our Mate is instantly in fight mode.*" I groan thinking about how long it's gonna take.
   "*Why did she never revolt against the rogue alpha then?*"
   "*Don't ask stupid questions Jin. You already know why..*"
  "*Do you think if we asserted our strength-*"
  "*Don't even suggest that. No matter what we can't force her submission, she is our Mate! Our equal! I have a plan, just be patient alittle longer.*"
   "*I need to run Zaru.*"
   "*Ok then.*"
   Shifting in place, Jin took control and ran the woods trying to dull the urge to go see his Mate.

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