Chapter 01

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I was home alone with my father
And as evey mood a teenage girl has is being horny! And I closed my door because of this feeling so I had got my lube and my 8 inch dildo along with my laptop of course I would put porn on! But as every dumb dad does he opened my door before knocking! He had caught me in the middle of my play time we both looked at each other for a good couple of minutes before he broke the silence  and said

"It’s time for dinner. Come down when you are finished with this."
He said in a nervous voice before stepping out he commented
"It would be better with a real dick honey."
He said as he chuckled walking out and closing the door

I sat there for a moment thinking of what he just said to me as my cheeks started burning up my cheeks turning into a dark shade of red I was so embarrassed to think that he saw me masturbating!
I quickly got dressed back up and cleaned myself before heading downstairs still trying to blow off the awkward encounter

My dad just smiled at me as if nothing was wrong! He had sat down serving me and himself before saying "Honey may we have a conversation upstairs after we are done eating it's important. " He said in a serious voice.

     I sat there for a moment before replying "yes sir."

We had both started eating before staring at each other I felt something had changed.

I had finished and headed upstairs and had a few minutes to myself and what would I even say?

He walked in before doing anything had closed and locked the door before sitting next to me

"So what is it we need to discuss-" I had said while gulping accepting my fate

"Well I know you are getting older and having certian types of feelings an-"

I cut him off before he could finish "Aw sick dad I don't wanna talk about that stuff with you it's so embarrassing!" I said while my cheeks we're a bright shade of pink

He chuckled "well before you cut me off i was going to say.. I don't want other boys in this room! Door opened of locked I don't care you are not gonna fuck any other sorry little boys out there! They will ruin you sweetheart.  But you can have your needs satisfied.  I will be here to replace any pleasure that you think you will be getting from these boys with no experience!" He said seriously

My cheeks turned red "But dad! You are my dad that is so wrong!" I said nervously but I had to admit he was smoking and only a couple years older than me. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.. UGH WHAT AM I THINKING?-

He smiled before rubbing my thigh with his soft and warm hands on my ice cold skin

I smiled back at him blushing way harder than before I  decided to speak "Dad.. it's a one time thing! Only this time-"

He smiled at the response before he started to undress his hot figure had me melting!

I started undressing I covered my chest once I became topless

He started leaning towards me his soft lips against mine they were so warm we kissed as he unbuckled his pants and started taking off mine we we're soon on my bed his hot body pressed against my bare tits though we we're still in our underwear

Part 2 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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