Chapter 9 -Ryo pov-

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   I lead my so called Mate further into the rogue lands, making sure the pup stays close to me. My old territory may be desolate now, but I'm pretty sure the Fire Ridge Arena is still going.
  I smell the rogues close by but my over powering presence keeps them at bay. My predatory instincts never fade as we turn walking down the steep slopes leading into the wide canyon.
    I can feel the Alpha wolf on edge, the rogues following us causes him anxiety. Only twice have they tried to appoarch and I made the pup fight them. Only stepping in when the rogues dared to challenge me, I won't fight their fights.
   I feel him nudge into me, I turn snapping at him. We have ran for nearly 3 days now, the smell of the arena getting heavier. The pup finally noticing the scent, looks at me with shock thick in his eyes. I tilt my head towards the cluster of trees to our right.
   "Come we rest here tonight. Shift, I must speak with Zaru." I order, watching a wave of relief wash over the pup.
   "Finally!" I listen to Zaru breathe deeply then looking down sheepishly, his hands rushing to cover himself.
   "Listen," I walk over to him knocking him down onto the brown grass, "I'm taking your wolf-"
  "His name is Jin." I watch as he speaks with a smile.
  "Well /Jin/ needs some hard training, you say we are mates and from what your Beta said mates protect each other." I pause looking him up and down, "You are stronger then most the human wolves I've seen.. However Jin is too weak. How can he protect me when he can't even protect you?" I ask perplexed and annoyed that I even care enough to teach the pup.
   "Can we ah go back a minute, my Beta told you about mates?" The level of panic in his eyes makes me check the air.
  Not understanding why he is suddenly so on edge. "Yes, I was tired of not knowing what it truly means."
   I watch Zaru shutter and his eyes glaze over, his expressions dancing like flames across his face. I snap my jaw, pulling him from his mindlink.
   "Focus Zaru!" I growl, "I'm taking you guys to another fighting arena. You both will fight till I tell you to stop."
I turn my gaze serious, "Fail to listen, you'll fight me."
   "Why are you-"
   Cutting him I reply, "In the ring, we will see how worthy of a mate you are. Fail and you'll die... I'll lead the pack as Alpha." I remain serious but can't hold a snort as I said the last part. It was more of a tease, I don't want to be an Alpha.
   I glare deadly again regaining myself, his smile taking me off my game. I find myself very hopeful he surprises me, I've yet to see him seriously fight.
    I can sense a single weak rogue approaching, definitely in human form too. I growl darkly. Recognizing the scent, he visited me once in MY cell.
  Zaru looks at me with concern now and I tilt my head towards the south. And sure enough a poorly dressed male is approaching with his hands raised.
  I watch as Zaru steps forward in front of me reading to strike. Annoyed that his bare self is exposed, I stand and step in around him. Using my body to shield his weaken form. I cast a look at him, telling him to wait.
   "Rogue Killer, Beast of the Pit!" I hear him shout from afar, his wary eyes never meeting mine as he steps closer.
  "STOP!" I snarl and step up.
  "Why-" Zaru goes to speak but I flick him with my tail, silencing him instantly.
  "For what reason you dare appoarch me?" I growl deeply, my ears back and my body itching to pounce.
  "I've on beh...alf of the..Pit Alpha of Fire.. Ridge." The rogue yells nervously.
  "Stop wasting my time!" I snap forward gaining a few feet, the Pit Master he speaks of is just a weak coward.
  "My Alpha sends me to invite you formally to come to his territory." The meek wolf bows, as he spits out the words rapidly.
  "Then prepare a line up." I snarl issuing my orders.
  "Right away Rogue Killer." I watch as he shifts and takes off for his Master.
  I roll my eyes and trod over the the shade of the trees, "Rest. Your body will need the strength for tomorrow."
  "Are you seriously taking me to a rogue fighting pit?" Zaru looks at me both impressed and unsure.
  "Yes. It will make you strong like me." I say as a matter of fact, "Fighting to live will make you both stronger. Tell your pack we are on a trip. We will be here for awhile." I smile with excitement, I too will fight.
  I see the worried look on his face and I feel the need to ease his fear, "Zaru, I won't let anything happen to you but I won't let you be my weakness either." I nod satisfied with my solution, "Either I make you stronger or I kill you and rid myself of a weakness."
  "Yeah, I love you too Ryo." He chuckles but shifts back to his wolf, curling up next to me.
  The spots where his body touch is soothing, soft tingles trail out and spread through my tail. Wanting to understand more, I lift my head and look back at him.
  "The tingles, when we touch?" I tilt my head, his head is resting against my tail.
   Shifting instantly to answer me, "It's a Mate thing. It is supposed to bring happiness when you touch your Mate." He smiles gently and rubs his head against my tail again.
  "Sleep now." I sigh understanding a bit more, "No one will appoarch us." He looks around still not wanting to fully rest.
   I roll my eyes and crack out the loudest and fiercest howl I can manage. The dead trees shake with the vibrations, I can even feel Zaru cringe a bit.
  "Satisfied now?" I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, hopefully my mate..sleeps too..
  I wake all too soon to the smell of a large group approaching. Glancing over I see the eyes of Jin, he is already staring intently in the direction of intruders.
  Sensing my gaze his tail starts to wag, I snap at him. "Don't get distracted, focus!"
  Jin stiffens and I watch as he pushes my presence from his mind, I watch the start of a predator's gaze take root in his eyes. Pleased he has some natural instincts to work with, I nudge him forward.
  "Go and deal with them, I'll give you a minute per rogue." I grin sadisticly, "If you can kill all 6 within 5 minutes I will let you sleep by my side."
    I watch as his ridge line raises and his fangs grow. Jin narrows his eyes, I watch a plan formulating. I growl,  signaling the start. He doesn't hesitate and lunges towards the group of rogues.
  Warming up will do him good before we run to the arena ahead, I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself when we get there. I have been dying inside after months of not fighting, the itch building.
  I can feel my excitement bubbling, I glance over with a new emotion growing as he jumps from rogue to rogue. The white wolf snapping knecks left and right as he goes.  
   His movements already becoming more fluid as we go further in to the rogue lands. He walks towards me proudly, his white fur covered in blood and dust.
  His appearance sending heat coursing through my body. I watch his heavy pants and the fresh blood dripping from his muzzle.
  Before I notice, my body is already moving towards him, my tongue licking the blood from his face. The blood is disgusting but beneath that.. He is sweet, like a cookie! Getting lost for a moment I lick excitedly, enjoying the taste. I feel his body freeze, making me freeze in response.
  I whip myself away, surprised by my own action. I feel him rub against my side then his warm tongue licks my own muzzle. The new sensation isn't uncomfortable but the feeling is still frustrating.
  I growl and pull away, I close my eyes and steady my breathing.
  "Don't...Don't pull away." Zaru's voice so quiet and tender.
  I snap my gaze to him, the expression he wears leaves me at a loss for words. He steps closer carefully, like each step is painful.
  He slowly reaches his hand out and runs it through my fur. I watch curiously as I feel sparks trail along after his touch. He brings his hand up my back, I can feel my own heart beat increasing. I can feel so much warmth coming from him.. Soon his hand reaches my kneck, I want to pull away but I can't move.
  "Ryo.." he says my name barley a whisper.
  He lays his head into my nape and I can feel his breath. He breathes in deeply, closing his eyes. I feel his hands start to slowly circle and I snap.
  I jump back, growling. My heart pounding against my rib cage. My lungs gasping for air, realizing I was holding my breath the whole time.
  "I'm.. I'm sorry...I'm-"
  "It's ok." I breathe heavily, "Come. Let's sleep. We have a good distance to travel." I walk over and lay down next to his standing form.
  I feel his excitement as he shifts again and curls up, wrapping his body around mine.

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