Chapter 6

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Celeste Point Of View

Whewe do you think we'we going Mila?” I asked excitedly.

Mila mentioned that papa is going to bring me with them, I don't know where yet but I'm really really excited.

I’m afraid I don't know either young lady.” she apologized.

Mila just recently turned fifteen. Her hazel hair was cut shorter complimenting her perfect figure. She grew up taller and more mature too.

Do you go to school Mila?” I asked curiously.

No young lady. I'm actually home schooled.” she simply replied back.

Why not? is it because of me?” I asked again, feeling unsure and guilty.

“It's not your fault my lady. It was my choice to stay home schooled, and I would never regret making that decision. Do you know why? Because I love taking care of you, your sweet, caring, kind and so much more.” she stated with pure love and sincerely.

She stared at me for a while before bowing down to my level. 

Now come on my lady. I'm sure the young masters are waiting for you.” she said while holding my hand.


You should have atleast wear a jacket on Celeste the weather outside is at a low temperature and you might catch a cold.” papa scolded.

I'm sowwy. I fowgot.” I apologized, half yawning and later on pouted, I'm feeling a bit weary.

Rince Point Of View

I’m sowwy. I fowgot.” she apologized, half yawning and later on pouted.

I noticed her eyes getting droopy, she even tried to stretch her arms but ended rubbing her eyes instead, cute.

Are you sleepy?” I asked making sure she's feeling alright. She lazily nodded her head and didn't say anything.

Alright, let's go.” I ordered and walk my way out the house.

I wrapped my coat around her tiny body. The whole ride was quiet since none of us wanted to say anything, it was totally fine with me since I don't like loud noises. Celeste was still asleep. I chuckled when I noticed her slightly parted lips, mumbling the word ‘cookies’.

‘What in the world is this child dreaming about.’

“I still can't believe that you already have a child Rince. You used to tell us that you're never going to have kids because you said they're annoying as fuck but, now look at you being so gentle and affectionate to one.” Zach teased,  throwing me a playful yet gentle smile.

I know right. I can't even imagine seeing my little brother carrying a child while feeding it.” Zander stated back.

Do you guys remember that time when Rince was running around the garden only wearing his underwear while mom was chasing him carrying a spatula on her right hand.” Lucien joined in remembering the time when mom chased me because I didn't want to have a bath, at the end we both ended up running around the garden while she chased me with a spatula.

I was fucking three that time for God's sake.

A few minutes passed and they all burst out laughing. I felt my whole face turning red not because of embarrassment but because of anger.

My eyes began to squint and my fist was clenching tightly ready to kill someone. I sighed and pinched the tip of my nose before averting my gaze at the innocent being I'm currently holding.

My breathing was slowly going back to normal and I felt myself at peace seeing her angelic face. Her hair was beginning to look a lot like her mother's, it was white blonde with few strands of silver.

This girl will make boys drool over her.’

I frowned at that thought, she's not allowed to date anyone I'll make sure of that.

Would you three fucking shut up. I swear to God if you wake her up I'm gonna throw all of you out of here.” I warned, their annoying laughter is fucking loud.

I glanced at Celeste when I felt her hands moving, she started rubbing her eyes and let out a small cough. Her eyes fluttered open and stared at me coldly. As if realizing it was me her gaze turned soft and gentle. I chuckled ‘There is no doubt that this is my child.’

Papa, why is it so noisy.” she complained and gazed at the three idiots laughing like fucking donkeys.

Uncles would you please be quiet. You guys awe alweady old, stop being immatuwe and be quiet.” she scolded crossing her cute little arms around her chest.

I laughed, damn that's my girl. Look at her being bossy. I don't mind being bossed around as long as it's her.

Damn of all the things she can inherit from you why does it have to be your freaking attitude.” he complained, displeased and disappointed with my daughter inheriting my so called ‘attitude’.

Isn't it enough that she already has all your physical traits.” he added again while eyeing the little girl besides me.

You know uncle, you remind me of someoneCeleste blurted, eating a stick of carrot?

Where the heck did she get that? She loves carrots huh? That's new.

Really baby, who? Zander asked.

My boy fwiend.” she answered smiling, making her dimples visible. I felt my ears twitch. I think I heard it wrong. A fucking what?!


Note: Hoped you guys like the better version of this chapter. Although I'm not quite sure if I edited the whole. Please try to understand it for now.

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