Chapter 7 -Ryo pov-

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   It has been nearly a week since I tried to kill Kana, she is further away now. I can still faintly hear her heart but she is definitely not as close anymore.
   "*Not like it even matters.*" I growl with annoyance that I miss her rare visits.
   Her words that night.. Saying she has a family now still stings a bit, she even has a brother too. Thoughts of my own sister wolf try to surface but I bury them quickly, not wanting to feel weak.
    She is gone, not even a name to remember her by. I roll my eyes at myself. Still letting my thoughts drift to her. It's been nearly 23 cycles since she said goodnight. The faint feeling of her completely disappeared after 3 cycles with the Master.
    "*She is gone cause I am weak.*" I snarl angry at myself. This Alpha killed the Master, so he is definitely stronger then me. I can't let myself die. Not yet..
    "*Why not yet? What am I even doing here?*" He hasn't forced me to submit and that's also confusing but yet he still doesn't leave me alone.
    "*I don't want him to leave me alone either!*" Is this feeling a way of control? The adrenaline and spreading heat, it's all cause of him.. even his scent is enjoyable.
   "*Is that why I want him close? Am I that weak still!?*"
    Another snarl erupts, my teeth grinding hard. "*This frustration is frustrating and I don't even know why I am so frustrated!*"
    I snap my jaw, my nerves building. Fighting is my release, in the ring there is only one thing to focus on. Being the strongest, to win.
    "*Great,*" I huff rolling my eyes, "*The Alpha is back again.*" His presence always unsettles me the closer he gets.
    The way he smells, the way his voice sounds as he talks. I want him closer and I hate it. Only the Master is allowed to be close and I hated that just as much. The power and control is never mine.
    I don't have a Master now but I also don't have anything now. No fights, no beatings, no kills. Nothing but this annoying man who won't leave me alone. I pull my self tighter as the Alpha sits in his usual chair facing my cell bars.
    I roll my eyes again as I hear the sound of a book opening. This has become a ritual, he comes and reads aloud from various books. Then I get fed a decent meal, I've tried alot of foods now at least.
   The meat dishes he brings are my favorite but he also adds vegetables and I always shove those away. The Alpha goes to say I need to eat them too but I refuse. They stink and taste just as terrible.
    I twitch my ears, and listen to his voice as he reads for a moment. Seems like a story of humans fighting dragons. Wingd lizards that breathe fire, now that be a fight.
   Maybe this how some Alphas dominate, with this mindless torture. Starving wolves of what they crave most and then boring them to death with words.
   His pack members respect him but he doesn't beat them. They listen to his orders even when he doesn't snap at them. I hear sounds of young ones outside eventually making it into my ears.
    Curious, I stand and walk over to the window. Alpha's voice quiets instantly, I can feel his curious gaze but ignore it. My old cell didn't have such a thing, let alone one that lets a breeze in.
    Standing up on my hind legs, I lift my snout sniff the air. The smells of grass and trees, intoxicating. I close my eyes and remember the feeling of running.
    My tail wags slightly. Despite everything, that time I spent running is the happiest moment of my life. I open my eyes to the shining sun then glance to watch the children fight. Getting excited as the strongest pup pins the weaker one.
    I growl in anticipation, the kill comes next. However the stronger one laughs and helps the weak one up.
   "*Why?*" That is not how they are gonna get stronger.
   The young ones would fight in the pit too, I listened to their guttural cries as the stronger one kills the weaker one. As a reward for winning, they get fed a good meal. When we were lucky it be bear meat the Master would toss us.
    "What are you looking at over there?" His question soft, pulling me from my mind.
   I've tried everything to chase this Alpha away, nothing works. Even the things Master would severely punish me for never even so much make this Alpha growl. All I can do is ignore him and I can't even manage that.
   He is such a strange wolf, even his pack is strange. I never smell blood, there is never a corpse. And no one but me has ever been in a cell here either.
   "Are you even listening?" The sound of the book slamming shut barged into my ears.
   Growling I look over my shoulder, his blue eyes filled with a strange gaze and a smile graces his lips.
    Annoyed at his sudden excitement I snort and turn away quickly. "*Damn it now I've done it.*"
    "It's too late! You looked at me!" He chuckles pleased with himself. "You know you have a pretty good bite."
    My ears twitch up, remembering, it was the last time I looked at him.
    "I'd like to hear you say something. You know, you are the only werewolf to speak in that form." His encouragement and tenacity is just like Kana's but some how more potent.
   "Why do your young ones never go for the kill?" I ask him tilting my head to the window, giving in.
   "In a true pack, we don't kill each other but protect each other." He stands up and walks through the cell door with no hesitation.
   I growl warningly, not wanting him to appoarch me. "Easy now killer, I mean you no harm." He chuckles and raises his hands up, "Come look, they aren't fighting each other but training each other. That's how we grow stronger." I stand at his words, so familiar, my curiosity takes charge.
   "You see we fight as one," Alpha points out the little window.
   It's level with ground outside but I have to stand to look out of it. The open space big enough for my nose it peak out and leave some room.
   I watch as the weaker one teams up with a few others now and together they tackle the strongest child. Taking him down easily this time.
   "Why? I've never seen wolves team up.." I still don't understand, even the rogues never team up like that.
   "Because we are stronger as a pack and not alone. You were never in a pack so I guess it's not something you got to learn. You are more instincts then thoughts. " I hear a sharp tone dangerously lacing his words.
    "Master was an Alpha. He had a-"
    "He had nothing but a group of rogues playing pretend! He was never worthy of being called Alpha! Let alone Master!" I stare at him, enraged instantly as he yells.
    "*He dare show his fangs at me!*" I watch as the color shifts in his eyes, for the first time I see the eyes of his wolf.
    A deep purple slowly cascading down over the blue. For a moment it mesmerizes me, the beauty pulling me in. Like a leaf on the wind unable to resist.
    "*Those are the eyes of his wolf,*" a warm sensation starts to grow as I watch the blue and purple swirl.
   I shake my head as my mind is becoming foggy. Hoping to clear the conflicting emotions, I snap out at the Alpha angerly. My fangs inches from him and instead of backing down as I expected, he steps towards me.
   "*Not even looking away! His wolf even bares his fangs!*"
   Startled at the sudden challenge yet feuled by their disrespect. I snarl ready to fight, taking another step closer. I bare my fangs and lower my head, ready to lunge.
   They step back quickly realizing what happened, the purple fading rapidly as the familiar ice blue returns. But it was his mistake and he will learn. I bolt towards him violently, he barely manages to dodge my fangs as I snap my jaw close.
   I lunge swiftly once more, slamming into the cell door as he shuts it hard. I bang into the door a few times, when it doesn't budge I walk over towards the corner. Irritated and unsettled now.
   "Sorry I yelled like that." I can sense the forced calm he is trying to muster, "Thinking about what that monster did to you... makes... me angry."
   "Why do you care?!" I snarl and throw my body into the bars with more force this time.
   "Because we Love you." I stare into his swirling eyes, taken aback at his words.
    "One day, I will kill you." I snarl and turn my back to him. "Weakness," I spat out before laying down.
   "One day, we will hug you." He stands looking at me, "One day we will be your strength." He turns and walks out without another word.
   Once I don't sense his presence I shut down. His words stirring up so much. Love, such nonsense. I snap the empty air in frustration, my Master's lessons flickering to surface.
   I asked my Master one day about mates and love when I was young and alot more stupid. I over heard a female rogue mention it, my curiosity getting the better of me.
   Master beat me with chains that day, saying mates are a weakness. I feel a spike of rage ripple, I wanted to lunge at him back then. All the times I submitted, all the times he petted me, beat me, dominated me.
   I growl fericously as phantom pains flicker. I cringe remembering the look in his eyes as he beat me within an inch of my life many times.  My wounds healed fast but he'd whip me again and again. Never fully letting me heal..
    Not being able to contain myself I stand and take the door of my cell in my sights.The white wolf who calls himself the Alpha hasn't once done anything to hurt me. With that confidence I slam into the doors with everything I have. It buckles instantly, crashing flat under me.
    I don't hesitate, my paws leading me where I should go. I dart forward knowing the way, I burst out of the prison and run left. Bee linning for the woods, I move swiftly using everything I have. I feel the sting of tears starting to flood fourth and I can't out run them.
    Unable to contain myself I slow my run, coming to stop in a clearing. It sits just past the woods beyond my new cell room. I glance out the enormous field, white flowers luminous under the moonlight.
   I inhale deeply and howl for the first time in years. I pour everything into it, releasing all the pain and frustration that has been building. After feeling myself calming, I just gaze up in to the star filled sky. Taking in the massive expanse above, marveling at how vast it is. Mesmerized by the different swirls of colors off in the distance and the constant twinkle of lights.
   I lay down, feeling the breeze ruffle my fur as it passes. I release another howl letting my voice be carried by the winds, the resting birds near by all flock to the sky.
   Their swarm creating interesting shapes as they fly across the moon, their silhouettes dancing as one. My thoughts trail back to what that Alpha said.
   "A pack is one.." Just for this moment I let myself think of her willingly.."We were two but one, weren't we little wolf? Though we only met breifly.." I whine lightly, "Your memories are all I know of you."
   "She.. is never gone Ryo..." His tender voice startling me.
   "Why are you here?" I groan watching as he walks towards me.
   "Because you called for me." He comes and sits next to me but keeps a good distance.
   "I did no such thing." I growl looking at him.
He glances over at me, his eyes moist, "I'm sorry Ryo."
   "For what?" I ask cautiously.
   He looks at me with an emotion I have never seen before and I want to know what it is. "Why do you shed tears?"
   "I felt your pain when you cried out." He brings his hand to chest, clenching it hard, "I have never felt such sadness."
   "Cause you are strong." I snort frustrated that I understand that emotion after all, "Sadness is a weakness."
   "You are so very wrong Ryo." He sighs, going to rub the tears from his face.
   Something in me pulling me to move closer. Before I even understand what I'm doing, I lick his tears. The warmth and saltiness makes me aware of what I just did.
   "You cried for me?" I ask perplexed.
   "Of cou..rse." The Alpha is definitely holding down his excitement now.
   Just this once I will allow him to keep me company. I lay down comfortably in the soft grass, letting my gaze get lost in the stars. Zaru sitting silently next to me, just enjoying this moment of peace together.

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