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"Today is the day Nori shouted. Time to show them what I can do." I grabbed my phone and rushed to my car. "Fuck I'm gonna be late." Pulling out my keys, I felt a familiar presence around me. The air was cold, my breath slowed. A pressure forced me to the ground. "What the hell I screamed?" It felt as though someone or something was holding me down? I couldn't move. It became heavier when I tried. "Stop, I begged, please! "Finally, the pressure let up, and I was able to stand. Looking around the parking garage, I shrugged the incident off and unlocked the door. Clicking my seat belt in place, I noticed a dark mist floating above the hood of my car. "You have got to be kidding me I snapped, nope, not happening." Starting the engine, I threw the car in gear and sped away. Looking in the rear view mirror, I watched as the mist disappeared. "Why of all days did he choose to fuck with me, damn him?"

I got through the morning without any issues, but his presence was lurking. "I know you're there dammit I whispered, hoping no one heard me."This is not the place to play around, so go away, I demanded." Frustrated, I stormed off towards the elevator. Waiting on the car to take me to my floor, a cold chill brushed my skin. I stood with my arms crossed, tapping my foot. I was livid. "Where do you get off, I hissed?" "Fucking with me at work and on my first day, that is beyond low you know?" Suddenly, the elevator stopped, the lights flickered. Pressing all the buttons, I tried to get the car to move, but nothing worked. "Come on, I shouted, this isn't funny." Creeping behind me, a skeletal hand grabbed my throat. Exposing my neck, he slid his tongue down slowly. "Hello, Kitten DZ greeted me with a soft purr." A moan escaped me, I quickly covered my mouth. "DZ, why, you know what today is? Why are you bothering me?"Bothering, he laughed, I wouldn't say I'm doing that. I'm having fun with my pet, and I'll play when I want to he growled." His hand slid up my skirt, his fingers gently rubbed the outside of my panties. My core tingled, I pressed against him, I wanted more. Resting my head on his shoulder, I bit my lip. Fuck, it felt so good, why can't I resist him? "Please, DZ, stop I begged. Whispering, he asked. "Are you sure that's what you want, licking my lobe." I gasped, squeezing his thigh. I loved the feeling of his tongue. It made my senses melt. Moving my panties to one side, he slid something cold between my folds, making it and myself very wet. He slipped what I thought were his fingers into my core, making me shuddered. His hot touch, his primal dominance, I couldn't get enough. He was intoxicating and addictive. My mind was clouded, I was in no position to make logical decisions. I was at the mercy of DZ. Kissing my neck, he adjusted my panties and released my skirt. Stepping back, he leaned against the wall, staring at me with that cocky smirk of his. "What are you gawking at?"Are we done I asked sarcastically?"Fine DZ, don't answer me, I have to get back to work." Reaching for the button to open the elevator, a tingling sensation shocked my core. Kneeling, I gripped the railing. My body was hot, and my thoughts were scrambled. I wanted to scream. Then, like a switch, it was gone. Panting, I wiped the sweat from my face and brushed my hair back. Just as I started to stand, the sensation hit me again. Gripping tighter, I looked over at DZ. He was watching me, enjoying my reactions. "DZ, are you doing this, I shouted?" "Stop it now, I ordered." His expression changed from amused to heated. The sensational feeling intensified, forcing me to the floor. My legs trembled, and my core was burning. DZ kneeled beside me. "You take orders from me, remember, you don't order me to do shit?" My back arched, gripping his ankle, I pleaded. "Please, I'm sorry, DZ, I can't take anymore I cried." Turning it off, he leaned in close. "For the rest of the day, you will walk around with this inside you. It's for my pleasure as well as yours." My cheeks blushed, I started to protest. Instead, I adjusted my clothes, stood, and replied. "Yes, Sir," may I go, I asked, biting my tongue to keep from saying anything else?" Embracing me, he caressed my cheek. "I'll be watching Love, "he said softly, finally allowing the door to open." I glanced into his eyes, gave him a half cracked smile, stepped back, and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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