Who are you?

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"So how many of you are there?"

"Four" replied Faith.

"Four??? How did you pick up a car with four??"

"We didn't. There were only two of us" Faith smiled as his mouth dropped.

"Faith isn't my real name. You can call me Storm. She's Lightning." Said Storm.

"Like the gladiators on TV?"

"If that helps you process stuff, like the gladiators on TV. You'll meet Blaze & Inferno should you join us" said Storm

"This is gotta be a TV stunt or something" the officer was confused.

"Look, we are a government department..."

"Rouge" interrupted Lightning

The officer looked even more confused. Storm explained they knew how good a detective he could be and it was rare in this town for detectives to be clean. A friend of theirs they called the professor had checked him out, -he would have been a good asset to the team.

"We are all female athletes, bodybuilders. We were part of a government team. We have enhanced strength. We are super soldiers" explained Storm.

"I read about you, didn't you guys take out a whole country's defence, the whole army?" questioned the officer

"Yes we did, but that was a small county," said Storm

"Holy shit" exclaimed the officer.

"Never had so much fun as when I was wrestling with a submarine," said lightning

"Who won"

"Who do you think?" Lightning flexed a bicep

"Look we're being set up, screwed over we need help," said Storm

"Can't you just smash your way in?" said the officer

"You have to know where to smash first," said Storm.

Storm explained the past events. After a successful trial with the army Colonel Frank Thomas pushed forward with Project XX Only. The team never trusted him or the army. And it seems that the small countries' armies and defences they obliterated were not for a peaceful outcome it was for personal gain. They destroyed countless military equipment, from jeeps to aircraft and ships to a submarine. A lot of men got injured, badly. The team never killed but they broke a lot of men...almost in half, literally.

"You guys took on submarines and warships?"

"Oh there not so hard to sink, I just ripped a hole in the hull," said Lightning

"And the submarine"

"Oh I had fun with that, It was cruising along in the water until I held it back and I just gave it a few friendly nudges, overpowered the engines and ripped off the propeller. Then blaze and inferno crushed the conning tower. That was fun" she said


"Colonel Frank Thomas was using us so he could overthrow the government, he was setting things up for a military coup and a lot of money. He's now on the most wanted list and not just by us! So when we found out we turned from attackers to defenders and repelled him." explained Storm.

"I still can't believe the four of you took down a whole country's military, navy and airforce" The officer was amazed.

"I told you, our strength is off the charts" smiled Storm.

"Besides they were a small developing country"

"Yeah someone like France might be us a challenge..for a little while" laughed Lightning

"My name is Phil,  Phil Gray." Said the officer.

They knew that, they knew his potential and integrity. His honesty and tenacity. His results.

"But if I join you guys don't I become an outlaw too" quizzed Phil

"You'll continue in your role. You become our man on the inside" explained Storm.

An offer of additional pay was made though this did come with risks.

"If you get found out, short of busting you out there's nothing we can do," said Storm

"Can I think about it?" enquired Phil

"Sure you got 24 hours" realised Storm.

"Just one thing, what's with all of the petty crimes?"

Storm went on to explain how the bike was stolen as it belonged to a scientist who worked for Professor Woods, they needed to get a message so it was coded and hidden on the bike. The crime was to cover up the incident. The car being turned around Lightning lost her patience on that. Surveillance photos were required and he always parked the wrong way, so Lightning suggested just turning the car. The garage break in-was a scum bag drug dealer and supplied one of  Colonel Frank Thomas' mercenaries. He had some contact details they needed. That drug dealer also helped fund his side of things and also had a connection. Colonel Thomas is trying to make his super drug, and that dealer has chemist connections.

It made more sense to Phil now.

"So how do I get back in touch with you guys"

"Well, seeing how moondimes has been so memorable for you...24 hours from now. The same place!" advised Storm.

"I don't get what's in it for me," asked Phil.

"Well we need someone we can trust"

"Can't you guys hack the systems"

"The professor isn't a hacker nor are we. We don't have any access to systems at all. Muscle helps but not so much with computers!" Storm was desperate.

"We've been on the run for weeks, the Colonel is getting nearer and nearer to making his super soldiers and if they take Professor Woods then he'll be forced or even tortured into making the serum for them, We need a little help,"  said Storm.

"Once we clear our names things will be different," said Lightning

"Okay, okay...this is a lot to take in. I need time to think" To be honest Phil didn't know what he was going to do.

"By the way....you guys, your physiques are amazing," Phil said as Lightning & Storm walked off.

"We know," they said in unison without even turning around.

"He's cute!"

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