Chapter 1.

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Lorain's POV: I woke early this morning it was a beautiful day out in California I had moved to California with Chavez after the Lincoln County War it had been a year since everything had happened when I woke up Chavez was already gone he had probably gotten a head start so I got dressed and ate breakfast before starting to work when Chavez and I moved to California to start a new life and we thought it was best if we changed our names because of the whole Lincoln County War thing I chose the name Rorianna and Chavez chose the name Miguel and we started working on a fruit ranch awhile after we moved to California we found a white female German Shepherd dog and named her Misae which meant white sun in Sioux I had a feeling that she was probably with Chavez she had always tried to keep Chavez and I together whenever we bicker she would get upset and tried to get us to stop bickering which Chavez and I found interesting after I got dressed and everything I walked down towards the orchards I saw that the apples were ready for picking so I grabbed a basket and started picking apples while Chavez was picking oranges after awhile I decided to take a break and go and see Chavez hopefully we're aren't going to bicker about anything again I walked over and saw that Chavez was also taking a break and Misae was with him her head resting on his lap and he was gently petting her fur but she jumped off and ran to me when she saw me coming

Well she seems happy to see me I said to Chavez

Yeah I guess Chavez replied

Alright what is it? I asked looking at him

Nothing I'm fine Chavez replied with a sigh

No you're not "what's wrong? I want to help I told him

I said I'm fine alright Chavez said annoyed

You know ever since we came here you've been on edge I said

I know I just don't want to go back Lincoln and I'm worried that someone will turn us in because of that stupid bounty Chavez said

Listen to me we're not going to get turned in nobody even knows who we are so stop worrying I replied

I guess you're right Chavez said

I'm always right I said

Don't push it Chavez said

I smirked at him as I did Misae came up behind me and pushed me into Chavez with her nose Chavez and I looked at her surprised as she sat down stared at us I looked at Chavez and he looked at me before we parted it was around lunchtime so I went to our place that we have when we first came to the fruit ranch and started making lunch while Chavez was outside soaking up the sunshine in the yard

My POV: I sat outside in the yard with Misae playing while Lorraine was making lunch I sat in a lawn chair thinking I had really strong feeling that we were going to be turned in at any point and I wasn't going back to Lincoln especially when I didn't do anything wrong none of us really did anything wrong despite the fact that chivato had killed quite a few people including Murphy during the Lincoln County War but we were still considered as outlaws even Lorraine is considered an outlaw I sigh softly thinking about her I swear she does drive me crazy sometimes but yet somehow I still love her but I just don't know how to say it to her or anything Misae came running up to me I gently petted her and interacted with her

What do you think Misae? You think I should tell Lorraine how I feel about her? I asked looking at Misae and her looking at me before barking

I nodded and got up as I did I heard Misae growl and was looking off in the distance I looked up and saw a buggy carrying several men and I knew right then and there my worst fears were coming true Misae began barking uncontrollably causing Lorraine to come out to see what was going on

Chav what's going on? Lorraine asked using my nickname

We've got company and it's not going to be good I replied

The buggy came to a stop and four men got off and I knew who they were they were the Pinkertons they walked over towards us Misae stood between us and the four men growling I kept Lorraine behind me trying to protect her she looked at me worriedly I glanced at her briefly then back at the four men

Jose Chavez Y. Chavez and Lorraine Tunstall you two are under arrest for your involvement in the Lincoln County War and for the murder of Lawrence G. Murphy one of the men said as the other three came over and tied ropes around our hands we fought of course but it was no use once our hands were tied the men put Lorraine and Misae in the buggy and I was forced to walk all the way back to Lincoln County New Mexico and that was only just the beginning

As a little bonus

This is Misae our white German Shepherd dog she's a month old

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

This is Misae our white German Shepherd dog she's a month old

The New Life حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن