Chapter 5 - Alliance

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"There he is... the curious one."

"Took you long enough, traveler." Her deep, velvety tone hung heavy in the room.

The tall woman cut a striking figure, donning a black shirt with sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Instead of a tie, she wore a red ribbon that hung loose from her shirt collar, its pin was a gleaming ruby. Her black slacks were paired flawlessly with a white-gold belt, while a gold watch adorned her wrist and a simple gold ring adorned her fourth finger.

Mocha couldn't help but stare at her looks for a while. Even though her face was covered with a black veil.

"Are you, the person- back there?" Mocha immediately asked, tilting his head in confusion as he pointed his thumb back.

"Yes, I am." She simply answered.

Then, Mocha began to get a little furious. "Did you bring me here?!" He growled.

"Yes." Felicia replied, calmly.

"Why did you bring me here?! Without my consent and all?! This- This can be an abduction and you won't get away with it!" Mocha raised his voice in an infuriatingly loud bellow, his bravery on full display as he stepped towards Felicia and locked eyes with her.

Yet, the eagle on her shoulder let out a sharp cry, its eyes fixed on the approaching danger as Mocha was behaving aggressively. Mocha took a step back as he flinched, silencing himself.

"I'm sure you have met Zephyr." Felicia turned to look towards her treasured eagle, tenderly stroking behind his head with a small grin. Zephyr reveled in the comforting touch.

"Yeah, we didn't get along..."Mocha scoffed.

"I'm sure you do not." The creator agreed, huffing mockingly.

Mocha was taken aback, his brows snapped again. "Answer me." He demanded.

Felicia's charming smile curved into a mischievous grin, now her mean facade gloomed all over her maliciously. Mocha cleared his throat, in fear. The bird of prey was able to comprehend the drastic situation perfectly, and it took off outside. Leaving them both alone. Mocha watched the bird flee away, wishing that it was still in its presence to ease the awkwardness despite his dislike of the bird.

"Well, curious one. I thought you wanted answers?" Felicia sauntered closer, raising her eyebrow. She wore a mischievous grin, her voice becoming a bit static. "You are curious, are you not?"

Mocha had an epiphany, the fur on his ears and tail straightened as if he sensed threat. A sudden aura of evil sprout behind her like shadow tentacles, was it an illusion?

Mocha could not tell.

"Right, answers..." Mocha thought, he was in trouble for sure.

The werecat kept his head down, it finally summed up now. Well, he asked for it. Now he had to pay the consequences. He completely forgot about what happened back in the forest where she nearly choked him to death. His mind was a tumultuous sea of anxious thoughts, conjuring up all the potential pitfalls and mishaps that could occur.

"Yikes, bad move Mocha." The man mocked himself.

"Right, answers." He whispered, repeating the words from his mind.

The creator bent her firm body down to meet Mocha's eyes, her veil cascading around her face like a curtain. Mocha was a petite man, and Felicia towered over him like a giantess. As she looked into his eyes, she could see the flicker of insecurity and vulnerability that lurked beneath his surface.

Interesting being, was the creator thought.

Mocha felt like a mouse caught in the shadow of a hawk, much more intense than Zephyr. He wanted to shrink away, to hide his smallness from her, but he knew he couldn't. Felicia's gaze was too intense, too penetrating. He felt exposed, as if she could see straight through him to the core of his being.

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