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Author's pov

The evening breeze whispered through the car, carrying with it the echoes of memories long cherished and wounds that hadn't quite healed.

As Jungkook sat in the solitude of his car, the weight of Taehyung's miseries settled heavily on his heart. He opened the envelope and unfolded the paper inside it.

Jungkook's gaze traced the familiar handwriting, each curve and stroke a reminder of the bond they once shared, now tinged with bittersweet nostalgia.
His heart raced with a mix of anticipation and trepidation as he read each line, feeling the emotions etched in every word.


Hey Jungkook,

First of all, how are you and... your dear husband? It's been so long since we met, right? And... if I'm being honest... I don't even want to meet you now. Why? Because even now, I can't forget about you. Even though you're married now, my heart isn't ready to accept the fact that you're not mine anymore. You hurt me so badly... I should hate you, right? But who will convince my heart... it's not ready to hate you, but to miss you more and more.

Someone said, "It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember!"

I don't know how I've passed these years without you. Maybe I accepted the loneliness and darkness of my life. I know you're here in Paris. We met again... Yes, that was me whom you were with that night. But I regret Jungkook... I regret losing my senses that night. You weren't in your right mind, but I was. I... I shouldn't have been intimate with you. And I'm really sorry about that. I hope you'll forgive me. And yes... don't try to find me, Jungkook, because you can't. I'm leaving Paris and going somewhere else. We weren't meant for each other, and I was slowly trying to accept this, but destiny brought us in front of each other again. Now it's more difficult for me.

But not anymore, Jungkook... it's enough for us. If you ever loved me even a little bit, please don't come in front of me again. I thought I would forget about you easily, but I was wrong.

"The pleasure of love lasts but a moment...the pain of love lasts a lifetime ! You broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces."

Goodbye, Jungkook...I wish we never meet again...



Jungkook's tears flowed freely now, each drop a testament to the depth of his anguish. He clutched the letter from Taehyung tightly as if holding onto the last sliver of hope in a world that seemed to crumble around him.

"Why, Taehyung, why... why aren't you ready to hear me out? Why did you leave me again... How can I live my life with someone else when it's you who my heart beats for? Don't you need me anymore, Tae? It's tearing me apart because I need you... I need you so desperately... Please, Taehyung... please give me a chance... please," Jungkook's voice cracked with emotion as he poured out his heart, the weight of his unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Jungkook's sobs echoed in the empty car, the sound mingling with the gentle hum of the engine. The city outside seemed oblivious to his turmoil, its bustling life a stark contrast to the storm raging within him. Each tear that fell mirrored the silent plea for reconciliation, for a chance to mend what was broken between them.

Jungkook's uneven breaths echoed in the confined space of the car. His fingers trembled slightly as he reached for the water bottle nestled in the backseat. Unscrewing the cap, he took long swallows, the cool liquid doing little to soothe the ache in his chest.

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