Chapter 14 -Zaru pov-

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  I mind-link my Beta, unable to find sleep. It has been 4 hours and the rage is still consuming me. That breif glimpse inside her left a deep mark within me. I don't ever recall feeling this much darkness before, what these rogues have done to MY MATE.. will be paid for in BLOOD.
   Already feeling my emotions through the mindlink, my Beta snarls viciously, "*Looks like we are going to war.*"
    "*They asked for it. We will take down every rogue settlement!*" I seethe hard trying to hold it in not wanting to disturb Ryo.
    "*Alpha, we are always ready for a good fight but what happened over there? Are you safe?*" The Beta has heavy concern at the end.
    "*We are fine.. Jin was finally able to access our mate-link.*"
   I try to steady my breathing but snarl in my mind remembering. It was a mere seconds but her mental wall was finally down.. Unable to hold it in, I flood open ranting all my thoughts into him.
   "*There is something different about Ryo, a darkness lumes heavy over her. It explains much about why her crimson eyes darken black, the explosive moments..*"
    Normally our eyes only shift bewteen human and wolf. What birthed from the loss of her human self and the utter torture from such a young age...
   "*Had I..Had we waited any longer... I shudder to think.. She would've become a true...*" I can't even finish the sentence.
   "*Our Luna isn't a monster Alpha. She is a fierce Luna who will protect our pack.*" He tries to comfort me.
     Pain, rage, hatred, a hunger.. It goes to her very core as a wolf. A mere glimpse felt like an eternity. My thoughts flicker silently as my will strengthens.
    "*Send word to King Alpha formally,  we need to convene the Council." I cut the connection after and bottle my rage.
   My Mate sees Jin's lack of instincts as weak. What she fails to understand about pack wolves is exactly how much strength we gain from emotions.
   I feel Jin agreeing with me, our fire blazing together. Tonight we both will take out everything in the ring as she did. It's time for our Mate to truly see us, the power emotions carry. Letting them grow, I close my eyes and lay down.
   She wants to see what we can do, it is time to stop holding back. We will show her we can handle her pain, we can love her. I growl, "*Tonight she will see us as an equal.*"
  I wake to her warm snout nudging me, I stretch standing up and turn. Rubbing my head under her chin, she rolls her eyes but does rub her head gently against me as she walks past.
  Her tail flicking me nearly in a playful way but I must be imagining it. I shake my head at wishful thinking. I'm grateful for the rare moments of tenderness she does give me.
   "Zaru." She snaps pulling my attention, "Come, time to eat before the match."
   Looking over, the errand boy had already laid the meat out. I walk to my share and this time I tear a piece off and toss it to the child. I growl lowly as Ryo does, watching as the boy reaches out and grabs the chunk hastily.
   I feel her burning gaze on me and glance over. She has an expression carrying approval, she seems pleased I'm adjusting to the life here.
   Holding back my happiness at her compliment, I snort and tear into my meal. Noticing it tastes different but I'm in rogue lands so who knows what type of meat it is.
   She doesn't hesitate and devours it ravageningly. I wish she ate regular food with such vigor, I chuckle lightly. A knock at the door nearly startling me but I take my Alpha pose instantly.
   Ryo however is already lunging and slams through the door. I dart after her, but the intruder is already dead. I look at her confused but she just pushes us back into room.
   "Runt! Tell your Master if he wants to speak then come himself. Anyone else will end up like that rogue." She orders with a new threat lacing her tone.
   The pup whimpers and books it faster then ever out of the room through the pit door. Realizing she is in a different mood then normal, more edgy this time. Something must be going on I can't sense and that is why she responded so aggressively.
   "*Wish I had more experience in hostile territories to understand Ryo better.*" I shake my head, shocked by my own thought.
   "Something is wrong." She snarls, pushing me further back from the door suddenly.
   I watch her ears twitch continually, her nose sniffing constantly. I still don't sense anyone but her demeanor definitely says someone is coming.
    Suddenly, Ryo's fangs sink deep into my kneck and we are running instantly. Looping through the arena and around the challengers' hall. We pass numerous cages and startled rogues, leaving them just as confused as myself.
  I can feel her panic rising, this is the first time I have ever felt true panic coming from her. If she is scared then what in the actual fuck is coming.
     We clear the castle's front gate in mere seconds and she drops me, "RUN! WE MUST RUN!" She bites at my feet hard.
   She doesn't hesitate and runs faster then I have ever seen. I am easily keeping her pace now, however we aren't taking a path I know. Still even Jin is telling me to trust her, he also seems extremely panicked.
    I don't know why we spent so much time running, I mind-link my brother filling him in on everything. We have crossed two territories and another rogue land before Ryo finally stops.
   I appoarch her carefully, for nearly four days we just ran. She is shaking, from head to toe Ryo is quivering uncontrollablely. I look around and am surprised to see the vast expanse of ocean before my eyes.
   Ryo turns roboticly and walks past me, she doesn't even seem to acknowledge my existence. She is sniffing the air madly then presses her body firmly against the ground. Her heckles raised and ears twitching intensely.
  I can tell she is trying to pick up on any threats possible. Ryo stands up and looks at me blankly before she collapses. Her body morphing into a human form, it wasn't a shift though. Her bones didn't break and fur didn't peel. Within a split second her wolf form was gone and before my eyes lay a goddess.
  Momentarily stunned at her beautiful figure, the whole process as fast as a blink. The way her human curves flow, her long silver hair cascading over her shoulders. Her ears sit upto her head, wolf ears peeking through her hair and her lips pale pink, the tips of her canines stick out..
   Her shoulders are sleek and she has a sweet kneck line. Ample breast perfectly suiting her small atheletic frame. I can't help but stare at her exposed body, I want to feel her delicate skin.
  Shaking those thoughts I continue to marvel at my Mate's exceptional beauty. I lay next to her in the sand, chuckling as I am taller then her by a good foot or so when I'm in my form..
  The reality of the situation hitting me at that thought. I shift quickly and pull her onto my lap.
  "Ryo?" I call her name frantically, "Ryo! I know you're tired but please wake up!" My breathing tightening as the worse thoughts try to push in.
   She still isn't responding as I gentle shake her, she is completely unconscious. Her breathing becoming shallow, her heart beat slowling.
    "Fuck!" I shout and call out for help, "*Father!*"
  "*Yes Son?*"Clear worry in his tone as I never reach out like this.
  "*I need you to come pick us up. We are to the North, at the coast line.*" I answer him hastily.
  "*What in the world are you doin that far out?*" Father is definitely confused but I can feel his panic building.
  "*I wish I knew Dad. My Mate collapsed after leading us here and...*" I am fighting tears, "*Something really bad happened and..*"
  "*What happened?!!*" He ask, demanding me.
  "*She changed Dad. She is laying here in a humanish form.*" I answer burying down my rampant emotions.
  "*WHY? HOW? WHAT!!*"
  "*She was running... no she wasn't running... She was fleeing from something. I have never seen nor felt her so terrified. She ran on pure instincts, probably even why she morphed.*"
  "*We need to eliminate this threat as soon as possible. If it can scare her that much then we all need to be afraid Zaru. Stay put the helicopter is enroute.*"
  "*Understood.*" Breaking the link I look down at my Mate.
  What in the world is going on, rogues forming packs, creating fighting rings, settlements.. having children and now this...
  I look up at the full moon, "Oh Goddess, my Goddess. Please, please give me the strength I need for the sake of my Mate." I close my eyes hoping the Moon Goddess answers my plea.
  Moments later I hear the whirl of the helicopter, I scoop Ryo and run for it. My Father's Beta reaching out his arm to me, pulling us in swiftly. It's a quick flight to the castle despite how long we ran. Once landing, I wasn't sure where I should go. Panic clouding my mind. The Throne room? The hospital? The prison cells..
  "Alpha Prince, this way. Pack doctors are waiting at the guest house next to the courtyard garden."
  Without another word I dash forward, jumping from the landing pad ledge. I feel the ache in my knees as I land 3 floors down but I kick forward, my feet leaving deep impressions.
  Mother is already holding the front door for me, I dart past her and head straight up the stairs. I see father holding the bedroom door at the end of the hall, pack doctors inside the bedroom.
  I rush to the bed and lay Ryo down gently, the team of female doctors examining her head to toe. My father and mother coming into the room to support me but I didn't want them in here.
   /She/ wouldn't even want the doctors in here, let alone my parents. I struggle inside, panic filling my core again. The pack doctors assure me she will be fine physically as they leave, closing the door behind them.
  "Son.." My parents speak gently in unison.
   "Don't.. not now.. just leave!" I snap at them, I can't help it I'm so angry.
   I am sad, scared, anxious, excited, confused.. I am so many things, but being angry is the easiest.
   "*Who are you angry at?*" Jin growls ready to fight, "*Did they hurt our Mate?!*"
   "*No.. maybe..*"
   "*Who hurt her!?*"
   "*I think.. I think this is our fault Jin..*"
     His silence speaks volumes as he processes my words.
  "*It is isn't it Jin? She must have ran to protect us and that's why she even shifted.*"
  "*I dont think so Zaru*" His voice quiet but laced with a dark tone.
  "*Explain Jin.*"
  "*I think she ran and shifted on pure instincts, to protect herself..taking us may have been a reflex and not deliberate..*"
  "*Then...but aside, is this her human-*"
  "*No, not a human body... I think.. I think our Mate /made/ this form...or it's a blessing from the Moon Goddess.*"
  "*Why do you say that?*" I question Jin unsure.
  "*Pointed ears, sliver hair, her fangs still exposed, even her nails are more claw.. and..she doesn't have a scent Zaru..*" I can feel him hesitate as he continues, "*Honestly Zaru, I don't think..I dont think Ryo is like us.. that night I went in her mind..something is different.*"
  "*I don't understand Jin.. and yeah she has a smel-*"
  "*That's the Mate scent.. Have you learned anything?*" I feel Jin roll his eyes at me, our Mate clearly rubbing off on him.

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