Chapter 2 - The Encounter

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"I can't be lost! I've never been lost before! This is absurd! There's no sign of life here!" Mocha said angrily while wandering through the deep gloomy woods. The sound of crunching grass and leaves driven by his footsteps was the only thing that was filling in the air. Midnight was rising and a plume of fog started to show on the floor of the forest.

Indeed, there were no signs of life there. No animals. Not even insects. The only living, walking thing was him.

As he walked through the forest, he stumbled upon a hidden lake tucked away in the heart of the forest. The trees that encircled the lake were like giant sentinels, their branches reaching up to the sky. His walk started to slow down as he gazed at the shining blue water of the lake. The lake made his senses calm and reminded him of peace and comfort.

"Maybe I should take a break here.." he suggested to himself. He approached the lake leisurely to refresh himself with the clear water of it. He was exhausted and needed a break. After all the unintentional chasing he had been through this evening, he sure needed some rest.

As he approached the lake, he took off his old sling traveler bag and tossed it aside while crouching near the water. Along with that he removed his black fingerless gloves and put them gently beside him. A reflection of his appeared on the surface of the water, his image blended to the presence of the bottom of the lake.

"This lake water sure is crystal clear..." He thought as he playfully swirled the water with his hand and continued to wash his face. The cold water made him shiver yet it felt gratifying. He played with the water, enjoying himself and giving him a break.


Mocha's senses cautioned him at the sound of a breaking twig. His feline ears perked up, swiveling towards the direction from which he assumed the sound originated. He swiftly grasped the pommel of his silver sword from his belt to defend himself. Holding it firmly, ready to pull it out if needed.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" He voiced harshly. Mocha started to get anxious, his puffy ears were drawn to the back and his breathing quickened. He constantly pivoted his head around to see something that might be causing the sound, or someone that might eventually harm him.

"The guards? Are they still pursuing me?" He voiced in his head. "Did they really go this far?"


"Come out! Let's end this here!" He shouted, provoking the ones who hid themselves.

Silence, again.

"Huh, coward." He scoffed. His tone spoke tentatively, as if the mere mention of the guards would cause them to emerge from their hiding spots among the bushes and trees. Then he might settle the matter and move on, without being wanted as a criminal or an unknown being.

"Who do you call coward?" A low voice addressed, like a distant rumble of thunder mixed with a flawed noise.

Mocha startled at the voice as it suddenly spoke from behind. He whirled around, drew his silver sword and aimed. His vision comprehended a tall figure, imposingly stood before him.

"W-who are you?!"

The individual was more head taller than him and had a threatening aura around them. They were wearing a medium black cloak, the hood covered their face. He could barely see them. The wind billowed their cloak, making it flutter like a flag in the wind.

"What are you?" The voice sounded static, twisted. A voice that spoke like a malfunctioning radio, a voice that couldn't be neglected as its glitchy words sunk deep into the mind.

"I-I am a traveler! I can go wherever I want! I walk where others fear! I've been to snowy mountains and burning plains! And-" His breath was shaky as his nervousness forced him to blurt lots of unnecessary words. His hands were trembling and his fluffy tail wagged snappy. Why would this tall figure make him fear so much?

"But you're lost, aren't you?"

Mocha's words had been cut out. He held his sword even tighter but couldn't stop himself from shaking either. He was so frightened about this person, but he couldn't show it off.

"Were they the ones that the guard sent to hunt me? an assassin? Or...A bounty hunter?" The thoughts rambled in his head, frightened of the outcome of this mysterious person.

"I am not lost! A traveler knows where he's going!" He protested.

"Yeah right, as if you didn't roam about being lost just then." The deep glitchy voice vocalized a sarcastic tone.

His mouth opened, about to form a word but he couldn't find any. Mocha was speechless, he didn't know how to react or respond to it. His lips now contorted into a straight line, eyes contracted in apprehension.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" They mocked sarcastically.

Now the hazel eyes widened in irritation, Mocha gritted his fangs. The phrase had made him furious as he felt they were mocking his appearance. His fluffy ears flattened and his body tensed, he was ready to pounce on the tart figure.

"I challenge you to a duel and we'll see if you can mock me after that!" He shouted.

What a fool.

Mocha jumped, letting out a low, savage roar. Drawing the sword back to prepare for the strike. With all his might he swung the blade, attempted to slash through the head.

Unfortunately, before the sword had made contact with the figure's body, it had been shattered and turned into dust. The fallen dust disappeared into thin air, leaving not even crumbs behind.

"What?! My- My sword!" He yelled, soon he tripped and fell to the ground.

Mocha looked at his hand with despair. He couldn't believe the silver sword that he brought while traveling around the whole world in the past years had turned into dust like it was a meaningless blade.

He looked up, directly at their unseeable face, trying to regain his composure.

"H-how how could you..? How did you do that.? W-what are you?" Mocha looked at them with confusion and fear but could not help feeling slightly amazed behind those frights.

In a few seconds, the tall figure captured him with chains made out of rubies. He was swept off from the ground and was held in the air. Mocha yelped at the sudden grasp, fighting the chains that snaked up around his body. The more he resisted the more tighter the chains gripped, compressing his small body.

The forest became colder, and the surroundings were sinister - like something hideous was about to happen. Terror overtook his face, He never experienced any of this witchcraft.

 The brave adventurer was now scared for his life.

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