Chapter 10 -Zaru pov-

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   "*She is licking me!*" Jin bounces up and down inside. "*Oh.My.God! It feels like heaven!*" I feel my partner melting inside of us.
  "*Her tongue is soft as a feather and leaves fireworks-*"
  I push Jin back unable to listen to him explain the feeling, I also want to enjoy this moment. She freezes, pulling back and my heart nearly shattereds.
  I walk over to her, the confusion emitting from her in waves. I rub myself against her fur, coming up and start to lick her muzzle. Savoring the sweet taste of her fur, the way it softly caresses my tongue.
  She pulls away and snaps at me but not with aggression. Wishing I could just tell her everything she is feeling but Mother said it be better for Ryo to figure it out. I shift into my form and I look at her with warmth and longing.
   Everything in my body telling me to run and embrace her, to kiss her and hold her. The Mate bond filling me as she looks at me inquisitively.
  "Don't..don't pull away.." I step forward with a light smile, it is taking all my engery to subdue the pull.
  Forcing myself to move slow, I gently run my hand along her back flank, following the flow of her body. Carefully moving my fingers through her fur. Ryo..
  I get lost in the feeling, the happiness filling me at finally being able to really touch my Mate after all these months. It's overwhelming. Ryo..
  I focus on every sensation, the way her fur is silk soft and cooling to the touch. The way her muscles feel along her back. Soon I'm trailing my hand along her kneck. "Ryo.."
  I trail my fingers over the place where my mark will be one day. I lean in and burry my face into my Mate's fur. I sniff deeply savoring the rich smell of the forest she gives off. Ryo..
   I smile and go to wrap my arms around her kneck, so desperately wanting to hold her finally. She jumps away from me, growling and snapping.
  I watch as she starts panting heavily, she seems to be termoring too.
  "I'm...I'm sorry...I'm-" I go to explain myself but she cuts me off.
  "It's ok... Come. Let's sleep. We have a good distance to travel." I stand frozen as she walks over and lays at my feet without another word.
  Excited to finally be able to sleep next to her completely, I shift. I walk up to Ryo calmly and lay my body around hers. At least I can hug her in someway. I smile, today has been the best day of my life.
  It doesn't feel like much time has passed before I wake to my Mate nudging me with her snout. The moon barely setting, I look at her curiously.
   "Come, it's time to move. Stay close to me when we get there and don't shift. Don't ever take your human form unless I tell you."
  I nod but she doesn't look satisfied.
  "I absolutely mean it Alpha, Do. Not. Shift. Rule 1."
  I look at her confused as hell as to why she is dead set with this. How can I never not shift?
  "Are you stupid?" She looks at me intently, "If the rogues do happen to jump you and you lose, what will happen to your pack?" She glares at me like I should've already thought of that.
  "I'm bringing you into my world Alpha Prince. If you want to survive, listen. There is no pack to save you here."
   She is right, in my world she depends on me to watch over her and I have my pack for support. Here I need to trust her completely, she is all I have now..
  She looks me up and down, "No matter what, as a Royal, you must stay even more so on alert. Here it's blood and fangs.. Everyone for themselves..."
  I watch a rogue step towards us, something already telling me he is false Alpha of this area. It's getting hot under the mid-afternoon sun and Ryo is now holding me tight against her body, which is not helping.
   Her tail keeping me in place, remembering that she did this with Kana. Ryo is protecting /me/ now, her way of saying I'm /hers/. I figure it'll be best move with her. My Mate snarls fericously, her ridge on full display as we stand waiting.
   I look Ryo over carefully, her predatory side firmly taking hold. My Mate's crimson eyes are now massive black holes. Her years of fighting experience on full display in this moment.
  If I wasn't an Alpha I would be struggling to breathe just being so close to her. Looking to the appaoching rogues, that are now completely halted in their steps. Definitely feeling the effects of my Mate.
   "Why, it is an honor to have you come here, Alpha Raku's Rogue Killer!" I watch as the rogue glances over at me, "And you bring a Royal! What a treat! What a treat!" I watch as the rogue grins excitedly. "We have your cell-"
   My Mate steps forward, "MOVE." She orders darkly.
  To my shock the rogues instantly part and my Mate walks me forward. The twisted excitement the rogues next to the false Alpha look at us with is nerve wrecking.
  We walk pass many mud huts the further in we go, little makeshift houses grouped around a center point. Ryo leads me down an off shoot path. The further into this settlement we go the more the stench makes me want to hurl.
   I feel my Mate's tail squeeze me tighter, I didn't realize I had stopped moving. She pulls me forward forcefully but never does she change outwardly. She doesn't growl or snarl, she doesn't snap and lunge randomly.
    Her body is firm and ready, she stands with her head tall, walking tall like a Ruler. Ears and eyes locked forward. She doesn't need to do anything more to show exactly how formidable she is.
   No, Ryo is clearing the way with sheer pressure right now. I look in front of us and there is a gaint stone castle coming into view. Remiding me of the ones in story books. I can see rogues stationed ahead and ready to fight them but they all notice /her/ and step back instantly.
   Practically running over each other trying to give Ryo space. I watch even more cower and piss themselves as we pass through a stone entry. Their eyes drilling holes into the ground.
   Some looked as if they wish they were one with the stone floor. What truly worries me however is how much my Mate seems to enjoy their reactions.
   They gaze at her with fear and she loves it. She likes them groveling beneath her. I still have so much work before I get my happily ever after with my Soul Mate.
  Part of me had nearly forgotten how dangerous Ryo is, I have been lost in a fairytale. For months she has been better, she rarely lunges out anymore. Whenever it really gets too much, she beelines for the field in the woods.
  I am proud of how far Ryo has come regardless of how she may feel about it. Even her tolerance of others has improved. Slowly Ryo has built up true confidence and she carries it well.
  My Mate leads me into the large stone castle's throne room, the walls lit dimly with candles. Turning left, the smell of blood and the heavy stench of death begins to sting my nose.   
    I cringe as she takes us further down the hall, her tail still pressed around me. Soon Ryo stops as a gaint steal door, the only door in this hall. Ryo snarls loudly and slams her body forcefully against it.
   No sooner then she steps back does it open instantly. A young child with a collar on comes walking out, a scar running down the side of his face. His head shaved and just a small layer of stubble remains.
  "Ryo," I stand in shock as a little boy kneeling addresses my Mate, "My Master had me clean your cell room. I left the chains in the-"
  "Runt, bring us a meal." My Mate barks the order and the pup bows before he takes off down the hall.
  I look at Ryo confused and nudge her hind quarter's to get her attention. She ignores me and pulls me into the room none the less. It looks like the one I first found her in and the first thing I can pick up is the strong scent of her blood. It's definitely faded but there is most certainly alot if I can still smell it.
  I watch closely as Ryo walks away from me, finally freeing me from her hold. She goes around sniffing the ground and then walks into the cell at the far corner of the room.
  I step closer to the center and look around myself, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. The room has torches mounted but not enough to call it lighting. I can see faint claw marks and old blood stains everywhere.
   Her blood, her claw marks ranging in size... I shudder with rage and look back at my strong Mate. Her expressions she rarely show flicker across her eyes.
   Watching the storm of emotions within her, makes me grow increasingly uncomfortable. The need to touch her, to comfort her, is becoming unbearable.
   I watch closely as she lightly touches her noise to the chains on the cell floor. The sound of them shifting pulls a snort from her.
  "I use to come here when I was younger." She looks at me, "You can shift in here, after the pup returns though."
  I nod and sit against the far wall facing the bars of the cell. I tilt my head full of questions knowing she is watching me. Trying to read my expression.
  "I fought in many places Zaru. Once I could no longer travel Master set up
/my/ territory." I can feel her conflicted emotions again.
   She understands she doesn't have a master but getting her to change what she has called that filthy rogue will take many years of healing. I whimper lightly, watching her as she starts to pace.
  Soon there is a heavy knock at the door, "Enter." She snarls walking to stand in front of me.
  I watch from behind my Mate as the rogue who greeted us before walks in first. The same little group is with him and the boy from earlier out in front. I growl lowly realizing they are using the child like a shield.
   "The Master wo...uld like know wh..y you brou..ght the Alp..ha here." The boy nervously fumbles with his fingers.
  The heavy stench of fear rolls of him, slapping me in the face. Her domineering energy suddenly explodes.
     "TO FIGHT!" She snarls with bloodlust oozing and snaps at the rogues.
  The child falls to the ground cowering with his hands over his head. The rogues behind the boy step back, looking away from my Mate. The rogue Alpha claps his hands and two more rogues step forward from the hall.
   Each holding food, "Raw bear for the Rogue Killer. Bread and slop for the Royal." The Alpha rogue motions food carriers to proceed.
  The rogues who step forward are visibly shaking, their eyes never daring to look up as they lay the food infornt of Ryo. My Mate snaps at them as they hurriedly try to retreat back. Something she did to my guards as well when she first arrived.
   "Do give me something fun tonight." She laughs darkly, staring down the lead rogue.
  "Should we be exp-"
   "He is dead. Now leave me." She growls warningly, stepping closer.
  The rogues turn and leave shutting the door, I look back at the boy. He doesn't look up but walks over to the closed door and kneels infront of it facing us.
   I watch as he lays on his stomach and tucks his hands under himself. I stare at him questioningly, "*Why did he do that so willingly..*"
  "That is how pups are supposed to sit when around adults." Ryo looks at me intently before glancing over to the boy.
  She leans down and takes a bite of her meat, tearing a chunk off. I watch curiously as she tosses it at the boy, the meat skidding to a stop.
  She growls lowly, turning away from the boy and looks to the food infront of me, "You must eat too Zaru."
  I look down at the plate of food the rogue left, questioning if it's even safe to eat. Shifting I walk over to the food, picking up the bread with distaste.
  "Slave of Ryo, Sir, it will taste better when dipped into the slop." His voice so low I wasn't even sure I heard it.
   I look over at the child with pity, "*Definitely gonna raid this place when we get back.*" 
    "What's your-" Ryo snaps at me, stopping me mid sentence.
  "Second rule, don't talk to the dwellers." She tilts her head down and takes another bite out of her hunk of meat.
  Swallowing she looks at the pup with an ominous aura, "You know better then to speak. Mind yourself if you wanna make it to the next ranks."
   "Do you remember me?" The boy ask sheepishly, never lifting his head up. His scarred hand slowly reaching for the meat Ryo gave him.
  "You were much smaller then glad you lived, not many do." She snorts indifferently and goes to finish her own.
   Shaking my head, I shovel the food down quickly as to not taste it, before looking back at my Mate.
  "You know this boy?" I question curiously, not able to help myself.
   "Sort of, like Kana he survived my attack." She turns and takes another bite of meat.
  "What hap-"
  "He was nearly newborn then and dared to try to seek warmth from me. His survival shows his strength, hence how he is close to being a middle now. Soon he will shift and fight." She growls darkly, "I wasn't as balanced when I was younger."
   "I see.." An uneasy feeling builds as I process her words. "Why can't /I/ talk to him?"I look at the boy now as he ravageningly devours the meat.
   "The pups are trained to think of nothing but the pit. Nothing but the fight. Talking brings on thoughts that bring distractions which will bring death."
  I nod my head understanding my Mate alittle more. Having her show me her world, no matter how gruesome, is still something I'm excited for. Ryo doesn't talk about her past, this may be a rare glimpse to a side she hides.
  "What else can you tell me?" I ask her cautiously, I'm pushing my luck.
   My Mate looks at me with a heavy sadness, Ryo tilts her head and I follow her gaze. Without another word she just stands up and moves a single paw to step forward.
  The boy infront of me drops the piece of meat the second my Mate's paw lifted mere centimeters up. I stare stunned as he quickly curls back up, his back and kneck exposed.
  She didn't growl, she didn't snap. She didn't say or do anything aggressive. All she did was lift a paw and the boy reacted with such swiftness.
   He was in submission before Ryo even finished the motion. Like it was instinctual, his body felt her moving before she moved. I look back at her and she sits back down and finishes eating in silence.

Rogues: The Beginningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن