• Prologue •

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Tonight's the premiere of Kaandy Walker's new line, 'Pink Shade'. My job as an intern is to basically do whatever Kaandy needs and occasionally do some fashion work.

So here I am, living my dream. 10 years ago, I would've never thought that I would be where I am now.

"Arielle?" Kaandy called from her chair.

I got up and walked to where she was sitting.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Could you go see how far along we are in the show?" She asked.

The fashion show is split into two parts. The first is spring season and the second is the summer season. Kaandy was getting ready to go back on stage to announce the second part of the new line.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

I rushed over to where the models were standing. There were about 10 left before it was time for the second part. I hurried back to Kaandy.

"They're almost with the first part." I said.

The makeup artist was putting the final touches on her.

"Alright, and just in time too. I thought I was running late," Then she smiled. "Thank you, Arielle. What would I ever do without you?"

"Your welcome. Will that be all?" I inquired.

"Yes, that's it."

I walked back to where I was standing earlier. One thing about being in the fashion industry is you can almost always catch a glimpse of the new styles coming into the fashion world. That's why I love fashion. It never gets boring. There's always something new around the corner.

During the second half of the show, I was occupied with one of the models. Her dress had tore apart at the front, so me along with another intern, was fixing it back up. Thankfully, we were done before she had to go onto stage.

I mistakenly backed up into another person while taking a step back to look over the handiwork.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I turned around to see who I was apologizing to.

"No worries, love. Your fine."

It was a woman who looked to be about 5'6. Her hair was long, stopping about to her waist. It's scarlet like color glimmered in the light. Her skin had the shade of porcelain. She had the most beautiful eyes. They were brown and her eyelashes made them stand out a little bit more, along with the makeup. She had these gorgeous red lips that poked out. She was curvy and thick as well. I'm like that too, but hers made her even more flawless.

She smiled a beautiful smile.

"It was my fault, sweetheart. I wasn't paying any attention." She said.

"I should take some of the blame. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said.

She laughed, "Just like me," She held out her hand.

"I'm Scarlet. Scarlet Erza, but you can call me Scar."

I took her hand."Nice to meet you. I'm Arielle Lopez."

"Beautiful name." She replied.

"Thank you."

"For a beautiful woman, that is." It sounded like a growl.

She had this look of lust in her eyes and it made me sort of scared. I'm not a lesbian, I'm straight. I know I'm pretty and all, but damn. She was taking it to a whole other level.

I broke the silence, "Well, I should be going now." I said.

Before I could go though, Kaandy came over and surprised us both.

"Well, Arielle, I see you've met Scarlet. She's going to be partnering with us for the next fashion project."

"Wow, that's amazing." I replied. I was really thinking shit.

"Marvelous." Scarlet said, looking me up and down while biting her bottom lip with that look still in her eyes.

"Scarlet," Kaandy started. "I would like you to see some of the ideas that I have, if you don't mind."

Scarlet looked at Kaandy and then said, "I don't mind at all. I was actually hoping that I could get a sneak peek tonight."

Kaandy laughed, "Well, let me show you what I've come up with."

Scarlet directed her attention back over to me, "I think we'll be seeing each other more often."

She said her goodbye, and then her and Kaandy went along.

"What the hell was that?" I said.


Hello, Dolls! :D

This is my brand new novel, I hope you guys are enjoying it. I'm co-writing this book with my bestie, @___Yaanaa

She is Arielle, while I of course am Scarlet. Do I happen to have any Fairy Tail fans? If I do, then you all know of the reference to Erza Scarlet.

All Copyrights© go to the creator of Fairy Tail for that name.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment & Follow the Both of Us!

- Ciao,

Jay ♥

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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