Chapter 14

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Celeste Pov

Eleven years has passed. I'm already fifteen and I'm turning sixteen next week. Time flies so fast. I've been living in this world for almost seventeen years now. I miss my brother.

Over the years I've stay here, my life was not easy. But despite to all of that my new life was fun and exciting.

And Dad. He's still single. I didn't complain about it since I don't like seeing him with another woman aside from me and my mother.

And my mother?, I still don't know her. Although I did seen her face once. She was the exact meaning of beauty. No wonder my father didn't marry anyone during the years.

I'm actually living with my grandparents right now. Reasons? Unknown.

Terrasen Island was like a hidden city that hides beneaths the mountain ranges It was a full size island rich and nurtured by nature. Only few know about this place and only few know where it stands. It was not written on the map making it very hard to find. Only those who were born as a Farrell has the privilege to stay here.

I was home schooled, again. I took medicine when I was six, suprisingly I graduated at eleven and took architecture and culinary arts at twelve, I graduated two years ago and now, I'm currently taking BS in computer science. I'm actually gifted, I have a high IQ of 195. During the last summer, I took cooking classes. I also learned to play instruments, paint, sing, dance, and grow crops and other ornamental plants.

My life couldn't be any better than that. But, I miss Keiran, I miss my home, I miss our house, I miss everyone.

"Where the heck have you been, Celeste?!" The voice were firm and sarcastic.

I turned my head on the side, and there I saw my cousin's cranky face.

"Chill cous, I'm not gonna run away if that's what you're worried about. Although I didn't find a way to escape yet, so I'll be staying for a few weeks or months" I teased. I saw his jaw clenched, not pleased by the words he just heard.

I chuckled. Pikon.

"This is not funny Celeste. You made everyone worried. And what kind of idiot will go out in the middle of the night" he hissed.

"You know Caspian. You should really learn to chill and relax. I was just bored and I have no one to talk too okay. I needed fresh air, I needed to think" I answered honestly. I heard him sighed and give me a gentle smile.

"You could have ask me. You shouldn't go out at a time like this okay, everyone is in total chaos right now. Come here, you should have atleast brought a jacket with you. You'll catch a cold" I followed what he said. He took off his black hoodie and put it in me.

I couldn't help but smile.

"How about you? You'll get cold" nag aalalang tanong ko.

"Don't worry.  I'll be okay" he answered briefly.

We were currently sitting in a bench under a big apple tree, it was place on the very top of the mountain. It took me two hours to be here just by riding a horse. You could see the whole Terrasen island from up here. The light from the full moon was lighting the whole island. Numerous star's were gleaming brightly at the night sky. Fresh breeze of salty air was hitting my skin and the sounds of waves hitting the shore was like a lullaby to my ears. Oh, how peaceful it is to be here.

After a few moments of silence he finally broke it and begins to speak
"Do you miss home?" He ask, not taking his sight away from the dark ocean.

THE BEAUTY WITHIN: THE HIDDEN HEIRESS (Reincarnated)Where stories live. Discover now