9. Ghosts

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 Her heart fluttered when he said 'we' instead of him alone. She felt respected by his words. It was as if she had started making space for herself in his life and she was glad about it.

Maitri's gaze was fixated on the city shining bright in the night darkness while his gaze was on hers. 

"You must have been a low maintenance girlfriend" His words interrupted her chain of thoughts.

"Sorry" She looked at him confused.

"I said that you must have been a low maintenance girlfriend" He repeated for her. He placed on knee on the seat and turned around properly that he was opposite her. He leaned onto the seat, placing one hand on the head support, supporting his head.

"Why do you think so?" She imitated his position and asked curiously as to what gave her away.

"Just observations" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Such as?" Due to her small size, she could easily place her head on the seat.

"Food. It excites you. The lit lights right now make your eyes shine brightly. You are more of someone who likes small gestures than expensive gifts. Your silence when I said 'we would solve crisis together' is a clear explanation that you don't want stars or moon but someone to sit beside you and listen to you. I know am not wrong." His words made her gape at him like a fish. She couldn't believe that he read her like her favourite novel. He read straight through her in just one night spent together. She kept blinking until a smirk formed on his face and he clicked his two fingers infront of her face. An annoyed expression passed her face. She eagerly wanted to rip apart the sexy smirk from his lips.

"You open to only to those you trust. You believe in my dad alot that you didn't question him or his choice when he asked you to me with you. You love your siblings the most but Aarchi gets an extra point. Your home screen is a picture of you and her. And I have a feel that yesterday when I was texting you before the crisis news, you were avoiding me because you really weren't sure whether we should get married or not since you don't know who I am as a person. From what you said earlier on the flight you keep this cold man facade so no one can see the cracks behind the mask. You behave like you hate having to share your space but in reality you crave for company. Proof is that you've talked to me on the flight more than you talked when we were in India" She wiped his smirk with her observation she made about him. It was no his turn to be surprised. She looked at him proudly and with a yawn she flipped her hair showing that if he could read her than she could do the same.

"Am tempted to throw you out of the car" He said feeling exposed. His threat was empty and she knew it too.

"Its okay to be exposed sometimes. It gives you a reality check, stopping you from becoming someone who you are not" She placed her hand on top of his with an encouraging smile.

"I like the sarcastic and non-sensical side of you. This deep shit doesn't suit you" He smiled at her words and tried joking.

"You still have a chance to say no to the marriage because I have no plans on changing myself" She said mocking him.

"You're mad"

"I know. My friends tell me that everyday, I've become used to it. You need to improve your vocabulary" She winked at him and closed her eyes unable to keep the open.

"I'll answer that tomorrow. Sleep for now" He pushed the baby hair out of her face, tucking them behind her ear and scooting closer to her. He carefully held her face and placed it on his shoulder, letting her sleep peacefully. Within a few minutes he too was fast asleep, with his head leaning on hers.

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