Chapter 11 - The Battle

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Felicia made the difficult decision to distance herself from her loved ones for their own protection. She feared that her own inner darkness may cause them harm. However, her pride and ego refused to let go of this evil power. Felicia was able to control and manifest, making it challenging for her to simply release. She believed that no one on earth had the ability to do what she was attempting. How does she want to set it free?

"In order for you to leave the duty, you must win a battle against another immortal voted by the society. Are you aware of the consequences of your actions and decisions?" Conveyed the person in charge.

"I am aware." She spoke with clarity, her voice was striking, cutting through the noise and drawing attention.

Felicia stood with her head held high, aware of the man in charge standing on a balcony above her. The seats were filled to the brim with crowds of immortals, all gathered to watch another one of her battles. But this time, it was different. The crowds didn't cheer, yell, or even chant her name. They sat down quietly, knowing fully well that this was not just another battle fought for bets. This was a battle of a resigning immortal who wanted to leave her duties behind. The anticipation in the air was palpable, as the crowd waited to see what Felicia would do next.

"If you win, you may leave the community as you please, if you lose you must stay, serve, and support as you were assigned. do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand." Felicia answered, her piercing gaze fixed on the man above.

The creator's crimson hair swayed softly in response to the gentle breeze blowing around her. She was standing straight, her fingers curled by her sides. As she looked around, she felt that the atmosphere was tense and unsettling, with everyone's hearts beating eagerly in suspense about what was to come next. The energy in the arena was detectable, and Felicia could feel it coursing through her veins, making her feel apprehensive.

"Very well. Step into the ring." The man ordered.

Felicia turned around, in the massive arena, she felt bitter. No longer feeling proud of herself, the arena started to feel gloomy. Even though there were torches everywhere that lit up the whole area, the place felt depressive. She looked above, and throughout the roofless arena, she saw the sky was pitch black, not a single decoration of stars was seen. She sighed.

Felicia walked to the ring, and all immortals watched her in silence. Her footsteps echoed down the hallway, the sound reverberating against the walls and through the roofless arena, she gazed at the dark sky. 

Felicia stood still, waiting for the announcement. The crowds patiently waited, and everyone wondered who would be miserable enough to be her opponent.

"I call upon, Danial Wilfred to come down to the arena."

As soon as the announcer's words reached Felicia's ears, her eyes widened in shock, and a gasp escaped her lips. She quickly turned to face the announcer, her expression twisting into a mix of anger and disbelief. The crowd surrounding her began to murmur, exchanging whispers and speculating about what the announcer had said.

Felicia's anger intensified. 

"WHAT?!" She bellowed angrily, her sharp voice echoing through, booming across the arena and silencing everyone. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, feeling a surge of emotion coursing through her body.

"You dare to use him against me?!" Her voice was full of venom, every word laced with contempt and anger.

"It is not my call, it is based on the votes of all people in this arena." The announcer claimed calmly.

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