Chapter 8: Hyrah

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CW: Mentions of injury and BDSM practices

Chapter 8: Hyrah

I smile awkwardly at Hyrah, hovering in the doorway to Aiden's cabin. "I've come to keep you company. If you want company, of course?"

"I don't like to be alone," Hyrah admits softly. He's looking a bit better than he had been yesterday. His skin is still sickly-looking, but it's got some of its color back. It's a less green-tinted orange now. "Where did the healer go?"

"They needed him on deck to help with the sails. Do you need him? Are you in pain?"

"No, no. I'm alright. He just walked out without saying anything so I was worried I had upset him."

"Aiden doesn't seem to talk a lot." I carefully sit down on the edge of the planter box Aiden had built into the cabin. It's mostly herbs, but there are a couple climbing ivies that have started crawling up the wall. It makes the whole room smell Earthy, and I immediately feel more settled by it. "I'm not the best at conversation either, but I like to think I'm a good listener."

Hyrah nods and rolls onto his side to face me. I wonder, for a moment, where Aiden is sleeping since Hyrah seems to be restricted to the only bunk in the cabin. But then Hyrah opens his mouth to speak, and I focus on him. "I miss the ocean," Hyrah murmurs. "My skin itches but the healer-Aiden, you said?-told me not to scratch it because I could worsen my wounds."

"I could get you some water? I'm sure I could get you some saltwater."

"He left me a basin of water and some cloth. Sitting up makes me dizzy, though. So I haven't used it. I've just been dealing with the itching."

"Would you like me to help?"

"Yes, please. kind, please? It's not as bad in mer form, but other mers can still be cruel. It's worse in human form, and humans are particularly cruel."

"I won't be cruel, I promise." I give him a reassuring smile and stand, walking over to the basin of water as I pick up a folded rag. I dunk it in the water and wring it out a bit so it isn't soaked, and when I've turned to face Hyrah once again, he's pushed the thin blanket aside.

I don't notice anything different about him, at first. He just looks a bit chubby, and obviously injured. He's topless, but he's wearing a threadbare pair of short pants. I wring the rag out over his stomach and listen to him sigh happily.

And then I notice that one of his legs is longer than the other, and I realize what he had meant.


Hyrah looks away. "It's harder to see on my tail. It just looks a bit crooked in that form. But with legs..."

"That wasn't a derisive 'ah'. It was one of understanding. Is that what makes swimming harder?"

"Partially. I've also got issues with my muscles. But it's not all bad. I help care for the little ones. Tell them stories and put them to nap. I adore that. I can't hunt like my sister or my love, but I help in ways that are suited to me."

I re-soak the rag and wring it out over his lower legs. "As it should be. I'm glad you have a role that you enjoy. And your love? Would you like to talk about them?"

"He's wonderful, Xian! He's got the most beautiful dark grey eyes and his hair is always tangled in the cutest ways and he's usually got a new bruise because he's clumsy but he's so sweet and he'll pull me along with him so we can swim together and he'll support me when I'm tired and he's just...everything." Hyrah's positively glowing, face flushed with happiness. "He's my everything."

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