And I've a husband to fuck

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'Do we have to go?' Ian asked looking over Mickey with sour eyes. 'I prefer to stay here with you eating fruit loops for dinner' he put on a shirt and bottomed it up. 'Yes, come on we promised Mandy we will come so put on some pants and let's go!' Mickey called tacking his shirt in. 'Ugh fine but don't let me drink my meds will get messed up' the red head warned.
'But I like seeing you drunk you were cute'
'I was a mess' Ian whined.
'A clingy mess.. but cute' Mickey smirked and Ian tossed a pillow at him as they start to pillow fight like teenager girls.
Half an hour later and a round of sex they were in the car heading towards the address they got for Mandy. The drive was filled with casual glances towards each other a smirk on both of their faces.
When they arrived ten minutes later they were greeted with music blasting through their ears of some weird ass pop songs that Mickey sweared to hate but secretly love. People were dancing around the room and the colors of the disco balls filled the room.
'Mickey Ian' the voice of Mandy encored through the room as she jumped on the two boys. Ian was the first to bring the girl into a hug and then Mickey. 'Come on let's get you some drinks' she called dragging them towards the bar. They ordered their drinks and made their way towards the sitting area as Mandy left them behind to her new boy toy that tugged along.
They start to chat about whatever came to their minds as two girls came along to their side one brunet dress in a mini skirt and cropped tight t-shirt while the other one a blond made her way towards Mickey dressing in a mini skirt and high Barrie style heels matching her dress.
'Hello boys' the blond girl called. Ian and Mickey looked at each other and smirked.
'Oh I like your shirt it pops up your green eyes' the brunette said moving her over his body earning a disgusting look from Mickey .
'Oh thank you' Ian smiled politely.
The blond girl moved closer to Mickey brushing her hand against Mickey's knuckled tattooed 'what's the meaning of that?' she asked in sympathy.
Mickey tried to ignore her but got a kick from Ian in the leg. 'Grew up on the south side' he responded. 'Oh interesting.. are you still leaving there?' she asked and Mickey nodded.
'You know maybe you and I can get out of here?' The brunet whispering to Ian's ear thinking that Mickey and her friend won't hear them by they did.
'Okay games over' Mickey called standing up and moving the blond from his space.
'Game?' she called.
'You two can walk away me and carrot top have other business to take care off'.
'Like what? maybe me and Meg can help along?' The blond called.
'You could have if you had dick attached to your torso' Mickey smirked moving close to Ian to make his point clear.
'I can get a dick ' Meg called smirking moving closer again.
'And I have a husband to fuck' Mickey said pulling Ian to the nearby restroom.
I can't tell you how many times I've reread this part for how much I liked it
Hope you have a great week
Love ya ❤️

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