Prologue - A Night Out

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Felicia wandered through the crimson forest, searching for an idea that might calm her distorted mind and underwhelmed heart. The hallucination sun shone brightly in the red sky, gleaming through the leaves of the trees in the crimson forest.

For weeks she had been confounded by herself and her surroundings. She didn't know how to get rid of the feeling. For centuries she had been adapting to live in such loneliness, with only a few living interactions.

The creator was not sick or stressed about something at the moment. It was just this anonymous feeling that abruptly came, out of nowhere, bothering her creative mind.

It was her breaking point.

"I hate this feeling..." She mumbled, narrowing her golden eyes at the pink shades of grass below her, while continuously strolling with no aim or destination in the realm she assembled with her rough hands, mastery of creations.

She had done everything she wanted, rather than needed. As a creator, she could do endless possibilities, anything she fancied, anything she desired in life. Despite all the inventions she had, she couldn't seem to draw out the feeling of something missing inside her mind. It was probably boredom or a step closer to insanity.

She lived in the realm she called her 'own personal' world, off from annoying distractions and toxic influences.

And even souls.

Escaping from her past, she needed to stay in the endless realm.

She sat down at a big stone, her back leaning on a red tree behind her. Her hands were clenched into fists, her whole body radiating an aura of deep everlasting nothingness. Attempting to clear her mind, led her to no avail.

Maybe she missed the way it was, when she was on duty, 500 years ago. When she had a purpose in life, protecting the helpless mortals in the world. The chanting of her name in the crowd of immortals at the battle arena expressed how strong and powerful she was. How the applause admired her powers, intelligence, and creative creations. How she spread her arms wide showing who was the finest immortal in the universe. How she loved the praises and the mortals glorified her.

And then, one incident led her to her downfall, escaping from her past in this isolated world. She had to stay inside, doing everything in her power to contain the dark inside her.

Anything to avoid her reaping more souls.

"It's not like I can't go back." She thought. Closing her eyes as she once again attempted to clear her mind. Convincing herself that her actions were honorable, otherwise, lots of innocent souls would be eaten by her greedy corruption.

Embarrassing, to some extent. She was an admiring hero, the only immortal who was bestowed such a unique power. Now, she had fallen, trapping herself. The corruption was unable to be discarded.

Not that she wanted to get rid of it anyway. She never tried.

Because it made her invincible.

She struggled with the desire for power and the consequences of hurting people.

With a deafening yell, she jolted up, her fists clenched and her eyes wide with anger. With a sudden, explosive motion, she raised her hand and punched the tree, sending splinters flying in all directions. The impact made a loud, wooden crack. Not for a few seconds, the tree lost its balance and tumbled to the side.

She paused for a while, collecting herself as her muscular body relaxed.

"I'm going insane, again."

At that moment her mind was surrounded by such turmoil, she needed to get out for a while. The boredom kills slowly, she runs out of ideas to create too.

Inspiration was all she needed. Although she was not permitted to go outside due to the risk of human interactions that could trigger the corruption, she considered seeking a tranquil place free from humans.

With holographic-like magic, along with some digital sparks, her black cloak came to life. She wore it around her bulky body, pulling up the hood to cover her face. Every feature of her was hidden. She had no intentions of wanting anyone to see her.

She took a deep breath. Digital red circles expanded under her shoes, glowing as a sign of her teleportation began. The ground vibrated slightly, the forces of warping called upon her and transferred her mass to somewhere. She vanished between a storm of red energy.

She teleported to a calm lake, where she surprisingly remembered where it was. She took a moment to inspect her surroundings. The awkwardness fills up her senses. She whirled around, ought to sense souls but thankfully, there was nothing there.

She leaped onto a branch of a tree nearby, sitting with one legged up and the other dangling down as she looked out into the lake. The night air was cold and still, and the only sound was the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. The full moon illuminated the forest, casting a dim blue light on the trees below.

Resentment lured into her mind. She leaned her head back onto the tree. Persuade a moment of reflection and introspection, a chance to clear her mind and find her center. She thought about the things she wanted to do during her break here, some sightseeing would sound pleasant.

Maybe things around were different now, maybe the corruption died down in her heart after such a long time of containing it. Never once did she summon the corrupt during the centuries. It may weaken.

Perhaps she can finally get close to souls? Without her mind wanting to rip the heart out of their ribcages?

"I should go to some mediocre markets as a start, shop some mortal kinds of stuff. Maybe go to beaches, haven't done that in a while... maybe that would help.." She planned in her head. A rush of calm and excitement faded in, her face formed a calm look.

As she was too occupied with her thoughts, a voice was heard, sounded in annoyance and it faded in severe. Snapping from her mind at the sudden utterance, curious to see who it might be.

But then she realized that it was a mortal, roaming through the forest. Yet, as her eyes paid more attention to him, she noticed something peculiar.

A sudden realization dawned on her, shivers running in a flash through her body.

"What is that?" She muttered.

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