An Old Pain

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"Anne, he's not waking up!" Mythril Lid Pod exclaimed. Sitting next to Challe's bed, she had already tried touching him, shaking him and begging him to wake up. She was frightened but wasn't giving up.

She would have thought he was peacefully sleeping if she hadn't known better. The way he snored so quietly and rhythmically. The was his warmth was softly reaching out to her. Anne's hand rested gently on his shoulder. The Sun was beginning to set and the golden light fading away.

"Please wake up Challe." She whispered. Her hand travelled up and down his arm as she thought. Her eyes drifted to the light sparkles and shimmer of a wing, slightly poking out from his side. Hesitantly, the back of a finger stroked it softly. Challe shivered a little at the touch. Repeating the action more resolutely, she watched again as Challe reacted.

"Challe?" She whispered to him. He returned to his undisturbed slumber. Anne looked at the moonlight-tinged wing with an idea. Only she didn't want it. She couldn't do it. She had touched Challe's wing many times now. Whenever she asked, he let her. He knew she wouldn't hurt him. He knew she wouldn't take his wing. He trusted her.

But with this budding thought, Anne wondered if he still would. 'It might not even work.' She thought. 'What if I just cause him unnecessary pain? What if he wakes up and doesn't like me anymore? What if he doesn't want to be with me? What if... What if he doesn't let me touch his wing anymore?' It was his ultimate statement of his trust. Letting the Girl touch his wing. And the thought of losing that trust, burned Anne to the core.  But it was the only idea she had.

She gripped the edge of the wing between her middle and forefinger, running down it gently, before reaching the bottom. She hesitated. She was betraying his trust. She was about to hurt him. Tears dropped from her eyes.

Using her thumb, she slowly increased pressure, trying so desperately hard to cause him as little pain as possible. His face began contorting in agony. After increasing pressure a little more, his eyes snapped open in a pained grunt, the Girl immediately letting go.

"Challe! You're awake!" His dark eyes glared at her. He swiftly stood up and Anne fell to the floor.

"You pathetic human! Trying to take my wing while I slept! To think I let my guard down around you!"

"N... No I..." She tried.

"Challe Fenn Challe! You've got it all wrong!" Mythril Lid Pod Yelled out to him. His darkened eyes turned to the smaller fairy.
"Anne was trying to save you! You wouldn't wake up! Another fairy put a Spell on you!" He explained on the girl's behalf.

"Is this true?" He asked firmly. The leaking eyes raised up to Challe's and Anne nodded. At the movement, Challe looked away.
"We should leave. It's not safe here."

So with that and accompanied silence we got into the carriage and left. Challe drove. The Girl didn't bother asking where they were going. She didn't say anything for hours. It had long since become dark when Challe stopped the horse. They had pulled over to the side of a wide lake.

"Sleep. I'll keep a lookout." His voice was cold and unusual to the Girl. Her folded head nodded as she removed herself from the front seat.

"I'm gonna go wash up." The fairy couldn't help but notice the hoarseness of her voice as she walked towards the lake.

"You don't have to be so cold towards her!" Mythril Lid Pod snapped at the obsidian fairy.

"I'm not being anything." He replied with a chilled tone.

"She was trying to save you!"

"So you've mentioned."

"Do you have any idea how long she hesitated? How much she was crying? How much pain she was in at the thought of causing YOU pain!? The only thing you responded to was when she stroked your wing! It was the only idea she could come up with!" Challe's eyes narrowed a little before he let out a sigh. His eyes trailed over to where the Girl sat, looking at the water.

Anne heard footsteps approaching from behind. She didn't dare to look at him.

"Oi scarecrow, what's taking so long?"

"S... Sorry." Was all she whispered in response. Challe looked down at the Girl whose eyes didn't leave the lake. The moonlight accentuated the shimmering glassiness of her eyes. He took several steps forward, sitting beside her and just barely in front of her.

Anne felt her heart clench at the sight of the wing coming into view. All she longed to do was stroke it's length and somehow make it better. Make it feel good instead of the pain she had caused him. She wouldn't. 'I wonder if he's testing me?' She questioned silently.  'Seeing if I'd do it again. Touch his wing without his permission. I won't.'  Challe could easily see the torment plaguing her eyes.

"You can check for yourself, if you want," He told her.

"Huh?" Her watering eyes met his that looked so deep into her soul.

"That there's no damage." Anne quickly realized what he was saying. She shook her head, holding her hands tightly to her body.

"It's not mine to touch. I'm so so sorry." With that, she stood up and walked back to the cart. The chilly breeze wrapping her in shivers.

Challe followed her back not long after. She was curled up in a ball on her makeshift bed. The fairy was not oblivious to the tears falling rapidly down her cheeks. He didn't bother with words for the moment. He sat down and bundled her into his arms, letting her cry into his chest. He hoped his own warmth would be a comfort for her. She seemed to calm down a little.

"I'm sorry Challe."

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry. The pain made me remember things that I know you would never do. I reacted poorly. I shouldn't have doubted you. I'm sorry."

Anne looked up to Challe with red, puffy eyes. His resolve was so clear on his face. He knew she would never willingly cause him pain. He knew she would never force him to obey. He knew. But even if he hadn't. These tears. This suffering. It was proof enough.

Challe picked Anne up and lay her gently back down on her pile of blankets and pillows. He caught her once again staring at his wing as he turned to get her another blanket, quietly covering her in it. Only another moment of watching had him lying down, back to her.

"It's okay. You can touch it. I trust you." Anne's eyes widened at his words.

"N... No I..."

"Anne." His eyes met hers over his shoulder.
"It's alright." Her fingers slowly reached out to the lines of the wing, ghosting over them. Challe released a quiet breath.

"I'm sorry, am I hurting you?" She quickly retracted her hand.

"Not at all." Hesitantly, her fingers began drawing pictures on the softest material she knew. As she had done before, she guided the edge of the wing between her middle and forefinger, running down is edge until she had reached the place she had previously stopped. Raising the wing oh so carefully, her lips rested on the place she had hurt. Still able to pick the exact spot out of torment alone. Challe's breath deepened.

Somewhere along the way, Challe had seemingly fallen asleep. Anne refused to stop stroking the wing As Challe seemed to like it.

"I'm sorry." Anne whispered to her sleeping fairy.
"I want us to live in an existence where fairy's wings belong solely to them. Where they don't get hurt. Where they don't have to be afraid. I want you to be free Challe. It may be naive, but I want you to have that. To always be happy and safe. I don't want to ever hurt you again. I don't want you to ever be in pain again. Because I love you Challe. So so much."

"I love you too." Anne's hand froze and eyes widened. Challe turned in his spot to meet the girl's gaze, catching her hand as she did. His eyes were so deep. So firm and so sure.

"I ...I ... I..." The Girl lost her words. Challe's gloved hand magnetised to her cheek while his other stroked her hair. He pulled himself towards her, his lips meeting hers. Anne remained frozen when he pulled away. He slightly smiled at her astounded expression.

"I will stay with you for as long as you want me to. And I will trust you forever... You have my word." Anne Threw herself back into her lover's arms. Her arms locked tightly around his waist. Challe watched as the Girl fell asleep with her head on his chest. He allowed his warmth to seep into her and keep her calm. He himself stayed awake through the night, keeping an ear out for any potential danger.

He may have been protective of her before. But he knew now, that a whole world wouldn't take her from it. He'd ensure it.

An old pain - Challe X Anne oneshot - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Where stories live. Discover now