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TW: Cursing, Toxic behavior, and it goes by very fast :)



Sometimes, I just hate hanging out with my sister.

She's 18, and I'm 17. And since she lost our parents' trust by having sex with her man in their room, as a punishment…

She has to take me everywhere she goes. And I mean everywhere.

Right now, we're walking to her boyfriends house, Keyshawn. Which is down the street.

My sister, Destiny, and Keyshawn are cute together. They are both athletic, smart, and very good looking.

My sister has our ma's smile and pops fit body, while I have pops dimples and ma's slim thick body.

Destiny wears fendi, gucci, and Balenciaga. Anything that is expensive really. But it doesn't matter what she does with her money because she works hard for it. My sister is taking a gap year so she can get "her bag" up.

Me? I also work, but I save up. So I spend my money on shein and door dash. 

I don't like the way I look sometimes. I wish I was very independent like my sister. I look up to her a lot.

Ma always compares me to Destiny, it's either I'm not working hard enough or just being lazy. It's annoying.

I try not letting her words get to me, but come on, no child wants to hear that from their own mother.

We finally arrive at Keyshawn house, and Destiny knocks on the door and turns to me.

"You better not embarrass me, Bella. I swear I'm not in the mood with your shit today!" She hissed at me, eyes glaring through mine.

"I wasn't even planning on it." I roll my eyes.

"You better watch that stank ass attitude too, that's Gon get you in trouble one day!" She shoves me away from her and turns around when the door unlocks.

Keyshawn stands there, and a smile immediately lights his face when he sees Destiny. I swear they are so In Love.

Keyshawn is a 6'2 dark skinned with free forms, dark brown eyes. He is also taking a gap year to get his money up as well. They been together since they were in highschool.

"Hey baby." He kisses Destiny passionately while I just stand there awkwardly.

I clear my throat about 7 seconds later, they break apart from their kiss and Keyshawn finally realizes I'm standing there.

"Yo folks actually went through it?" He asks Destiny, who rolls her eyes at the thought.

"Damn," he laughs and looks behind him. "Ty, is upstairs doing sum. Go find him if you want."

Oh yeah. Ty, short for Tyler. Did I mention Keyshawn had a little brother? I guess not, Tyler is also my crush. I see him around school and the corner store.

He's honestly the cutest boy in our grade. Brown skinned with locs and brown eyes. Plump lips, and he's also 17.

From what I heard at school, he has mood swings and talks back a lot to teachers.

I never talked to him though, only just observed him.

I just give Keyshawn a small smile and head upstairs. He didn't even give me directions to Tyler's room.

I take a wild guess and go with the door at the end of the hall.

I knock first, waiting for an answer.

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