Due Justice

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Praise for

Bestselling Author

Diane Capri

"Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too."

Lee Child, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers

"[A] welcome surprise....[W]orks from the first page to 'The End'."

Larry King

"Swift pacing and ongoing suspense are always present...[L]ikable protagonist who uses her political connections for a good cause...Readers should eagerly anticipate the next [book]."

Top Pick, Romantic Times

"...offers tense legal drama with courtroom overtones, twisty plot, and loads of Florida atmosphere. Recommended."

Library Journal

"[A] fast-paced legal thriller...energetic prose...an appealing heroine...clever and capable supporting cast...[that will] keep readers waiting for the next [book]."

Publishers Weekly

“Expertise shines on every page.”

Margaret Maron, Edgar, Anthony, Agatha and Macavity Award Winning MWA Past President


(Click each title to buy or download a sample)

Jess Kimball Series:

Fatal Distraction

Fatal Enemy (short story)

Hunt for Reacher Series:

Don't Know Jack

Jack in a Box (short story)

Jack and Kill (short story)

Justice Series:

Due Justice

Twisted Justice

Secret Justice

Wasted Justice

Raw Justice

Mistaken Justice (short story)

Due Justice (formerly titled Carly’s Conspiracy) is a work of fiction, revised from the previously released novel by M. Diane Vogt, Silicone Solution. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright 2011 Diane Capri

All Rights Reserved

Published by: AugustBooks

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Published by: AugustBooks


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