Chapter 8 -Zaru pov-

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    I have spent weeks with Ryo now and she has opened up a bit since that night in the field. I regularly read to her in the cell but at night, when we run, she seems the most alive.
   My Mate speaks with body language more then actual words as well. When she is agitated Ryo snarls, and when overwhelmed, her ridge spikes just before snapping out.
  I limit the pack members interacting with her, mainly my Dad and Zet visit, plus the top warriors stop in with food. Baby steps, I am grateful for every chance she gives me.
    My Father has visited the most, recognizing her as the pup he caught along time ago. He is hopeful that she will come around completely soon.
     When he and I were speaking a few nights ago, he deduced that Ryo must have been caught shortly after gettin away. I tried to tell him there wasn't anything more he could've done at the time.
   He was the new King and was in the middle of peace negotiations with neighboring packs. Plus no one has encountered a werewolf child who shifted, let a lone a wolf that could speak.
    Regardless of my words, he blames himself for letting my Mate escape to hell. I don't blame him, even my own pack wanted to kill her at first. At least my Father tried to help back then...
   "Alpha," Ryo says holding no actual respect.
    "Call me Zaru, Ryo." I sigh deeply.
    "I don't see why I should. At least I say Alpha instead of Fool." I watch her eyes roll but there is laughter in her chest.
    "I want to take you to one my of my favorite spots instead of the clearing. It is in the northen forest by a waterfall."
    "Sounds fun, let's go then." She nips at me and walks towards the door, her little display of affection puts me on cloud nine.
    "What has you so happy?" I ask pulling my thoughts back in.
   "We are running further tonight, yes? Also I never seen a waterfall, sounds exciting." She flicks her tail impatiently, waiting for me to shift.
    "We can start going for long runs along our borders. I laid out trails for you, could even do patrols." Partially regretting saying that last part.
    I have done everything in my power to handle all the rogue problems without her knowing. We have had many attacks along the western border, by the rogue lands as of late.
    "You best keep your word and stay out of my way if a rogue shows." The way her mood suddenly changes is always shocking.
    She definitely has Alpha blood, there is no other way her domineering presence can be explained. But what pack did she come from, no one ever reported a lost child, let a lone an Alpha one.
    "I'll try, but I want to protect you. Forgive me." I chuckle, watching her expression soften ever so slightly.
    "Ryo!" I hear Kana yell, looking to see her running down from the pack house.
     I watch my Mate spin in the spot and walk towards the girl, "Hi Pup."
    Ryo reaches Kana in a mere few strides, Kana wraps her arms around her thick kneck, giving my Mate a hug. I growl quietly, I still haven't even touched my Mate like that..
    "Guess what? Alpha is taking me somewhere new!" Ryo jumps up and down, excitement bubbling.
    "That's great Ryo! I just wanted to say hi." Kana gives me a pleased smile and looks back at Ryo, "Make sure to be good, remember our promise?"
    "Yes yes, run don't bite." My Mate grumbles annoyed now and walks back towards me.
   I watch Kana laugh as she turns and heads back up the hill. She pops around every few days, just to see how Ryo is doing. Kana cares for Ryo in a unique way, I watch their interactions curiously. Ryo cares for the girl to an extent but I'm sure if provoked, she would lunge for Kana again.
    "You still haven't shifted." Ryo's growl snaps my focus back.
   "I laid the trail earlier, so you can run as fast as you want and not get lost." I grin sheepishly, I spent like 3 days running paths on the out skirts of my territory for her to follow.
   She didn't respond with the excitement I had hope, but there was a brief moment of tenderness when she looked at me. Even that flicker was enough to send me over the moon. I smile even more, my cheeks starting to hurt.
   "They connect the waterfall lodge and the field together. I even looped them all the way around the borders." I state proudly as she just sits there watching me carefully.
    Now even if my Mate wants to sneak off for a run, she can in safety. All the other pack members already know to avoid my trails now. I put my Beta in charge of laying the patrol routes now.
    My priority has been my mate, my father has been doing the majority of the pack leading. I'm grateful to have his support. I don't know what I'd do without my family. I cringe again wishing Ryo had those experiences.
   I feel her teeth nip my hand, pulling my attention immediately, "Whichever trail you follow is fine." I chuckle watching the fire I sparked grow instantly.
    I shift and together we dart into the woods behind the prison. She waste no time in picking the quickest trail to the waterfall. I have to say her instincts for direction is unmatched.
   I stay on her heals, admiring how her muscles flex. The way her fur gracefully flows with her strides. I feel the heat rising again as I continue admire my Mate's sheer radiance.
    Ryo will be a fearsome Luna, I smile inside knowing I can achieve anything with her by my side. Lost in thoughts I didn't notice that my Mate had come to a stop in front of me.
    I slam into her backside hard, stumbling over my feet as her body doesn't move an inch. Startled to witness a shift in her demeanor so randomly. A shift I had hoped to never see again, right now she is explosive.
    In an instant before I even can grasp what's happening she darts left, off the trail. Realizing this leads to the rogue lands border, I pull myself together and chase after her.
    There aren't any pack members anywhere that way, I sniff the air but can't pick up anything out of place. Turning to look up at my Mate she stops suddenly again and plants her self for a fight. Feral snarls echo out deeply, I watch as saliva builds. Her anticipation for a kill growing rapidly.
   I come to a stop next to her cautiously, ready to fight whatever it is that's she picked up on. I look around and see nothing still, I go to nudge my Mate but freeze.
    Her eyes the darkest shade I have ever seen, her massive fangs extended. The pressure of her bloodlust seeping into me. Jin responding instinctually, not sure if we should run or fight. I feel her fangs sink into my right side, she yanks me down just in time.
   A massive brown wolf lunges but cause of her pulling me down, I watch him sink his nasty fangs deep into her kneck. I see first hand why my Mate is called a Rogue Killer. She releases me unaffected by the attack. Ryo uses her tail to easily knock me to the side.
   Ryo jumps up, yanking the rogue with her. Blood dripping from her kneck but her focus is locked. I watch a sadistic grin grace her muzzle and sense the fear wash through the rogue.
    The rogue instanly recognizing Ryo and regrets his life choices in a split second. She kicks her leg up, knocking it into the side of the rogue. She lands hard as she buries his head into the ground with her two massive paws.
    The sound of his skull crushing and her echos of laughter is both memorizing and terrifying. Still in a state of shock, I watch my Mate look me up and down, then her eyes dart to my right side and she lunges.
    I don't move and stand firm, she can bite me all she wants. I am surprised though as she leeps past me and then I hear the painful howls of another rogue mere feet behind.
    I can only stand here in amazement as she carries the rogue back to me. Droppong it at my feet. The rogue wails, her eyes looking at me, begging to save her from my Mate.
    "You are an Alpha," I stare taken aback as she speaks to me, "I will teach you how to kill."
    She kicks the half broken female at me, and watches me under the most intense gaze I have ever felt. I look down and go to end the rogue immediately.
    "Not you!" She snaps at me, "The wolf inside."
    Jin is absolutely giddy. He wants to meet his Mate! I can feel him jumping up and down, his tail wagging vigorously. I sigh, Jin is completely oblivious to what is happening.
   I look at her with pleading eyes, "He is..well he is-"
   "Weak!" She says angerly, "A pup hiding behind a man!"
    Both me and Jin stare at her in shock again, in an instant I feel Jin surface. He takes control, his eyes now staring down our Mate. I can feel the overwhelming pressure building inside Jin.
   His Alpha blood boiling at his own Mate calling him weak. I feel his determination kick in and he lunges at the female rogue. Staring Ryo down as he breaks the wolf's kneck. Jin tosses the body at our Mate's feet, blood dripping from our fangs.
    "You need to kill more! Your taste for blood weak!" Ryo snarls snapping her jaw at us.
    Jin snarls back, his thoughts crashing into me. "*She doesn't know anything!*" He shouts at me, still admiring her beautiful midnight eyes.
   "*She smelled them neary 20 miles away and saved our ass twice!*" I argue "*I don't want to admit but she got us there..*"
   "Wolf of Zaru," she growls but she said my name! I feel a wave a joy flood through me.
    Jin snarls in response taking away my euphoria.
    "I don't know your name, watch your tone!" She snaps hard, making Jin step back.
    "You allowed your instincts to dull!" She paces, circling us. "Your senses polluted! Clouded!" She snaps at our heel, Jin yanking it up in time.
    "Smell, sounds, the vibrations in the ground, the shift in the air, you feel and see none of it!" She snaps again as she comes around the front, "You let your human brother fight for you! Protect you! Leaving him to carry your weakness and his!" I think I understand what's happening now.
    I want to shift, I want to talk to her, to comfort her. "Zaru stay put!" She barks staring deeply in our eyes. If I try to come foward she will attack me for sure.
    "The pup will learn from mistakes. Follow me." She turns and walks further forward, the rogue lands not far off.
    "*Zaru?*" Jin says my name with hesitation, the look in Ryo's eyes even makes me quiver.
   "*I suggest for our safety and our lives, you listen to our Mate.*" I gulp instinctually, "*I don't think we have a choice..*" I feel Jin's internal whimper but he steadies himself and follows our Mate blindly.
   Ryo's maniacal grin never fading, I pray to the Moon Goddess that we don't disappoint our Mate. Whatever she has in store will not be fun.

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