Chapter 1

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Dean - 13
As my mom pulled into the parking lot, she turned to look at me.
She had wavy dark brown hair and light brown skin but she had light gray eyes that were softer than a wool blanket.
I had long dark brown that looked nearly black, light brown skin, and blue eyes.
Both of my parents were from a Mexican background, so I knew Spanish well.
"Hey sweetheart... you know you can tell me anything, right?" She asked, looking me in the eyes and holding my hands in her's.
"Yea." I said quickly.
"Ok, I'm going to ask you a quick question before we head inside."
"Ok, what is it?" I asked.
"Has your dad been... hurting you?" She asked seriously, squeezing my hands.
"No, he hasn't been." I lied, avoiding her eyes.
She looked down at our linked hands for a minute before letting go and sitting straight in her seat again.
"Ok, thank you Dean." She said, nodding and opening her car door.
She glanced at me one more time before getting out.

When we got inside, I slid on my rollerblades at a bench far away from my father's seat with my sister, Skye, while my brothers, Ian, Dorion, and Julian, sat near both of our parents.
Ian, the oldest, had naturally white hair, light brown skin, and light gray eyes; my father's favorite child. He was sixteen.
Dorion, the second oldest but should-be oldest, had the same look as me but instead had short, well-groomed hair instead of long and always wore either a tuxedo or a suit. He had a girlfriend named Docca Marie Theadora Gordon, quite the mouthful. He was fifteen.
Julian had the exact same look as me, but his hair was shorter; my identical twin. Therefore, he was also thirteen alongside me. He was dating every guy in school left and right, a bit of a player.
Skye, my only sister, had light blue hair with white streaks- not dyed- and had icy blue eyes and paler skin than the rest of us. She was eleven.
She got most of her looks from our grandparents on our mom's side.
"Hey Dean!" A voice called from behind me.
"Hi Leo." I said, getting up and facing him.
He had light blond hair and soft, playful green eyes. He loved the color orange and wore it everywhere. He was my best friend and was a year younger than me.
He had just came in through the front door and already had his skates on.
"Are you actually going out on the rink this time?" I asked him, smirking.
"Yea, sure." He said, picking at his nails.
"The black looks good."
I looked down at my fingernails and smiled a little.
"Thanks." I said.
He nodded and smiled.
"Hey Dean, hey Leo!"
Leo turned around and smiled an eye-to-eye smile.
"Oh, hey Dillion, Kade, and Rhys!"
I sat up a little straighter as I heard Rhys's name.
"Hello, you two." Rhys said formally, nodding his greeting.
My stomach flipped at the sound of his British accent behind me, and I stood up on my rollerblades, making me even taller than I was before.
Rhys had dark brown hair and dark skin, he had deep blue eyes that I could've stared into for hours. He had about the same style as Dorion, he just wore button-up dress shirts a lot and was a year older than me instead of two.
Dillion had long black hair and black eyes along with a strong build for a thirteen-year-old and a rebellious style of clothing.
Kade had red hair, freckles, and bright green eyes but wore a whole lot of white all the time.
As Dillion sat down on a bench near our seats and put on his skates, I skated swiftly out to the rink, past everyone else, and started going.

I flew across the smooth, white floor, soaring like an elegant bird.
I closed my eyes and trusted myself not to bump into anything with how experienced I am.
I felt free doing the things I love, free from reality.
"Hey, you look absent." I heard from beside me.
I opened my eyes and see Rhys.
"I am." I shouted over the loud music blaring from the speakers all over the rink, laughing a little.
"Your laugh is cute." Rhys smiled, my face growing hot.
He took my hand and we moved the rest of the time together with barely any stopping.

Rhys - 14
When I arrived home, I went straight though the front door and into the house, sitting down on the couch and straightening my spine, laying my hands in my lap.
Melissa, my little sister, came over and switched on the television with the remote as it laid in her hand.
She had long, black hair and brown eyes. She wore a whole lot of yellow, which was her favorite color. She was two years younger than Dean.
Skye's age.
"How are you doing?" She asked, her accent very slight, barely noticeable.
The only person in the house who didn't have a British accent was our mother, in which had an American one instead.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Hey sweetheart, how was rollerskating?" Mother asked, stepping out from the kitchen doorway as father hung up his coat.
"Cold," He said, answering for me, "it was freezing in there."
"I think the temperature of the room was fine." I said.
I turned back to my mother and said, "It went well."
She smiled.
"That's good."
She fidgeted with her fingers for a moment before asking, "How're Dillion, Kade, and Leo?"
Both of my parents loved Dean's parents, but they both hated Dean, they thought he was a terrible influence on me.
If only they were to actually get to know him a little before immediately going to judge.
"They are all doing quite well. All doing great in grades," I paused for a moment, "and Dean only has two D's this quarter. It's the first time he hasn't had all failing grades in years."
My mother bit her lip anxiously and my father went silent and walked into the kitchen, avoiding the conversation.
"Has he ever failed a whole year?" My little sister, Melissa, asked, breaking the silence.
"No, not once. He always finds some way to make sure he doesn't fail the whole year."
She looked at me and smiled.
"That settles it then, Dean is an okay friend for Rhys. Now let's stop talking about this."
My mother contemplated protesting further before she turned and made her way up the stairs to her room.
I hated talking to my parents sometimes.

Edit: Reading this over after a while, it's definitely not the best first chapter I could've written for this. Please bear with me because the story has a very quick pickup and I'm actually back into writing this about every week now, so it's a more active story than it used to be!
I so dearly hope you'll keep reading and please just stick around for the better stuff that comes after this.
Thank you so much! 😘
-6 Months

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