chapter one

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Is this a short story.

John and marlena are married and are expecting their first child together.

Marlena goes into labor and she is in a lot of pain and john helped her through it.

Marlena  had been on bed rest for two weeks now, her due date was two weeks away and she knew she would be having a baby very soon.

After seeing her doctor last week, her blood pressure was under control but she needed to stay on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy to ensure hers and the baby's health.

Marlena and john had prepared as much as they could and seemed to be as ready as they could be to welcome a new baby into the world.

After a night of restless tossing and turning and several trips to the bathroom, marlena had managed to get a few hours if sleep thanks to her husband's help.

John was up most of the night rubbing her back, she was having a lot of pain and discomfort which made it increasingly difficult to get comfortable in bed.

Marlena felt bad keeping him up, she knew he had work to do the next day but he was more than happy to help his wife.

John would do anything to make her feel better.

He knew she had not been feeling well and was increasingly uncomfortable and in pain.

Marlena had been having contractions on and off for a few days but nothing was moving along.

The baby had dropped and was low in her pelvis which is what was causing most of her discomfort, but john could do little to help with that.

Marlena had finally managed to fall asleep, her body pillow supporting her belly and between her legs, along with a few other pillows for good measure.

John had spent most of the night rubbing her back as he  trying to relieve some of the pressure she
was feeling, apparently, it worked because she fell asleep.

John snuggled up, spooning her from behind and fell asleep shortly afterwards, he knew she would be up soon.

At about nine am the next morning john woke up before marlena.

She hadn't moved all night and he was still laying behind her.

John didn't move in fear of disturbing her.

he thought she could use all the sleep she could get and didn't dare move and wake her up.

John laid there as he enjoying the view.

Marlena had kicked off all the covers through the night and she was sleeping in only one of his t-shirts, her long blond hair in his face.

her hand wrapped around her big belly.

The sun was shining in the window, through the curtains and illuminating the room, casting an angelic glow upon john's already glowing wife.

John couldn't get enough of the view and was in a daze admiring his wife cradling their unborn child.

John, a sleepy voice said.

John didn't hear her, he was still daydreaming.

"John, marlena said again.

"Morning beautiful, john said to his wife.

He giving her a kiss on the shoulder.

How did you sleep?, he asked her.

"Good, thanks to you but I don't feel well john , marlena told him.

"What's wrong?, he asked concerned.

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