Chapter 4

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"Wake the fuck up, boy! It's one in the afternoon!"
I slowly rose from my pillow, still holding onto my phone from last night's call with Rhys, and felt that sudden nausea sweep over me again as my father leaned in the doorway, belt in hand.
"Thanks for knocking," I groaned, getting out of bed and placing my phone on the bedside table.
Me and Rhys ended up calling again around midnight cause neither of us could sleep and it was a Friday night.
We ended the call at four in the morning.
My father held his belt a little tighter before shutting the door and walking down the stairs.
I sat back down on my bed, after I was sure he was gone, and picked up my phone.
'Hey, can we meet at Fountain Park again today? We can stay as long as we want this time since I got off work for the whole day.' I read, brightening a little.
'Sure, I'll meet you there in a few minutes, maybe.' I texted back swiftly, waiting for a response.
'Alright, see you then.'
'See you then.'
I slipped into a casual gray hoodie and jeans and made my way downstairs and out the door.

When I pulled into the Fountain Park parking lot, I could see him standing there tapping his foot and checking his watch.
I opened the door and stepped out.
"Hey Gage." I said, walking up to him.
He had gorgeous, short black hair and dark green eyes. He had a medium skin tone. He was sixteen, my age, and was terrible at dealing with mental issues- not great if you're dating someone like me. He always wore something tight, like a small white t-shirt and shorts- which was what he was wearing that day- and I was the very opposite.
"Hey handsome, about time," he said, looking me up and down and biting his lip.
"Alright, you know I live a little ways away from here, it's not like everyone can live right next to the biggest and most beautiful park in the city." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Alright, alright. I'm done complaining, let's go." He said.
"Fine, yeah, let's go."

We walked through the park, talking like we always did, though I recently sensed Gage getting more and more distant each day.
When we reached a three-person swing set surrounded by trees with beautiful light green leaves, we both sat down on our swings and talked.
After a while we went silent.
"How's your dad been treating you?" He asked.
I looked over at him, meeting his eyes.
"Like shit, as always." I responded finally.
"Damn, that bad, huh?" He asked, reaching over and touching his hand to my shoulder.
"You wanna head over to the picnic tables?" He asked, tracing his index finger down my arm and making me shiver.
Something in his eyes told me that this wasn't exactly going to be innocent.
"Yeah, sure." I got up slowly.
He took my hand as we made our way toward the light wooden tables just across from the swings.
When I sat down with my back against the table, Gage planted his hands on the table behind me, his lips nearly an inch away from mine.
I could feel his gentle breathing on my face and I longed to bring myself closer.
He leaned over me, his body hovering over mine as I sat and he stood.
"Yes?" He asked, leaning slightly closer.
I swallowed hard and nodded slowly.
His lips touched against mine.
He started gentle and eventually began to get more and more aggressive as I led him on, kissing him hard.
Our mouths opened and closed slowly as he held his grip tightly on the table behind us.
All I could think about was us. Not school, not my father, not Rhys. Just me and Gage Hendrix.

As I walked slowly along the stone path, I got a sudden notification.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw, sitting in the middle of my Lock Screen, was a drama post titled "Dean and Rhys", just like all the other ones about us.
It was a bold move to assume something so quickly with such little evidence.
Such as them simply seeing us exchange a bag in the school parking lot and making more than one assumption about the whole situation.
Though, there was also the whole parking lot situation with Charlie and Fredrick, which also seemed to have egged them all on.
Whoever ran this drama page took that and made their own story out of it, getting everyone's gears turning.
I tapped into the post only for a moment to see that it already had half the school's worth of views on it, and I quickly tapped out before I could read a word.
Above my phone, out of the corner of my eye, I could see that I was approaching an area of picnic tables all sitting together across from an old swing set.
I noticed two boys who looked to be around my age, one was leaning over against the other boy in which sat pushed up against the table.
'Gay' is not a word you hear often from anyone, nor do you ever witness a lot of queer out in public like this. They're bold.
I tried my best to keep my eyes on the ground until I realized that the one sitting down with his back against the table was Dean Silvers.
What the hell is he doing here? And why does he have his tongue in that other guy's mouth? I wanted to mind my own business but, for some reason, the thought of Dean kissing someone else hurt.
Why did it hurt?
I then got a little better of a glimpse of the other guy.
Gage Hendrix?
We used to be great friends when we were a little younger.
He fancied me them, but I didn't return the same feelings so it ended up ruining our friendship together.
I'd seen him every once in a while at school, but neither him or Dean ever so much as interacted with each other there.
This is far more than just interacting with each other.
I noticed Dean's eyes open slightly and he looked at me, his eyes going wide as he continued to kiss Gage.
I shoved my phone back into my pocket and walked swiftly past them until I reach a small path leading back to the parking lot.
I didn't want to take a walk that day anyway.

Written in the Stars (W.I.P.) (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang