Chapter 44 - Once upon a night

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Brooklyn, November 12, 1941

Bucky shoved Evelyn against the door, smothering her yelp with his mouth. A voice way in the back of his head warned him against being so rough after all they'd been through that day. But when she ran her fingers through his hair, Bucky cast all trepidation aside. He wasn't usually this dominant over his partner. Not counting the time he lost his virginity to Amanda (in which she completely took charge), all the girls he'd been with had thanked him for being so careful and considerate with them. It'd made him wonder why one shouldn't be that when being intimate with someone, but now he understood. Now he truly grasped that primal urge to want. To need. To possess.
Responding with eagerness, Evelyn hooked her leg with his, just like she'd done in the alley, and ran her bare foot against his calf. That simple stroke sent all kinds of jitters through Bucky. He abandoned her lips, planting kisses down her neck instead. One hand slipped over to the small of her back, while the other clutched the back of her knee, fingers digging into her flesh. Her lower body pushed against his, and Bucky suddenly became aware of just how tight his pants were. 

"B-Bucky." His name came out in a desperate whine. "Please."

Please, what? Please, stop? Don't stop? Dammit, he couldn't think straight anymore! Wait, how many glasses of gin did he drink? The burn and taste lingered, but how could he be sure it came from his lips and not Evelyn's? She'd downed over half the bottle on her own. Maybe they shouldn't be doing this tonight. But how the hell was he supposed to stop now?
The memories from their make-out session in the alley crawled their way up then. Bucky recalled her apprehension and tore himself away from Evelyn's neck, drawing back as far as he could with her arms still wrapped around him. Their eyes met as they both tried to catch their breath.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Bucky. 

"I... Y-Yes," Evelyn stammered, flustered at his question. "I-If you want to?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I want to," he said. She beamed at him and tried to pull him closer, but Bucky released her leg to snatch at her wrist. "Hold on, just... Evelyn, I need to know if this... Is this your first time? I swear it doesn't matter to me if it is, but we're not officially dating yet. I-I mean, we haven't really talked about us as a couple, and with what happened at the docks, I —"

Evelyn cut him off with a firm kiss. Bucky instantly melted into her embrace and had to steady himself with a hand against the door. She whispered against his lips, "I want this. I want you."

The adrenaline coursing through Bucky's body since that afternoon multiplied, mixing with the alcohol and desire to create the most intoxicating fusion. If she was sure... why the hell not? First things first, though.

"If there's anything you don't want to do," he said, "or anything I do you don't feel comfortable with, you tell me. Say stop, and I'll stop, you hear me?"

Evelyn's breathing slowed, and she stared at him, mouth slightly agape. Then she smiled and nodded. Bucky eyed his three-quarter bed, but didn't want to just dive in. Ever since he read that Sane Sex-book Evelyn lent him on her birthday, he'd wanted to try a few things. 
He used the hand he'd kept at the small of Evelyn's back to press her against him again. She gasped and bit her lip as he ground up to her in the same moment. He repeated the motion, every so slowly, again and again, until...

"Oh, Bucky."

Something primal took hold of Bucky when he heard that sweet melodious sigh. Something... beastly. He grabbed hold of Evelyn, pushed her up against the door, and made her wrap her legs around his waist. Her lavender scent overwhelmed all his senses, and Bucky forced her lips apart with his tongue. When Evelyn met him in his ardor and kissed back, her own tongue swirled with his in an animated dance she was attempting to lead. Yet Bucky never once stopped swaying against her, and every time the rigid bulge in his pants struck at Evelyn's core, she lost the fight.
Heat radiated off her, yet seemed to burn deep inside as well. This was new. Bucky had been with a few girls but had never experienced anything so raw. Why was it so different with Evelyn Rogers? Was it because he was in love with her? He'd loved those others too... hadn't he?
No. No, he'd cared deeply for two of them, and it might've turned into love had circumstances allowed it. But this right here, right now, with this woman... All the pieces were coming into place. 

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