"A bit of fun turns to regret..."

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My name is Edith and currently I am getting ready to meet up with a few friends at a bar. I put on a t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts before putting on my makeup.

By the time I finished it was around midnight. As I walked to the front door to leave, I told my parents bye before closing and locking the door and then got into my car and drove to the bar.

When I got there I saw my friend's car and parked next to it and then got out. My friend, Olive, was about to walk in the bar but stopped and waited for me when I called out for her.

We walked into the bar together and sat at one of the barstools. My other friends were already getting tipsy so I decided to join in on the fun.

"Two shots of vodka please," I told the bartender.

He gave me and Olive the shots which we both immediately downed and then ordered a lot more.

20 minutes later

I've had well over 10 shots and the alcohol was definitely getting to me. The room started spinning when I saw a guy sit next to me. He ordered two shots and gave me one. I smiled at him before drinking it and he drank his as well.

"Care to join me on the dance floor?" The stranger asked.

My intoxicated body said yes and I took his hand when he reached it out for me to grab. 'Paparazzi' by Lady Gaga came on and we both danced to it.

When the song ended, he offered to get us more drinks which I accepted. He brought me back over to the bar and then ordered the drinks for us.

I finished mine in less than a minute while he slowly drank his while seductively looking me up and down.

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