Chapter 6 - Comfort

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They ventured deeper into the mansion, discovering its many treasures.

A vast, open living room awaited them, adorned with a humongous white sectional sofa and a sleek black coffee table. The fireplace had been lit, creating a warm, cozy atmosphere. The fragrance of Patchouli permeated the space.

As they walked a bit further, they stumbled upon the dining room. The room exuded an extravagant feel, with a sophisticated dining table adorned with a stunning golden candle holder placed at its center. The matching black-red leather chairs added to the room's elegance, which was amplified by the chandelier above, gleaming brightly over everything below.

Not far from the table existed the kitchen. An island kitchen. There was a pantry closet, full of supplies and items beside it. The back of the kitchen was the bathroom, and beside it was the laundry room.

Mocha marveled at the expensive-looking interior, never in his life he had experienced something luxurious or pricey. He was used to something, below intermediate.

"Well there's the kitchen and there's the bathroom. And the laundry room is right there." She showed him around, pointing at each of the spaces. "Feel free to use anything or do anything however you desire, but don't make a mess or break things."

"Okay." Mocha nodded, reminding his brain to not trigger any of Felicia's tics.

"Make yourself at home." She glanced down, his twitching fluffy ears caught her eye.

"And your room is upstairs," she stated. The mansion had three floors, the rooms were on the second.

Felicia led the way to the stairs, guiding each step closely. At the top waited four rooms, one for her, another for her brother who visited often. The two remaining rooms reserved for visitors were usually vacant, until now.

"These are the guest's rooms. You can choose which one of your liking to be yours." She said, gesturing her hand to the two rooms.

"Does anyone come here often?" Mocha asked.


"Then, why do you have two guest bedrooms?" Mocha asked, feeling a bit weird.

"Because I feel like it." Felicia darted her eyes away from Mocha, staring at the rooms. It was odd, to have a guest room but no one ever had come to this place. She only added them for the taste of indulgence. It was alright now because she finally had someone to utilize it.

"Well, now we have someone to use it, don't we?" Felicia rubbed Mocha's head, earning a charming purring sound from him.

Felicia wasn't the type to make a deal, a contract precisely. Something about him, she needed him to stay for a reason. If he tried to flee, she would be brought up the contract he signed by his own fingers. After all, the creator needed to study the werecat.

If Mocha didn't sign it, she would have him anyway, but in a less appealing to moral kind of way.

There was something about him that was peculiar to her eyes even though it could feel normal at the same time. He was not immortal, but he was a werecat. Not to mention that he had the characteristics of an actual cat, and behaved like a cat.

She decided to investigate him afterwards.

Mocha let out a little laugh, he felt comfortable with her now. They have a mild appreciation for one another's presence.

"I'll choose this one." He extended his hand towards the room beside her brother's and giggled excitedly.

The door silently opened on its own. The room was fully equipped with all the necessary amenities and facilities. A big bed, a bookshelf filled with lots of books to dive in, a nice table for working personally, and a big closet. Everything. What was more to need, Felicia could easily assemble them.

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