Chapter One

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January 2065

The Procter Residence

Washington DC

Mrs Grace Stoddart whimpered on the cleaning frame as the auto-lacer took her right down to her best waist, just twenty inches, and Miss Frobisher fitted her catheter. The new assistant keeper immediately smacked her thigh, refusing to tolerate any nonsense. Beside them, Miss Danvers nodded her approval, whilst finishing Mrs Procter's enema, glancing at the clock to make sure that they were on schedule. It was a big day for the whole country, not just for the Procters and the Stoddarts. Mr Bill Bateman was about to be inaugurated as the fifty-second President of the United States of America, and Grace and Olivia would be sitting right beside Mrs Bateman, so they had to look their best. Every Christian Reformist would be glued to their television screens, rejoicing as one of their own entered the White House, full of hope that Bateman would be able to stop the continued persecution of the British people and then help the American people embrace Reformism and earn God's love.

" must stop is such an important day and you will behave?" Miss Danvers said with enough menace in her voice to scare her charge. Mr and Mrs Stoddart had been invited to live with the Procters in Washington, to save them the expense of buying or renting their own home. Mrs Stoddart, no long Mrs Palmer-Stoddart because the President Elect did not want to be reminded of her maiden name, could be looked after by Danvers and her two assistants, allowing Miss Klein to stay with Mary Stoddart in Boston, and Mr Brett Stoddart would have the convenience of living with his boss. It also meant that Grace could no longer cut any corners, sharing Olivia's strict routine.

"I beg your forgiveness, Miss Danvers." Grace murmured, trying not to cry. She knew it was an important day. Important for everyone. Once Bateman was officially in charge, Mr Howard Procter would be appointed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, with Brett as his chief of staff, and that would allow the Rosen Foundation to keep on top of Bateman's plans to open a number of convent hospitals, starting in Boston. Brett had already provided valuable information whilst working on the project with the Boston Investment Bank, and to have him high in the Bateman administration was considered a real coup. But it meant that Grace had to go with him and continue her own role as a pious gentlewoman, which was also useful to the Foundation, regardless of what she had to endure to be of use. And yet, it was what she had signed up for. She always knew what Brett was destined to do, and she wanted to help and support him, even after many warnings about how hard that might be.

"You need to be equipped, Grace...I shall be speaking to your husband about it again and I hope he will see sense this time...I need to be able to discipline you, dear?" Miss Danvers sighed as she turned back to Olivia, to attach her corset to her auto-lacer.

"Yes, Miss Danvers." Grace replied between pants. Back in Boston, obviously encouraged by the prospect of Bateman becoming President, the subject of equipping women was being openly discussed, despite the fact that it was currently illegal. Most of the senior executives at BIB had spent some time in Britain, and their wives and daughters were equipped whilst they were there. Brett had been advised by several partners to have his wife 'done' as they so charmingly put it, but he had refused to flout the law, citing his in-law's connections as an excuse, not to mention his own moderate views. But Bateman had pledged to change the law as soon as he was in place, and Brett was running out of excuses.

Olivia Procter behaved perfectly for her keeper, as always, and her appearance when they joined the gentlemen for coffee, before leaving for the Capitol building, seemed to please her doting husband greatly. Grace also looked the part, but Miss Danvers had taken her paddle to her before dressing her. "You look lovely, Grace dear?"

"Thank you, Ma'am...but I can hardly breathe?" Grace whispered as they sat on the large couch, cups and saucers resting in their laps and their leashes tethered to the arms. Both were wearing velvet gowns, Grace in deep red and Olivia in dark green.

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