Chapter 9 - Stumble Upon

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"Well, then why don't you lift it, without using your powers," Sarah said teasingly. "Use that muscles you trained so hard for." She gestured to her biceps, which she didn't have any.

"Alright." She rolled her eyes. The mighty creator began to walk to the tank, her step slow and relaxed as she approached the large weapon. While she did so, she gave the werecat an intense glare, signaling for him to watch closely.

Mocha shivered at her gaze, it felt like a hazardous warning to him. Made him think about what he had done wrong since the moment he met Sarah. He didn't see it coming, about how Felicia was now cold and mean. Different when they were at her house yesterday or even this morning.

"What did I do...?" Mocha thought. His eyebrows furrowed as felt petrified.

With a look of determination on her face, she tightly gripped the side of the tank, feeling the cool metal against her skin. Her hands trembled with the weight of the object as she struggled to lift it. The veins on her arms bulged out from the surface of her skin, popping out as she collected every fiber of strength in her to lift the tank.

"Obviously, you... can't?" Sarah teased.

Felicia let out a deep breath. With a final burst of energy, she hoisted the tank up, feeling the strain on her muscles. Despite her exhaustion, a sense of accomplishment swept over the prideful creator.

Mocha was in awe, and practically drooled himself. Sarah let out a surprising smirk as she glanced at Mocha who was admiring the creator.

"Still don't believe me?" Felicia said with a proud heart. She grinned widely, revealing her saw-toothed teeth.

Sarah's eyes widened at the sight, amazed. But then her eyes came to a narrow as a thought trod up in her head. "Looks like you're cheating, because it's your creation. You probably made it light as a feather." Sarah confronted, grinning at the prideful creator.

With a face twisted in anger at her remarks. Felicia hurled the tank at Sarah, seeking retribution for her lies. How could she have said such things to the mighty creator?

 A mage like her of course would be jealous of her strength and power.

Was it?

Sarah's quick reflexes kicked in and she immediately used her telekinetic powers to stop a large tank that was hurtling towards her. Surrounding the tank were cyan and magenta glows of light, her fingers stretched forward. She was able to bring the tank to a halt, just in time to avoid it hitting her nose.

As the physic mage halted the attack, her heart was pounding and her breath came in rapid, shallow gasps.

With a roar, she flung the tank into the forest, and out of their sight. Her hand trembled as she stood there, heart pounding. She paused for a while. It was like she didn't believe what happened, her eyes slowly rested on Felicia.

" throw a tank... At me?" As the tank smashed into the ground behind her far away, a deep, sorrowful note entered Sarah's voice. She couldn't believe Felicia, her closest confidante, would strike her in such a way. The hurt in Sarah's heart was palpable.

A simple action like that does hurt one's heart, even for an immortal.

With a sudden realization of her wrongdoing, Felicia began to regret her actions. The guilt began to weigh heavily on her heart, and she felt a sinking feeling in her chest. Despite her anger and passion, she now understood that she had made a terrible mistake, and she couldn't take it back. Why was she thinking that way? Why would she assume that Sarah was jealous of her? Was it her thinking? Or something lurking behind her mind made her believe such horrendous thoughts?

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