Chapter 18 -Zaru pov-

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     I lean against the bedroom door frame, just gazing upon her sleeping silhouette. Soon enough I get lost in her and my mind begins to wander. I fall deep into myself thinking of only her. Even getting to sleep next to Ryo was a challenge, the first few nights were easy but eventually she was getting increasingly annoyed.
    I chuckle softly to myself, remembering her kicks as phantom pain throbs. I spent many nights on the floor next to the bed, but my mate's stubbornness subdued. In the end she gave up, as Ryo was tired of waking up on the uncomfortable floor next to me.
   Neither me nor Jin have tried to mindlink her again either. It definitely hurts a bit knowing she keeps us locked out regardless of her reasons. With Ryo still continuing to fight the mating pull, adds even more strain on us.
    Yet somehow she also manages in give in to it, just enough to keep both ourselves from goin insane. We touch more and spend more time enjoying each other's company, almost like it is becoming second nature to us both.
    Not alot of physical contact but a simple pass of hands, or a shoulder bump. That alone somehow seems to quell the building heat in Jin and myself. Ryo's eyes are alot more expressive then I realized as her wolf self. I catch her watching me intently at times, the way her eyes follow me as I spar with my pack warriors. Or the way she stares hungerly as I change in the room.
    Ryo's expressions and feelings are fairly easy to read in her new form as they run across her features. I feel grateful at being able to understand her a bit more at least.
    Ryo isn't ready for marking and has made it clear as day a few times. I once went to kiss her kneck and got a soild gut punch. I pine for the day we get to mark Ryo as our mate still. The more i watch and interact with Ryo, the desire to claim her is becoming increasingly hard to ignore.
    *She definitely makes me work,* I chuckle again. Her faint snores reach my ears, and I refocus and watch as she adjust herself in the bed. Grabbing ahold of my pillow, she pulls it close to her chest. Soon enough her soft breath steadies and a smile graces her lips.
    Thinking about how normal werewolfs usually pair up really makes Ryo stand out more. Most mated wolves are paired and marked within 3 months. The stories of how the female's are swept off their feet and the males engulfed by passion are commonly known, but that's definitely not my story. My mate is so unquie and powerful, everything about her contradicts what I thought I knew of our kind.
   It has been nearly a year since I found Ryo and although I do find myself insanely happy she isn't like the other she-wolves, part of me still craves that she was. Instead of a bond's push for soft touches and gentle kisses, she uses the bond to make us stronger.
   Ryo wants me as her equal and uses the bond to motivate me. Not encouraging the desire to frolic mindlessly but to think clearly even when all I wanna do is kiss. I don't mind improving myself but sometimes intimacy would be enjoyable too.
   Other females want kind and gentle mates to craddle and hold them deeply. Ryo wants fierce fangs and dependability from her mate. To be able to trust her life to me beyond just the mate bond.
    The other way the stories of bonded pairs go, end up with the male's finding beaten and broken mates. It shames me to think that I once thought her as such a female.. Ryo isn't like anyone I have ever met before.
    At first it was pity I looked at her with. I saw her as a broken mate who needed a prince to save her. Someone to sweep her off her feet, to cradle and hold her all the time.
   However it's the complete opposite. She didn't go soft, she didn't melt at the sight of me. She also wasn't cowering in fear. No, she was fighting. Challenging me from the very start.
    Ryo didn't back down and cower weakly, she roared strongly. She wasn't hiding in that corner of the cell, she was standing her ground. Ryo is fericous and cunning, she was ready to take us all down that night. Ryo has never seen me as a hero, as someone who rescued her from suffering.
    She never even realized she needed rescuing. No, she sees me as weak, as an unfit alpha.. and basically an unfit wolf to be her mate. I feel a silent growl bubble at my thoughts, but deeper down does my mind fall.
   Ryo not only changed how I see rogues and werewolves in general but how I understand the mating bond. Werewolves generally give in blindly to the pull when we find our mates and let it leads us forward. Where she took the pull, beat it and now leads it.
    Ryo, my beautiful mate will be a Queen Luna that truly changes our wolrds, both rogue wolves and pack wolves.
    Noticing the drop in temperature pulls me back into reality, looking to see Ryo's head haning out the window suddenly. The screen is shredded as she continues to rib through it. The first snow of winter is upon us, and I watch a twinkle build in her eyes.
    This will be her first snow, I'm fairly excited to see how she responds when it builds up. The rain startled her at first too, she has such innocent reactions to the most mundane things. Ryo sparks gratefulness within those who see her in these rare moments.
    "Ryo there is something I been meaning to ask you.." I watch her carefully but she pays me little mind still.
    "What is it?"
   "Do you have family?" I look at her a bit anxiously now, I don't ask much of her past.
    "I don't have such memories. It wasn't a life I ever lived." She shrugs her shoulders indifferently.
    "Have you ever tried to veiw memories of the hum-" I ask tentatively.
    "There aren't any human memories to my knowledge."
    "You said you woke up-"
   She turns her head and faces me, "It wasn't a human form I took over when I awoke. It was a wolf as I was."
   "I am slightly confused Ryo. Werewolves have two sides-"
    "I am a aware of that. Get to your point." Her tone is sharp, if she had her fangs her jaw would be snapping at me.
    "I am trying to understand how its possible that you yourself exist. It's never been heard of for there to be more then one wolf inside of us." I rub my temple as a headache begins.
    "So all this time you thought I was a humanless wolf?" She chuckles darkly, "I'm the beast of the pit-"
    "But there is no brand on you, there isn't even a faint scar... and I just want to understand.." I rub the back of neck.
    "You don't think I am a werewolf do you?" She stares at me intently now.
    "I am not really sure what I think but I do know you are my Mate and nothing will change that." I smile warmly, confident in that fact.
    I love Ryo and everything about her, from the choas to the warmth. Ryo pulls her head in finally and falls deeply into thought, sinking down into the couch. A haze glossing her eyes as she dirfts off elsewhere before closing them.
    I watch her nose crinkle slightly as she speaks, "The smell of salt is so strong it burns my nose. I hear deep snarls and water clashing in my ears."
   I watch as Ryo brings her hand up to her cheek, "Endless water flowing, the trails burn the flesh. Something scary getting closer....can't breathe good.. whimpers of a female.. It is all dark, eyes that are open but still can't see.."
    I can't even bring myself breathe as I listen to Ryo speak. My lungs frozen as she tries to describe something she doesn't even know. I listen carefully to Ryo, her words barely a whisper. My heart is in my throat, part of me regrets asking her anything.
   "Starving, always hungry. Tired, never able to sleep. Pain, rough hands relentlessly hitting. Bad smells burn all the time. Jaws always snapping. Then just done.....and then I am me." Ryo keeps her eyes closed as she continues, "At the pit where I ended up, I tried to get strong fast.. but I didn't. I couldn't block her out completely from feeling more of those things.. and she.. the young wolf pup disappeared from within completely.."
    I hug her, all I can do is hug Ryo right now. I have no words to speak to offer solace. If she was her normal self, I highly doubt she would've ever said any of this openly.
    Ryo pushes me away but I don't let her go. I hold her silently, feeling moist tears fall against my arm.
    "I understand a bit more", I whisper gently, her back pressed against me.
    "About what?" She sniffles as quietly as possible.
    "That night Jin spoke to you... you buried everything...." I don't even know where these words are coming from as I speak now, "There is so much. Like a turbulent ocean beneath a raging storm."
  She stares at me, dangerous emotions fill her rapidly darkening eyes. I am not phased, I already opened this door and I want to learn more.
   "I want to know more Ryo, don't try and scare me off anymore." I reach for her cheek to lift her face up.
    "No. You don't want to know more. You'll look at me with the same look as all the others out there." She motions to air openly
    "And what look is that?" I wipe a tear from her cheek.
    "Fear Zaru." She stands up and walks back to the bed, "Come, enough talk. Time for sleep now." She pats the bed and rolls over.
   It doesn't feel like alot of time has passed before I am on full alert. An ominous aura is engulfing the pack house, something very familiar. Feeling my mate arouse from sleep, her demeanor already telling me this is really bad.
   Before I even have a chance to talk to her, Ryo is already bolting for the door. Panicing inside I catch up to her and wrestle her to the ground before she can leave the house.
    "Ryo you must not go out there! Let us handle this." I plead against her struggling body.
   "You all will die trying! Let me go!" She slams her feet against me but I won't budge.
   "I am sorry Ryo, but I must keep you safe above all else." Steeling my emotions, I knock her out in one swift hit to her neck.
   I feel Jin's conflicting emotions the rival my own, "* You know it was necessary! If she goes to face these intruders in her current state we will lose her!*"
    "*I know Zaru but she is our mate!*" Jin growls unhappily.
   "*We can deal with that later for now let us focus.*"
   Many panicked voices flood the mindlink, to the point where I can only catch snippets of information. It seems a monster pack came from nowhere and is currently darting through the pack houses and even my father's castle.
    Johnathan describes the beast to have fur as black as Ryo's, with eyes dark. Darker then even the void of space.. Some were lizard like beast and others that of mutated cats or wolves.
   So far they have only snapped and stopped about but never killing anyone. Eventually they corral all of the shifted members to our training grounds. Located between my father's land and mine.
   I quickly join my family and pack, standing next to my brother and father. I study the man in front of us. This is definitely the Alpha of this lot and moreover the one after my mate.
     I watch as my father, Alpha King Marcus charge but he gets over powered insanely fast. Both my brother and I have zero time to react. This whole battle is happening so fast that my mind is still trying to process everything.
    The man facing my father never even shifts to his wolf form yet the King's kneck is tightly pinned beneath. I watch as the stranger's eyes checks each wolf that his pack snaps at.
     Our pack wolves are corned, my father is trapped and I do not know what is the right move. I don't think there is anything I can do to save the ones I care for, but I must try.
   I ready for an attack, I line up the the stranger pinning my father. His attention is on the skyline and bolt forward. I hear his dry laughter as something drops down ontop of me.
    "Easy pups, I am Lord Kozukai and I have come for what is mine!" His voice booms loudly, hurting my ears.
   I growl trying to get up but it is not doing me any good. I snarl and paw the ground desperately trying to get out from under this creature pinning me down.
    "You struggle in vain little white pup. Jeremy is a dragon. The likes of which your kind has probably never seen!" Kozukai speaks with such pride.
     I glance up, barely able to see the creature pinning me. Jeremy's blue dragon form alien to us all, no one has ever seen a dragon in person. His scales glisten a shimmery blue, and smoke billows from his gaping mouth. The fairy tales we read do not do justice to the dragons, they are feeble descriptions compared to the beast holding me down.
    I know Kozukai can't sense Ryo as her human has no distinct smell. I smile internally knowing he can't act till he knows where she is. Kozukai growls insanely loud and his creatures retreat back into the shadows.
    "I want Ryo! I will give you 7 days time to bring her to East coast of this land. There Jeremy will bring her to me and return your King." With that Kozukai climbs on to Jeremy and the dragon takes my father in his claws as they fly upwards.
   The packs erupt into choas, my brother and I instantly trying to restore order. Zet take's our mother and her pack back to their territory, leaving me on my own to settle mine down. After a few hours everything is semi calm again and I begin making war plans to rescue my Father and to keep my mate safe.
   Ryo wakes the next day angerly, and she scolds me explicitly. I do my best to explain everything that happened to her and why I choose to knock her out.
     "I have to go Zaru!" Ryo screams at me.
    "No you don't! I don't wanna lose you! At least let me come too then!"
     "I am strong. If you come I don't know if I'll be able to focus. You are still a weakness and right now I can't risk it. If I die it will be cause of you." Ryo snarls her words as she steps up to me.
   "I don't care!" I shout back, throwing my hands up.
   Soon we are brawling it out in the house. The fight last what feels like hours, most of the house is destroyed now. I lunge foward to try and wrap my arms around Ryo but she ducks down and bolts out the second floor window.
    I watch her sprint off towards the woods, knowing she isn't leaving but instead needing to clear her mind. I finish all the main planning and task a group of wolves to repair the house. The sun is nearly down now and she still hasn't returned to the house.
     Deciding it would be best if I went to find her myself. I follow her scent deep into the woods towards the West. A few hours pass when I eventually see Ryo laying next to a stream. The moon is rising now, even a Cresent moon gives off beautiful light.
    I step closer to Ryo and see that she has fallen asleep. Her beautiful human form radiating in the moonlight creates a magical feeling. It is hard to believe that even given the current situation, I can still feel such joy..
   The thought of not having a future with my Mate after seeing her so exquisite moves us forward unknowingly. A new heat rapidly fills me, a new instinct exploding inside my body. I must claim all of our Mate, we must make her ours' tonight. No more waiting, it's too risky now.
    My breathing deepens as I glance down, Ryo's petite body fully exposed beneath me. So many thoughts rushing in, images flooding my mind. Jin over powers me before I can control ourselves and he pounces on top of her hungerly. He snarls as he pins her to the ground. Ryo's eyes wide in surprise as she gazes up at us now.
    "MINE!" Jin growls before ripping the jeans from his lower body.
   Ryo never adverts her gaze, watching us with intense courisousity. I can tell she has no idea what's happening and even less of an idea if she likes it or not..
   Jin crushes our mouth to hers, forcing our tongue inside to wrap around her's. We can feel her growls building but doesn't slow our advances.
   Jin tightens his grip as Ryo tries to pull her wrist free. He even locked her legs with ours, leaving her spread and unable to gain a footing.
   Ryo snarls angrily now, trying to escape Jin's hold. Displeased by her display, he moves our hips forcing her body to comply with him. Jin smiles pleased with himself that he has her perfectly restrained.
    He slowly moves our hips downwards, we can feel our mate's warmth rub against the length of our shaft. Everything pushing him to fill her with his scent, pushing me as well. We want to claim her completely. Ryo tries to pull away and that motion lines us up with her entrance. Feeling the warm liquid draining from her against us is the final push over the edge.
   Her body is craving us, she wants us just as bad even if she doesn't understand it yet. I smile to myself excitedly, knowing that tonight we will be one with our mate.
    Jin pulls from her lips and slides our dick into her without hesitation. She whimpers in surprise and he howls in pleasure. The tightenness hugging us, the wetness kissing us. Jin feels her inside throb as he sits still.  
    Savoring our Mate before he begins to move, her low growls growing. We are big and he knows it but she is ours, he can fill her as much as he wants. Jin growls back, locking her lips with ours once more and slams her harder. Another whimper from her drives us to push further in. Jin's motion becoming more and more carnal as he makes love to our Mate.
    Our fierce and powerful Mate, is now weak beneath us in pleasure. Ryo's growls are replaced with soft groans, and her whimpers are now filled with hints of pleasure.
   Submitting to her lust, even I can feel her giving in. Her pinned body no longer fighting but freely moving with ours, seeking to fill her own desires now. He pulls out leaving just the tip touching, then slams himself hard.  
    Groaning as his seed shoots out but it's not enough. He wants more, we need more. Ryo's whimpers grow as her body releases too, just making Jin want to dominate our all powerful Mate. "Moan for me more my Luna." He growls, aggressively and she responds seductively. Arching her hips upwards as she moans.
    Without further hesitation, I take charge pushing Jin back. I drop my hips down meeting her and slide deep in to her crevice. Euphoria explodes inside, the feeling of being with our Mate is overwhelming. My own growls are filled with desire and Ryo's is full with craving.
    Her moans are increasing and it drives me wild. I grind myself against her lower body. I can feel her insides pulsating, her body asking me for more. Ryo lays there enchanted by the exploding sensations as I indugle her body. I continuely thrust into her as I nibble and suck on her breast. An array of feelings and emotions rolling through us in waves, slowly swallowing us.
    I can't contain myself and kiss her madly. My lips ravagening hers, our tongues dancing as one. Ryo's scent is becoming increasingly intoxicating as her own desire builds again. Instincts leading her and myself into bliss.
    I trail my nose against her kneck, the urge pulling me to bite, to mark her. I am so lost in in the moment with Jin, I can't help it and I start licking her kneck. Ryo jerks her head up, fangs sharpening as she bites into my neck first.
    It isn't sweet or gentle, sparks mixed with pain hit us instantly. Ryo giving into her instincts and her bite gets harder, though this time its not painful for long. I can feel her mark taking root, the warmth of it only adds to the desire of doing the same.
    Further motivated on by this, I bring my fangs down on her neck. A new wave of pleasure taking hold of me as I can feel my eye's swirl rapidly, Jin blending in now and together we deepen our bite. Tasting Ryo's precious blood at last, claiming her. In a split second, we have left our mark on Ryo and she leaves her's on us.
    I go to pull us away from her but Jin holds the bit firmly, forcing me to fall back once more. Jin is sniffing intently to try and pick up her smell, refusing to free her from us too soon. He is waiting for her scent to fully blend with our's, for it to become one.
  Our member twitches inside Ryo, her warmth growing the longer we stay locked in this embrace. I can feel us filling her even while motionless, our seed being planted.   
    Once Jin satisfied with our mark, he moves our lips to our beautiful Mate and starts kissing her passionately.
     Savoring how our blood taste as it moves between us. Our scent now the same and our bodies still fully conjoined. Pleasure overwhelms us, I want more and as if reading my mind Ryo begins to squirm under us.
   I can feel her juices rushing as she orgasms once more. Jin growls, moving us inside of her. Feeling the pulsating walls sucking us in deeper. Ryo reaches up and sinks her claws into our back as her body arches with another release. Her body's warmth increasing as we release more of our seed deep within her.
    Together we all lay mating under the blessed light of the moon for hours. After such intimate experience, both us and Ryo are completely exhausted. We lay side by side and gaze up at the stars in peaceful bliss.

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